
The Rise of the White Lotus

COMPLETED The downfall of the infamous white lotus, Lexi Yang led her to the only escape she knew -- SUICIDE. Born with a golden spoon, having all the privileges being the young miss of the prestigious Yang family, Lexi Yang was the type of person that whatever she wants, she gets. However, fate must have challenged her the moment she fell in love with the domineering CEO of Liu Empire. Alas, just like in every romance novel, Morris Liu fell for another woman who's kind, fragile, and gentle. Due to her intense desire to gain Morris Liu's love, she has done extreme vicious deeds. But in the end, everything backfired on her. Now, on her death moment, just as her vision went to a pitch-black abyss, a cute minion voice was heard. "Chuchururu~! CONGRATULATIONS! Your viciousness score surpassed the preliminary test! To receive full access to the 'otome love system', here's the initiation main task -- make your ex-fiance's best friend fall in love with you!" ----- For spoilers, questions, novel discussion, join my discord server: https://discord.gg/tdSWbQK Catch me on discord: BAJJ#2931 Buy this pleb a Kofi -- ko-fi.com/authorbajj

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Ethan's warning

Lexi inhaled then heavily exhaled ad she closed her eyes -- trying to calm herself. The scene earlier was akin to a romance movies she had partake in in the past.

At first, she often find it absurd for the female lead to trip or something similar just for the trick to happen. Who would have thought that Churu who watched too many dramas would do the same trick to her?


"I'm absolve, chu~?" Churu's eyes shimmered with hope upon hearing her understanding tone.

"For helping me gain points? Yes. But using you one time skill without my consent? No." Lexi firmly uttered.

Considering that Churu only acted on what she thinks is right, however, Lexi spoiled her too much to the extent of using the rewards that the both of them gained without the other person's permission -- especially Lexi who was the host of the system. Therefore, she needed to discipline the adorable sorry dumpling or else, no one knows what she'll become when she 'grows up'.

Churu frowned and hang her head low; reflecting on her real mistake this time. Indeed, she was too mad at the sight of Morris Liu that made her lose her cool and didn't consent with Lexi about using the one time skill. Now, she could no longer help her physically when Lexi really needed it.

"Sorry, chu…" This time, Churu's tone was more sincere and sounded that she did understood her wrong.


"Really, chu?" Churu instantly raised her sparkling eyes towards Lexi's merciful countenance. Alas, to her dismay, Lexi's next word made her fully regret.

"But, you'll still receive your punishment. No facial sessions for two, no, one week." Lexi affirmed and decided to reduced the cute dumpling's punishment time.

"Nuu~!" Chru weeped for the days that her beautiful flawless face wouldn't meet the greatest creation of humankind called facial mask. This kind of punishment was more harrowing to Churu than being beaten to a pulp.

She rolled and stumped her chubby little arms and feet, alternately on the front passenger seat as she cry a river.

"Boohoo, chu~!" Churu sobbed which slightly relieved Lexi from the foreboding tension earlier with Morris Liu.

Thinking of her ex-fiance, a bitter smile formed on the side of her lips. Surely, the ploy orchestrated by Churu might lead to a misunderstanding between Morris Liu and Ethan.

If it was other men, Lexi wouldn't have to worry as she wanted to live without Morris Liu in her mind, hence, she won't care if he misunderstand her again. Alas, moving on is easier said than done. Moreover, her task was to make Ethan Lu who is Morris Liu's bestfriend fall in love with her!

What kind of chaos does this system wants to do with her? Why Ethan of all people? Lexi sighed asking all the why's and getting 'chu' answer from Churu.


Ethan Lu watched Lexi's speeding away car until it became a tiny dot. Meekly smiling, Ethan shove both his hands in his pocket and went back inside his private villa.

The moment Ethan entered, he spotted his best buddy perching on the single couch like a true noble. He was swirling a glass of expensive wine before sipping it.

As usual, Ethan cooly hopped and sat on the other couch opposite Morris Liu. "Hey, bro, it's rare for you to drink, eh?"

"What are you doing with her?" Morris Liu emotionlessly inquired. He quickly glanced at the used utensils and game controllers laid on top of the small table.

"Her? You mean Lexi?" Ethan feigned ignorance and added with a shrugged, "We were playing, bro."

Morris scrutinized the apathetic look on Ethan like he always does. "You like her?"

Upon hearing his semi question and statement, Ethan cast him a disbelief look, "Of course I like her but not in a romantic way, alright? Whatever happened between you two, doesn't concern me. But, I don't intend to break the rules of our brother code!" He affirmed in a matter of factly tone. Though he sound convinced, part in his deepest heart that he wasn't aware off wasn't convinced; not a tad bit.

"Huh, just a reminder, she got lots of tricks in her sleeve." Morris Liu warned recalling all the ploy Lexi had done to crawl on his bed.

"Eh, bro, please refrain from saying such words to my friend -- she's a friend to me just like you and those idiots." Though Ethan requested those words in a smiling face, Morris Liu knew very well that Ethan was warning him which made the corner of his lips smirk.

For Ethan to say such brazen words, Morris Liu was bemused. To his knowledge, Ethan only had a selected few that he recognized with respect. For him to defend Lexi even to Morris, what kind of trick did she do to bewitch this easy-going lad this time?

"I'm leaving." Morris placed his half finished wine back on the small table and slowly stood up.

"Eh? Aren't you here for consultation?" Ethan raised his brows and tilted his head in confusion. Alas, his words were rendered shun as usual as Morris didn't respond.

Unlike earlier, Ethan didn't send Morris Liu's off and only watch him leave his place. When he heard the door opened and shut close, Ethan tilted his head back, staring at the meticulously designed ceiling.

He never felt lonely before as he always find stuff to kill his time… not until today. Lexi's presence there made the whole place lively in its own way but now that he was left alone again, a foreboding emptiness slowly seeped through him.

He flung his arms to cover his eyes, "Should I just party?" He mumbled thinking of activities that could fill the unknown void in his heart.

-Mini Theater-

BAJJ: This is autho-- *coughs* reporter BAJJ to interview the most beautiful-est, the famous-est, the legend of the legends -- Madame 'shining bright like a diamond' Churu!

Churu: that's me, chu~! But, the introduction is still lacking -- add superstar and more description regarding my beauty~!"

BAJJ: "..."

(And the night and day went on with reporter bajj being corrected how to properly worship Churu and didn't get her job done.)

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