
The Rise of the Domineering Son-in-Law

A beautiful CEO marries the disdained second son of a noble family, enduring scorn and ridicule without leaving his side. She stands by him until, after years of lying low, he rises to prominence in a single day, stirring up storms and becoming the most powerful husband. Marrying you was the wisest decision I have ever made in my life.

FromCat · Urban
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237 Chs

The Accident? Suicide?

Bang, bang, bang!

There was a knock at the door, very fast.

Lin Zhimin with Yao Jing two people looked at each other, at the same time feel, seems to have something happened.

Lin Zhi let Yao Jing stay still, go to the door, open the door.

Outside the door stood Song Siqing with a pale face.

'What's the matter? Lin asked.

"Xu Qing, Xu Qing her, she was run over and killed." Song Siqing trembling voice said.

"What! ?" Lin Zhi with Yao Jing in the room at the same time exclaim.

"I just got the news." Song Siqing walked into the room and said, "Xu Qing, she was riding her bike on the road, and... I don't know how, I was run over and killed."

"Are you sure she was run over?" Lin asked.

"Be sure... It's her, and the body is at the hospital now. ' Song Siqing said.

Lin Zhi walked back to the living room, frowning.

This Xu Qing died, can be a little abrupt, Song Siqing just returned the money to her, this is only a few hours, she died.

"I know, this thing is a little strange." Yao Jing said.

"It's weird." Lin Zhi Sheng said, "However, she was run over, and Song Siqing has nothing to do with it, so... Whether she is dead or alive, do what you have to do."

Yao Jing and Song Siqing looked at each other, words are so to say, but a few hours ago, a person alive now was run over and killed, which from the emotional point of view or let people a little unacceptable.

Just then, Song Siqing's mobile phone suddenly rang.

Song Siqing looked at the phone call, the body slightly shivered.

"It's Zhao Dalong." Song Siqing said.

Lin Zhimei frowned and said, "Answer."

"Answer it? I dare not." Song Siqing said in fear.

"See what he says. Put him on speaker." Lin said as instructed.

Song Siqing took a look at Yao Jing, Yao Jing nodded and said, "Listen to your destiny."

Song Siqing took a deep breath and pressed the answer key.

"My wife is dead." "Said Zhao Dalong on the other end.

"I'm sorry... I hope you're sorry." Song Siqing said with a trembling voice.

"I'm calling you to tell you that the driver of the accident will pay me at least 500,000 yuan, and my wife bought a high personal accident insurance, and can get more than one million dollars in compensation." Now that I am alone, I will give you the money if you will be my girlfriend." Zhao Dalong said.

"How could you! You are a total scum!!" Song Siqing although afraid at this time is very, but still can not help but scold out.

"I have watched your live broadcast for more than a year, and I have deeply fallen in love with you, all this is the best arrangement of God, I no longer love my wife, and as a result, she was run over by a car, and I recovered my single life, I can give you a better life, Siqing!" Zhao Dalong said excitedly.

"I can never be with you in this life or the next life, your wife's body is not cold, you came to me, you are even worse than an animal, don't call me again, as if I never knew you!" Song Siqing said.

"Do you think it's possible? I remember all the days and nights we spent together, tell you, I have money now, I am not afraid of anything, you can't hide, I know you live in Straits City, I know your company, I know everything, even if you leave magic City can not hide from me, I will follow you, Song Siqing, even if I can't get you, I will personally destroy you, you wait!!" Zhao Dalong's strange voice came from the other end of the phone, making people shudder.

"You dare to come, as long as you dare to come, I dare to call the police!" Yao Jing rebuked.

"Are you Yao Jing? You also give me wait, you slapped me in the face, this thing is not over, I have a lot of money now, I spend a hundred thousand dollars to find someone to follow you, strong X you, then I will see if you can still fierce up!" Zhao Dalong shouted.


Song Siqing hung up the phone, the whole person kept shaking, seems to be because of fear, but also mixed with a lot of anger.

"This man has gone mad." Yao Jing said.

'Mad, he's mad! Song Siqing nodded again and again.

"Let's go back to Strait City." Yao Jing said.

"If you want to leave, it is also tomorrow, what time is it in the evening, rest assured, with Lisina in, Zhao Dalong can not do anything to you two." Lin said as instructed.

"Quiet, can you sleep with me at night, I, I dare not sleep alone." Song Siqing grabbed Yao Jing's hand and begged.

'Well, yes! Yao Jing nodded and looked to Lin Zhi said, "Zhi Zhi, I go to sleep with Si Qing at night."

"Yes! Go over now, and I'll leave Lisina in your room." Lin said as instructed.

Yao Jing nodded, then took Song Siqing hand walked back to Song Siqing room.

Lin Zhi went to the door and saw Lisina standing at the door.

"You also go into their rooms, protect them personally, and if Zhao Dalong comes, do it directly." But he almost never comes. Now that he's got money, he won't do anything stupid like that until it's spent. He's smarter than anyone." Lin said as instructed.

"And you?" Lisina asked.

"Me? I'm a little confused to figure it out, and it's none of my business, but... Xu Qing's life was saved by me, and I will not let her die without any reason." Lin knew the fate lightly said.

"Then be safe." Lisina said.

Lin nodded, went back to his room, changed his clothes, and left the hotel.

Magic City People's Hospital.

The morgue.

Lin Zhiming body wearing a white coat, easily into the morgue.

Mortuary is a wall of cabinets, cabinets are divided into a drawer, many drawers are put in the body, there are killed, there are accidental death, there are sick died.

It was extremely dark and cold in the morgue.

Lin Zhi went to the front of one of the drawers.

There are two words written on the drawer, Xu Qing.

Lin Zhi pulled the drawer out.

In the drawer, there is a pile of human tissue, a little scattered.

Xu Qing was run over by an earthmoving vehicle, directly over his body, and his whole body was in pieces.

However, Xu Qing's face is still normal.

To be precise, the whole brain is normal.

Lin Zhi pulled away the plastic bag containing the body.

In the face of such a body, the average person is estimated to have vomited early, but Lin Zhimin has no other expression.

In the battlefield outside the region, he has seen more bloody and horrible pictures than the present, and all this in front of him can not make any waves in his heart.

Xu Qing's eyes were wide open, as if he were not willing to die.

Lin Zhiming has seen a lot of people run over, these people often have a few seconds of consciousness after the body is crushed, they will be frightened by the condition of their bodies, and then wide eyes until death.

Lin reached out his hand and turned it on Xu Qing's head so that he could see Xu Qing's side face.

There was no color on Xu Qing's face, but some bruises could be seen.

These don't look like falls, they look like injuries.

Before Lin Zhimin saw Xu Qing, she was injured, but at that time the injury is obviously not heavy at this time.

Did Lin Zhi check again? Xu Qing's body surface, found in addition to falls and bruises, there are some other scars, these scars, are beaten out.

That is to say, Xu Qing was beaten before he died.

Lin ordered him to zip the plastic bag back up and close the drawer.

After finishing this, Lin Zhiming put his hands together in front of the drawer and bowed three times.

"I don't know what happened to you, but your eyes tell me that before you died, you had despaired of the world, and some people may be able to escape justice, but... He cannot escape the path of the world!"

Say these, Lin Zhimei turned and left.

Downstairs in the hospital, Lin Zhiming walked into an ordinary car with a photo of Phantom City, after that, Lin Zhiming picked up a mobile phone.

There's a message on the phone.

Lin Zhi open the message, is a surveillance video of Dong Jianfa.

Lin Zhi clicked on the video.

In the video, a shadowy figure is riding a battery bike.

An earthmoving vehicle passed by the battery car, the cyclist did not know what was going on, suddenly crooked a handlebar, the whole person with the car fell in front of the earthmoving vehicle, the earthmoving vehicle did not react, directly crushed the past.

This is the whole process of Xu Qing being run over and killed.

"From the whole process, this woman is more like the active fall into the lane of the earth truck, basically can be judged as suicide, but the traffic police will not be so determined, because the victim's family will not be able to bear it, and eventually it will be a traffic accident." Dong Jianfa came to the news.

"I see." Lin replied and then hung up the phone.

The night was deep, and Lin drove away from the hospital.

Half an hour later, Lin Zhi's car stopped at Zhao Dalong's house.

Lin Zhi went to the second floor and knocked on the door of Zhao Dalong's room.

After a long time, there was a slight sound of footsteps behind the door.

Squeak, and the door opens.

Behind the door, a small head emerged, this small head is very young, the skin is some black, do not know because it has not been washed, or because of tanning.

'Is it Mother? "Asked little head.

"Are you Zhao Waner?" Lin Zhiming asked with a smile.

"It's me... Who are you, uncle, and why haven't I seen you before?" "Asked little head.

"I'm a friend of your mother's." Lin Zhiming smiled, raised his hand and said, "Your mother asked me to buy you something delicious."

"Is it? " The little head looked at Lin in doubt and said, "That uncle, do you know the name of my father and mother?"

"Your father's name is Zhao Dalong, your mother's name is Xu Qing, you are five years old, am I right?" Lin Zhimei said with a smile.

"Well, that's right." The little head opened the door, did not look at Lin Zhimin hand things, pitifully looked at Lin Zhimin said, "Uncle, when will my mother come back ah, I drew a picture of my mother today, the teacher also praised me, said I drew a good picture, I want to show her."

"Your mother has gone to a very far place. She asked me to bring you something to eat first. When I had finished, I would take you to her." Lin said as instructed.

"Oh..." Zhao Wan son a little disappointed, turned and walked back to the room.

Lin Zhi opened the door and walked in.