
The Rise Of The Villainess Mafia!

[Mature Content] Arun, Aisha's husband in her fourth life kills her as he couldn't trust her. Aisha again travels back in time for the fifth time, three weeks before her father announces her marriage. After her drastic failure in surviving through her treacherous four lives. Now, she craves revenge. However, a certain someone crosses her revengeful path. Aditya Raichand, Arun, her ex-husband's elder brother. She had no idea if Aditya was a friend or a foe for in all her other lives he only played the role of a side character who dies every time. Soon, everything starts to get out of Aisha's hand. How will she handle it all? Will she be able to take revenge in the uncertain future, she is unaware of? Expert 1: "I know that your stepmother wants your stepbrother to inherit the family. " " You—" " That's why I'm telling you. Marry me. " Aditya pulled his book back out of Aisha's hand. He opened the book and then started reading a random page. "I like you. Marry me. " Aisha said. "Good joke. " " It's not. Marry me. " " Shut up! " " Marry me. " " Can you please stop saying that? " Annoyed, Aditya yelled attracting everyone's attention. " Marry—" Immediately, Aditya covered her mouth and took a dangerous step of looking into her eyes. Again finding the same warmth he had found days ago. ' Why does my heart race when I look into your eyes, Aisha? ' Before he could derive an answer. Aisha pulled Aditya's hand off her mouth and screamed. " MARRY ME!! ADITYA RAICHAND." Letting everyone who had been wondering her reason for arrival know her reason. Excerpt 2: "I am after all a mafia's daughter and am about to marry the most feared mafia the world has ever seen, I have to be ruthless. " Aisha said pointing her gun at her rapist. " I didn't do it. " He screamed. " Not in this life surely, but you did do it to me in my second. You deserve death. You a**hole. " And she pulled the trigger. Bang!!

Evara_Freya · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
92 Chs


Dhanajay completed his tea and by then Aisha had lowered her hand and was patiently waiting for her father's reply. He got up and pulled open the last drawer that lies abandoned normally, on his study table and pulled out an envelope from it. The envelope contained a credit card. Dhanajay pulled Aisha's hand and placed the envelope in her palm. He smiled and said, "There you go. It's a credit card, you can use as much money as you want, so there is no limit of just fifty million. "

'This crafty old fox just doesn't want me to have all that money in my name.' Aisha knew his motives.

" Thank you Father. " she hugged the envelope happily and then stood up wearing a serious yet innocent face.

" We'll, father you see, I did a little something that I wasn't allowed to. "

" What? " He walked back to take a sit in his chair to get back to work. He picked up his pen again to start writing what he was writing.

" I went to the third floor. " Dhananjay stopped. The tip of the pen broke because of the pressure he had put on it.

"I just wanted to take a look at my mother's only portrait. I wanted to know how much I resemble her." She continued.

"Just the silkiness of your hair," Dhananjay replied grabbing onto the pen that had already broken tightly.

" Yes, you are right. " Aisha lied, "But don't worry father—" she went and held her father's arm and then cutely looked at him, "— I still love you the most, Father."

Dhananjay smiled and patted her head lovingly. "It's okay. I forgive you. But this should be the first and the last time."

"Thank you, Father." Aisha hated all those cute acts that she was putting up in front of Dhananjay but she didn't have any other way to coax Dhananjay.

Aisha started out and then stopped when she came near her filled glass of tea. She turned around and then said, "Today the head maid disrespectfully held my wrist while I was leaving the storeroom on the third floor." Dhananjay looked up again. Aisha immediately transitioned from evil to innocent expression. "Well, she said, laughing that I will be punished for what I did and that it was a crime."

"What?" Dhananjay shockingly listened to Aisha.

" Yes, she said that I would be hit by you if she were to let you know about this. In fact, she followed me all the way here. She said that even if she were to hit me, you would forgive her. "

" Nonsense. " he slammed on the study table, making the head maid standing outside think that Aisha was getting hit. " Did she ever hit you? "

" Yes, many times. " of course that was a lie. Kurana had hit Aisha only once when her sister died. She blamed Aisha for her death when even after requesting for hours she wasn't able to retrieve her sister's body. Kurana dashed to Aisha's room slapped her in the face and blamed her, making a little girl who had the state of mind of an infant believe as the truth.

" How dare she touch my goods. " Aisha frowned at it and then immediately corrected her expression again. "That old hag. Bring her in when you leave."

"Yes, father." Aisha bowed with her hand on her heart. A gesture that has been followed in her family for generations. A gesture that her father had broken long ago, today Aisha broke it too by lying. 'I will follow your footsteps and destroy you. ' She smiled.

Aisha opened the door. Kurana was standing there expecting blood dripping out of her forehead or somewhere but Aisha looked clean. She walked towards Kurana and then smiled, letting out a very dangerous aura making Kurana shiver to her spine.

"This shall be my vengeance towards you. Refuse my father and you shall die." Said Aisha. This was just the start of her revenge on Kurana.

Kurana coughed and cleared her throat later then mumbled something to herself, after that looked at Aisha, who was ten inches taller than her. " What— what vengeance are you talking about? " she asked.

"Oh my, Kurana, has your old age affected your memory? " Aisha folded her hands, " no worries, put a little pressure on your head you might remember," she said while pricking Kurana's head sharply using her finger. Kurana slapped Aisha's finger away and then knocked on the door, " we'll see about that. " she said and entered the study.