
The Rise Of The Villainess Mafia!

[Mature Content] Arun, Aisha's husband in her fourth life kills her as he couldn't trust her. Aisha again travels back in time for the fifth time, three weeks before her father announces her marriage. After her drastic failure in surviving through her treacherous four lives. Now, she craves revenge. However, a certain someone crosses her revengeful path. Aditya Raichand, Arun, her ex-husband's elder brother. She had no idea if Aditya was a friend or a foe for in all her other lives he only played the role of a side character who dies every time. Soon, everything starts to get out of Aisha's hand. How will she handle it all? Will she be able to take revenge in the uncertain future, she is unaware of? Expert 1: "I know that your stepmother wants your stepbrother to inherit the family. " " You—" " That's why I'm telling you. Marry me. " Aditya pulled his book back out of Aisha's hand. He opened the book and then started reading a random page. "I like you. Marry me. " Aisha said. "Good joke. " " It's not. Marry me. " " Shut up! " " Marry me. " " Can you please stop saying that? " Annoyed, Aditya yelled attracting everyone's attention. " Marry—" Immediately, Aditya covered her mouth and took a dangerous step of looking into her eyes. Again finding the same warmth he had found days ago. ' Why does my heart race when I look into your eyes, Aisha? ' Before he could derive an answer. Aisha pulled Aditya's hand off her mouth and screamed. " MARRY ME!! ADITYA RAICHAND." Letting everyone who had been wondering her reason for arrival know her reason. Excerpt 2: "I am after all a mafia's daughter and am about to marry the most feared mafia the world has ever seen, I have to be ruthless. " Aisha said pointing her gun at her rapist. " I didn't do it. " He screamed. " Not in this life surely, but you did do it to me in my second. You deserve death. You a**hole. " And she pulled the trigger. Bang!!

Evara_Freya · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
92 Chs


"You are older than my father and my brother, yet they have the right to call you by your name. Why?"

" Because they are masters of this house. "

" So, you are implying that I am not? " Aisha raised one of her eyebrows and started towards the butler.

" I didn't mean so. "

" No, you did. " Aisha stopped, leaving about a metered space between them.

" I will quickly go and confirm from the master and then ready the car. " He said.

" No! " Aisha stopped him again before he could turn around to the mansion." I am your master too. Do what I have said. "

" But—"

" Goodness! " Aisha tilted her head and smirked. Her eyes were wide open and firey at the same time. " I should have gotten a signed document from my father. I never knew that people in this house were so disrespectful. Why? Is it because I am a blood slave and my father treated me like nothing? "

" No, Miss—"

" Shut up! Do not interrupt me, John. " The butler shivered at Aisha's loud voice and shut his mouth immediately. " I pay you your salary, I give you food and clothes and shelter. If it weren't for me this family would have been dead by now. Everything and everyone in this house belongs to me. So you better listen to my order." But the butler had the nerve to not move at all. He stood there placing his hand on his heart and the other behind his back and bowing a little.

Aisha cleared the one-meter distance left between them and pushed the butler who was already bowing, down until he could only see Aisha's feet. "Do you want me to tell my father everything you did to me up until now ?" Aisha said making the butler shiver a little but he was not moving yet.

"I see! You think I can't. Do you know today Kurana, your partner in crime was punished? I told Father how she treated me up until now, along with some crisp to the story of course and do you know what Father did to her? He threw the glass of hot tea at her that I had poured for myself. When she came out her head was covered with blood and her hands were burnt."

The butler finally moved. He stopped bowing and looked straight into Aisha's eyes. "Impudent!" Aisha grabbed him by his head and pushed him down again. "Think about what will happen to you, John. Maybe you will meet your death. Do you understand your situation, John?"

"Master would never—" Aisha hit him hard on his head making the butler lose his balance and fall.

"I told you to shut up. It seems you didn't get what I meant." To the butler who was seeing Aisha from down while lying on the floor and a scratch on his face made by her long nails, Aisha seemed like a villainess. But what bothered him more was how Aisha had changed so much. Since, when? Just two months ago he had her under his control, so what changed in those two months?

"Now, John. Quickly, get up and ready a car and a driver for me and Maya." John qui ckly got on his feet and rushed towards a guard near the parking lot and after a few minutes, a car came and stood in front of Aisha. Maya got inside the car. "From now on, you shall bow properly in front of me. Do you get that? John?" Aisha said before sitting in the car and didn't sit until she heard John's answer.

"Yes, Miss." He said. Aisha sat inside the car and closed the door. She got her window down before leaving and said, "Master!" Aisha said to the butler.

John looked up puzzled. "Call me, master, John." Aisha smiled and then closed the tempered glass.

"Let's go to the mall driver," Aisha said.

"Yes, master."

Maya was surprised to see Aisha act so strong in front of the butler. She never knew her Miss was so strong. Even t hough Aisha was changing drastically it was becoming very difficult for Maya to accept this change. Somehow, she liked this change.

There is a limit to how much a person can forgive and forget. Once that limit is crossed the person changes their ways of living. Maya thought Aisha might have reached that limit and the limit to take her family's torture according to Maya was only 13 years. However, Maya didn't know that Aisha's patience was much longer than that.