
The Rise Of The Villainess Mafia!

[Mature Content] Arun, Aisha's husband in her fourth life kills her as he couldn't trust her. Aisha again travels back in time for the fifth time, three weeks before her father announces her marriage. After her drastic failure in surviving through her treacherous four lives. Now, she craves revenge. However, a certain someone crosses her revengeful path. Aditya Raichand, Arun, her ex-husband's elder brother. She had no idea if Aditya was a friend or a foe for in all her other lives he only played the role of a side character who dies every time. Soon, everything starts to get out of Aisha's hand. How will she handle it all? Will she be able to take revenge in the uncertain future, she is unaware of? Expert 1: "I know that your stepmother wants your stepbrother to inherit the family. " " You—" " That's why I'm telling you. Marry me. " Aditya pulled his book back out of Aisha's hand. He opened the book and then started reading a random page. "I like you. Marry me. " Aisha said. "Good joke. " " It's not. Marry me. " " Shut up! " " Marry me. " " Can you please stop saying that? " Annoyed, Aditya yelled attracting everyone's attention. " Marry—" Immediately, Aditya covered her mouth and took a dangerous step of looking into her eyes. Again finding the same warmth he had found days ago. ' Why does my heart race when I look into your eyes, Aisha? ' Before he could derive an answer. Aisha pulled Aditya's hand off her mouth and screamed. " MARRY ME!! ADITYA RAICHAND." Letting everyone who had been wondering her reason for arrival know her reason. Excerpt 2: "I am after all a mafia's daughter and am about to marry the most feared mafia the world has ever seen, I have to be ruthless. " Aisha said pointing her gun at her rapist. " I didn't do it. " He screamed. " Not in this life surely, but you did do it to me in my second. You deserve death. You a**hole. " And she pulled the trigger. Bang!!

Evara_Freya · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
92 Chs


"How did you know about the car, miss?" Maya asked. Technically, Aisha should know nothing about the car, that is only if she hadn't traveled in the same car to Raichand Mansion in her third life. Aisha might have not seen a mall and how people dress outside, but she has seen a long road from the Khurana mansion which is on the outskirts of the City of Mumbai to the Raichanch mansion in the South of Mumbai. Even though the distance was not much the three-hour travel showed Aisha what the world outside the four walls looks like.

"Father told me about this." Aisha effortlessly lied.

"I see." Both of them remained quiet after that short conversation.

Aisha was enjoying the view that she hated so much in her fourth life. If only she hadn't died in her third she might have enjoyed it a lot. However, right now she was feeling free and happy. After all, things were going just the way she had wanted, thus making her realize how important it is to support herself and be strong.

"We have arrived at the mall, Miss." The driver said while grabbing a ticket for parking the car in the parking lot of the mall. After parking the car, Aisha and Maya started in the mall along with the driver who was also their guard for the day.

"It's beautiful." When Aisha saw the lights that were beaming around the huge floor and escalators and numerous shops, she was stunned. "However, Maya what exactly do people come here for? I doubt this is a place just for shopping."

" People also come here to play, eat, and sometimes just to roam around." Maya grabbed Aisha's hand like a worried sister who feared she might get lost.

"Roam around, you can do that too?"

"Yes, thought it might sometimes become pretty embarrassing but I had done that with my friends when I was young, we also did window shopping."

"What's that?"

"You just try the clothes but don't buy them." Maya laughed. "Those were some amazing days of my life. We couldn't afford to buy from these luxurious brands, so we just found happiness in trying them on. "

Aisha grabbed Maya with another hand and then stopped walking, " so then let's go buy something. Your friend here has a lot of money. " She smiled brightly at Maya and entered the first shop that appeared in front of her.

It was a clothes shop. The style that was hanging around in the store was so different from the styles she had been wearing up till now. All those clothes looked different and a bit too revealing for someone like Aisha who had always been covered up from top to bottom.

Maya stopped at a Rack of the same floral dresses similar to the one she had brought for Aisha. "Miss, look at this one. It's very pretty." Maya called out for Aisha. What she had picked up was a long pink dress that would reach below the knees. The dress had purple color flowers printed on it and had an off-shoulder neck. Maya pulled it out of the rag and walked towards Aisha who was busy looking at a poster.

When Maya reached out to Aisha, she saw that what Aisha was staring at was a cute girl in a cute mini outfit. "Do you like it miss?" She asked.

"No," Aisha replied after a while. "That might make me look weak." Maya was puzzled. Aisha turned around and grabbed Maya's shoulders. "What kind of dressing style would make me look bold, Maya?"

"Bold?" Maya couldn't understand what Aisha was implying at that moment. She had never thought Aisha would be looking for bold clothes. After all, she has always seen her Miss in cute, soft clothes. "Miss, why would you—"

"How can I help you, Ladies?" The shop attendant interrupted Maya.

"I was looking for some bold clothes," Aisha said.

"Bold as in?" The tall attendant in a classy red dress was confused. No one has ever made such a weird request to her. Moreover, as inexperienced as she was she couldn't find a proper answer to Aisha's question.

"What kind of bold outfit, Madam?" The senior attendant joined the conversation. "Saylie, you may go. I'll handle it." She asked the new attendant to leave whose face dropped in embarrassment. It was her first day and Aisha was her first customer and she had terribly failed in her job.

"Something that makes me look like I'm very confident," Aisha replied.

"I understand. For which occasion? Formal or casual."
