
The Rise Of The Villainess Mafia!

[Mature Content] Arun, Aisha's husband in her fourth life kills her as he couldn't trust her. Aisha again travels back in time for the fifth time, three weeks before her father announces her marriage. After her drastic failure in surviving through her treacherous four lives. Now, she craves revenge. However, a certain someone crosses her revengeful path. Aditya Raichand, Arun, her ex-husband's elder brother. She had no idea if Aditya was a friend or a foe for in all her other lives he only played the role of a side character who dies every time. Soon, everything starts to get out of Aisha's hand. How will she handle it all? Will she be able to take revenge in the uncertain future, she is unaware of? Expert 1: "I know that your stepmother wants your stepbrother to inherit the family. " " You—" " That's why I'm telling you. Marry me. " Aditya pulled his book back out of Aisha's hand. He opened the book and then started reading a random page. "I like you. Marry me. " Aisha said. "Good joke. " " It's not. Marry me. " " Shut up! " " Marry me. " " Can you please stop saying that? " Annoyed, Aditya yelled attracting everyone's attention. " Marry—" Immediately, Aditya covered her mouth and took a dangerous step of looking into her eyes. Again finding the same warmth he had found days ago. ' Why does my heart race when I look into your eyes, Aisha? ' Before he could derive an answer. Aisha pulled Aditya's hand off her mouth and screamed. " MARRY ME!! ADITYA RAICHAND." Letting everyone who had been wondering her reason for arrival know her reason. Excerpt 2: "I am after all a mafia's daughter and am about to marry the most feared mafia the world has ever seen, I have to be ruthless. " Aisha said pointing her gun at her rapist. " I didn't do it. " He screamed. " Not in this life surely, but you did do it to me in my second. You deserve death. You a**hole. " And she pulled the trigger. Bang!!

Evara_Freya · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
92 Chs

The Portrait

"And even though I look so much like you, that man's hair color and eyes are enough to make me look dull." She turned back to her mother. "Monster. If you were alive you would have hated me for I look like that monster, wouldn't you?"

Aisha stood there silently trying to capture her mother's image in her eyes as she didn't know what would happen after the news of her coming into the restricted place reached Dhananjay's ears. After all, there were a lot of spectators present around her.

"I shall finally leave a mansion for the first time on my will. This is only the first step. I shall take our revenge. What he did to you and me, he will pay for that. I promise. " Aisha carefully laid her hand on the shoulder of her mother in the portrait and then slowly placed her head on her mother's other shoulder. "I will kill him. So now rest in peace. Mother."

Aisha left the room keeping the portrait open for others to see. She swiftly made her way out of the crowd of maids and servants and the head maid who had seen her doing something Aisha shouldn't have. The head maid, Kurana grabbed Aisha's wrist and stopped her from moving forward towards the stairs.

"What you did right now is a crime. Miss!" She said smirking happily. Kurana knew how this incident could harm Aisha and was happy to be able to see her suffer.

"No, I didn't." Aisha gently released her wrist out of Kurana's clutches, "Try telling my father after I meet him. He will not listen to you. Wanna bet?"

"Oh my god, so you will go tell your father yourself? That would be a good help. Try it! That way I will not have to look bad in this situation." She said evily placing her two fingers on her chin and giving a broad smile revealing her rusty teeth filled with cavities.

"You are bad, Kurana." Aisha sighed.

"How dare you call me by my name?" She yelled.

Aisha moved out of that place and started descending the stairs. When she was in front of her father's study room and noticed Kurana was already present behind her. Aisha opened the door and found her father jotting something on a piece of paper. He looked up as soon as the doors opened.

"Aisha, did you forget to knock." He said.

"No," Aisha closed the door with a bright smile flashing on Kurana's face. "I just thought, 'do I need to get permission or knock on the door of the person who is my father?'" She said.

"What does that mean?" He got up, fixed his tie, and walked towards Aisha.

"Nothing, I apologize Father. It might have slipped out of my mind due to the enthusiasm of going to the mall." Aisha changed the topic.

"The mall?" Dhanajay sat on the sofa and picked up the teapot to pour hot tea for himself. Aisha rushed to him and snatched the teapot from his hand.

"Let me do that for you." Aisha smiled and poured the hot tea into the cup. 'so he likes tea? Never knew that. '

"Thank you."

Aisha poured tea into another cup and then sat on the sofa opposite the one in which her father was sitting.

"I have decided to go to the mall today, I want to see the outside world. How is the world outside these four walls? I don't know. I have never seen it. Also, I heard that one thing that women enjoy the most is shopping." Dhananjay laughed at the silliness of his daughter after a sip of the tea.

"So father, may I go? I thought it was important to get your permission before I got out of the mansion, even though you had already given freedom to get out of the mansion, yesterday." Dhananjay looked at her with sharp eyes, as if trying to read what was going on in his daughter's mind. "But then again, you are my elder, my guardian. So, I thought I should ask you. " Aisha smiled and in return, Dhanajay smiled too.

" Sure, you can go. I never go back on my words. "

" Right." Aisha stopped smiling and raised her hand in front of him as if asking for something. Dhanajay widened his eyes to ask what was that gesture for. To which Aisha laughed and replied, " The bank card, father. How am I supposed to shop without that? Nothing in this world works without money. I have heard."