
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

FromCat · Urban
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160 Chs

She is Dead

Inside the door was a poor but clean home.

In the middle of the living room was a table with unfinished work on it.

Lin Zhi went to the living room and looked around.

On the surrounding walls are some awards and some pictures drawn by children.

"Uncle, drink water." Called Zhao Waner's small head handed Lin Zhimin a porcelain bowl, the bowl has been poured on the water.

"Thank you." Lin Zhimin smiled, reached out to take the water, and then touched Zhao Waner's head and said, "Baby really good."

Zhao Waner lowered her head, seemed to be a little embarrassed, did not say anything, turned and walked to the table, climbed on the chair, and then lie on the table to draw.

Lin Zhi will drink the water in the bowl, and then put it aside, got up and walked to Zhao Waner's side.

Zhao Waner is drawing two people, one is a little girl, and the other is a woman with long hair.

Apparently, one of them is her and the other is her mother.

"Why don't you draw your father?" Lin asked.

Zhao Waner shook her head, did not speak, and continued to doodle on the paper.

Lin Zhimin suddenly found that zhao Wan son neck position seems to have some bruising.

Lin Zhi life stretched out his hand, pull zhao Waner collar back a little, clearly see, Zhao Waner back there are more bruises.

Lin frowned slightly and said, "Does your father often beat you?"

Zhao Waner shivered a little, then said, "No."

Lin sighed and went to the side to turn on the fan.

The room isn't very airy, it's a little hot.

Zhao Waner took a look at Lin Zhi, said, "Mother does not let go of the fan, said blowing the fan is not good."

"So you're not hot?" Lin asked.

"Hot." Zhao Waner nodded.

"When it's hot, you blow a fan, not an air conditioner. It's okay to blow a fan." Lin said as instructed.

Zhao Waner held up her head, looked at the rotating fan on her head, and comfortably closed her eyes.

A few seconds later, Zhao Waner got up and walked to Lin Zhimin, reaching out to turn off the fan switch.

"No more blowing?" Lin asked.

"HMM." Zhao Waner nodded.

"Was your father home last night?" Lin asked.


"Did he say anything to your mother?" Lin asked.

Zhao Waner shook her head, went to the table, climbed on the chair, and continued to lie on the table to draw.

Lin looked at his watch, stepped aside and sat down.

Time goes by little by little.

"Have you eaten yet? Lin asked.

Zhao Waner shook her head.

Lin got up and went into the kitchen.

His cooking is not good, but cooking instant noodles will still be, there are more than half a box of instant noodles in the kitchen, which is undoubtedly a time for Lin Zhiming to show his cooking skills.

Lin Zhi Zhi cooked instant noodles all night and added a poached egg.

He took instant noodles to Zhao Waner's side, put instant noodles on the table and said, "Eat first."

Zhao Waner looked at an eye of instant noodles, and looked at Lin Zhi life, said, "I want to wait for my mother to come back to eat."

"Your mother won't be back for a while." Lin said as instructed.

Zhao Waner was silent for a long time, then suddenly asked, "Mom, are you dead?"

"Do you know what death is?" Lin asked.

"I don't know." Zhao Waner shook her head, for five years old to read big class for her, death, or a very ethereal word.

'Then why do you say she's dead? Lin asked.

'Because last night Dad kept asking Mum why you didn't die. Our family would be better off if you were dead.' Zhao Waner said.

Hearing this, Lin was silent.

"Mother also said, if you really want me to die, then I will die tomorrow, and I will leave you and the baby a lot of money." Zhao Waner said again.

Lin knows life or silence, just feel that the heart has not wanted to kill a person for a long time.

"Uncle, what is death?" Zhao Waner doubts asked.

"Death..." Lin Zhimin looked at Zhao Waner, want to use some of the words in the TV to explain, such as what to work in distant places, but when he saw Zhao Waner's eyes, Lin Zhimin gave up his idea.

"Death means that the body disappears from this world, that you will never see this person again, and that she will never come back to you." Lin said as instructed.

Zhao Wan son surprised to look at Lin know life.

A few seconds later, tears appeared in Zhao Waner's eyes.

"Shall I never see my mother again?" Zhao Waner asked.

'Yes, never, never, never to see her again. She's dead. There's no one like your mother in the world, no more.' Lin Zhi Zhi nodded.

"Oh..." Zhao Waner gave a soft voice, and after a few seconds, she said, "That... Can I die and go where Mother went?"

Lin Zhimei froze for a moment and said, "Maybe it can be."

Zhao Waner's eyes lit up after hearing this sentence.

"Then how can I die?" Zhao Waner asked excitedly.

"Death is a very painful thing, and before you die, you need to suffer very, very much, very much!" Lin said as instructed.

"I'm not afraid, it hurts every time my father hits me, but I'm not afraid, I won't even cry!" Zhao Waner proudly said.

Lin Zhimin smiled, reached out to touch Zhao Waner's head, and said, "Uncle just lied to you, even if you die, you can't see your mother, not only that, you can't see your father, you can't see your friends, you can't see anyone."

Zhao Wan son frowning, looking at Lin Zhomin said, "can not see dad is OK, can not see small partners are OK, because everyone said I dirty, do not like to play with me, I just want to see my mother."

"I can't see you." Lin Zhi Zhi shook his head.

"Then I'll see it when I'm dead." Zhao Waner said.

"You're not going to die." Lin said as instructed.

'Why? Zhao Waner asked.

"Because you're young. You're too young to die." Lin said as instructed.

"Then how can I die?" Zhao Waner asked.

"When you grow up, big, big, you will die." Lin said as instructed.

"That will take a long time!" Zhao Waner pout mouth, grievance said.

"Yes, it will be a long time. If you want to grow up, you must eat. Eat this noodles quickly." Lin said as instructed.

'Oh! Zhao Waner nodded, feel Lin know the words of some sense, so she picked up chopsticks, eat up the Lin know the life to do? The noodles of...

Zhao Waner ate very seriously, but also very quickly.

Many children at this age are still in the stage of being chased by parents to feed, but Zhao Wan's own dinner is eating very well, and she even knows how to hold the bowl with one hand, which is not necessarily the habit of many adults.

Lin Zhiming always remembered his father told him when he was a child that he should hold the bowl at dinner, which is called holding the steady rice bowl.

A big bowl of noodles Zhao Waner soon finished, after which Zhao Waner jumped down from the chair with a bowl and chopsticks and went into the kitchen.

She was very short and could not reach the stove, but it was difficult for her, she moved a chair under the stove, and then stepped on the chair, a pair of small hands to open the faucet, and carefully cleaned the dishes and chopsticks.

"Can you wash dishes?" Lin asked.

"HMM." Zhao Waner nodded and said, "I am mother's little helper."

"That's impressive! Lin Zhixin smiled and praised the way.

After washing the dishes, Zhao Waner put the dishes and chopsticks respectively, and then took a rag to wipe the table.

Lin Zhimin looked at Zhao Waner, feel that this girl is not like a five-year-old child, many 15-year-old children do not even have her such hands-on ability.

After doing this, Zhao Waner climbed onto the chair and lay on the table to draw.

It seems that painting has become her only hobby.

"Don't you watch TV?" Lin asked.

For children, TV is definitely the most attractive.

"Not really." Zhao Waner shook her head.

"And kids who don't watch TV? I don't believe it!" Lin Zhi muttered, picked up the remote control to turn on the TV.

Boonie Bears is on TV. It's a cartoon that many children like best.

Lin Zhi ordered some bad taste to turn up the voice a little.

Zhao Waner looked at the TV, after frowning to Lin Zhimin said, "Uncle, your TV is too loud, noisy to me."

"You don't look!" Lin Zhi turned off the TV with some embarrassment.

Zhao Waner lower his head to draw, say nothing.

Just then, Zhao Waner suddenly put her pen and paper on the table to pick up.

'What's the matter? Lin asked.

"Dad is back, uncle, don't make dad angry, he will hit someone!" Zhao Waner said, while walking into a room next to it, and then closed the door.

Is Zhao Dalong back?

Lin Zhi life stunned, at this time he did not feel someone close ah, his hearing is far more than ordinary people, is professionally trained, in general, ten meters away from the footsteps he can hear clearly.

Just then, a faint sound of footsteps came into Lin's ears.

Hearing the footsteps, Lin Zhimei frowned.

The footsteps came nearer and nearer. They were clearly coming towards the room.

Lin know life look to zhao Waner's room.

Obviously, Zhao Wan 'er heard the footsteps before her own, and she can judge who the owner of the footsteps is according to the footsteps!

There's no way such an ability can be trained, and the only explanation is... Talent!!

Zhao Waner has amazing listening talent!

Lin Zhiming's pupils shrink slightly...

Just then the door creaked open.

Zhao Dalong came in from outside the door, drunk and full of liquor.

Judging from Zhao Dalong's appearance, he must have been out drinking a lot of wine.

Lin Zhimin sitting in the living room, Zhao Dalong did not notice at first, until Zhao Dalong walked into the living room, he saw Lin Zhimin.

"Xiao Lin! Why the fuck are you in my house?" Zhao Dalong frowns at Lin Zhi.

"I... I've come to take you to be with your wife."