
The rise of the Arc knight(RWBY fanfic)

Destiny is a fickle mistress and its whims are incomprehensible to mere mortals. An average teen from Earth is mysteriously transported to the world of fiction, not only that but he possesses the body of one of its characters as a baby. Now, he must make use of his knowledge in order to change the plot and avoid making the mistakes that his predecessor once made. ======================= -There will be no cheat, no system or any form of outside help for the protagonist, he will have to make do with just his knowledge of future events and hard work. -The pairings and size of the harem is yet to be decided but it will be 5 members maximum. -I will try to weave both canon and original plots on this fanfic so feel free to call out any mistakes or discrepancies that might be originated from that. ======================= I don't own the cover or any of the images that I may use on this fic, the same goes for the show and characters that it depicts as they belong to roster teeth.

DaoistyaSOLa · Anime & Comics
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53 Chs

Becoming a direct disciple

After I had won against my first opponent, I must admit that I was still unsatisfied with the fight since I hadn't even gotten too tired after it or sustained any serious wounds so I immediately ensued a challenge for the rest of the disciples.

The opponent I had bested was by far the weakest of the students of this place from what I could tell from the their reaction to his defeat and I would need to do much better than that if I want to convince master Odachi to start teaching me the real techniques and also unlock my aura.

Another reason for this admittedly reckless move is that I genuinely enjoyed fighting, especially at the start when the opponent held a small advantage over me and the outcome wasn't as of yet decided, I could've won relying solely on my physical attributes but holding back and just relying on something that I was on a disadvantage on, such as my skill and technique arsenal has been thrilling. The feeling of learning and becoming stronger in the middle of the battle was almost addicting so I immediately sought to face stronger opponents that would allow me to learn stronger techniques.

And that's just what I got after inviting the rest of the students for a spar, they came in droves thinking that I wasn't much stronger than the opponent that I had just defeated, meanwhile I made no effort to correct this notion since the more people are willing to challenge me the greater will be my benefit.

Master Odachi tried to intervene but in the end he decided to just let it all play out and worry about his students later, he was also secretly excited to see how much the kid that barged in to his dojo could grow.

The following fights have gone as it follows:

The very next fight was not very exciting, the opponent was a bit stronger than the last but I was miles beyond what I had been when I entered the dojo, it only lasted a few bouts before my opponent was overwhelmed by my physical strength that since my body that grows quick is already on par with a 9 year old both in apparence and strength, plus Grandpa's training that has been extremely effective in this 2 years I've done it and the family's breathing techniques that I can further enhance my physical strength to the point that I can compete with 12 to 13 year old kids in raw strength, so it's easy to see how I could outmatch the opponents who are on the 9 to 10 year threshold.

The next opponent was a girl that used her agility and footwork in order to try and go past my defenses with a hit and run style of combat that saw her try to maintain a distance from her opponent before going in for an attack when the opportunity presented itself. She proved to be quite an annoyance and even managed to land several hits on me before I was able to understand her techniques and start predicting her attacks, after that it was just a matter of biding my time and capitalise on one of her openings and grapple her to the ground using my superior strength to immobilize her.

The one after that was a tall and bulky boy that strength could not only match but also exceeded mine without using the breathing techniques, but unfortunately for him I had faced a very agile opponent just before and managed to copy it's footwork and dodging skills so I used what I learned from the agile girl to run rings around him and attack his weak spots(the ones allowed on a friendly sparring match). In the end his superior bulk only meant that he got to be bludgeoned for longer than the others.

And just like that the matches continued on, with less and less students willing to challenge me after every victory that I achieved, but Master Odachi quickly put a end to the challenges after having seen enough and fearing for the well-being of his remaining students.

"That is enough! I've seen your potential young man, but before I can accept you as my direct disciple, I will need to have a conversation with you in private" I don't raise any complaints about the interruption since I'm quite fatigued after fighting so much in such a short time, especially after the last spars that have dragged on for much longer as the weaker opponents didn't step up, leaving me to fight the more skilled ones.

"Take all those who were wounded to be treated, meanwhile the rest of you return to your practice, I don't want to see anyone slacking off when I return!" The students all returned to their practice without a fuss, maybe seeing several of their fellow disciples being defeated by an outsider has ignited their determination to train.

Following master Odachi I quickly leave the common area and we make our way to somewhere we can talk. Probably another test if I were to guess, anyway, I must not fall from his graces after coming so far.


|Odachi P.O.V|

After taking away Jaune so we could have a private conversation, I let him first change into his original clothes than I lead him to a isolated corner of the dojo after which I start to ask a few questions to him to see if I will take him as a direct disciple, so I need to ascertain if he is worthy of heart besides being talented. No matter how much of a genius he is, I don't want to have my techniques end up being used for committing nefarious deeds.

"What has brought you to my dojo out of all others you could've gone to? You are definitely not a resident of the lower levels of Mistral." I decide to start with a simpler question to try and discover his intentions.

"I think I already told you before, I came to become your apprentice Master Ryu-Bang 'the crushing fist'." That is enough for me to raise an eyebrow, my name is something that hasn't been uttered in decades and could not be found by normal means.

"Brat, how did you discover my former name?"

"I stumbled upon it by luck while I was searching for a strong master to teach me, while your whereabouts is something I've been able to find after some in depth 'research'." He then continues after a short pause. "Does me knowing your true identity bother you?"

"Not in the slightest, I only changed my name due to how much annoyance it brought me and so I could focus on my main objective." After remembering that I should be the one asking questions I quickly go back to trying to ascertain his worthiness

"Your surname sounds familiar, do you have any huntsman in your family?"

"Yes, my parents and grandfather were huntsman."


"My mother has retired to raise kids, my father now only takes missions around our village and grandpa is dead."

"My condolences, did any of them train you?"

"No, I was just given physical conditioning by my grandfather."

"How old are you?"


"Six?! I'm sorry but you don't look or sound like your any younger than 8."

Seeing my confusion, Jaune picks a document from his pocket and hands it over for me to read.

"Let's see, Birth certificate... Jaune Arc...Date of birth... What?! So it is true. How could your age and apparence be so different?"

"I've always developed quicker than all other kids my age so my growth has been much more pronounced than theirs."

Hearing his explanation I can only accept it and move on. But this is a good thing since he will be able to be taught more advanced techniques sooner than others.

But that's gonna be irrelevant unless he passes my test. Now I'm done asking for personal questions, the next ones will be the ones to decide if he becomes my direct disciple.

"What is your dream?"

"I wish to become a huntsman and use of my skills to help those in need just like my late grandfather once did."

"Hmmm, why do you seek so much strength? Aside from being able to become a huntsman, since from what I've seen so far you are well in your way to becoming one already."

"I need strength in order to control my own destiny, without it I will only become a pawn in someone's game, so in order to be free to make my own choices I need to be strong enough to stand on my own."

So far, his responses have been acceptable and I found no issue with their validity, but I still had one question that I would like to ask him.

"You said that you wanted to be a huntsman and help those in need, but how far are you willing to go to do so?"

After taking a brief time to think, the Boy answers: "I am willing to face any risk to save those in need, but more than that I wish to protect those close to me, even if I can't become a hero as long as they stay safe I will be satisfied."

So he doesn't want to become an altruist that saves all, but a protector to those he cares about, though he isn't the most selfless person I've seen his cause is still noble and his future is much less bleak than those heroes that ended up losing everything for the sake of their altruistic ideals.

"Jaune Arc, I Ryu-Bang have seen both your talent as well as your heart and have not found you lacking on either aspect. I have searched for a long time to find someone worthy of inheriting my true techniques and that person could be you. Do you accept me as your master?"

The boy in turn didn't hesitate to respond "Yes!"

"Than I shall proceed with the ceremony so we can officially become master and disciple, come closer and close your eyes so we can commence."

He listens to my instructions and I place my hand in his forehead before starting to chant.

"For it is in duty that we find strength and it is our purpose to stand firm against the endless waves of darkness that may crash upon us. through many adversities you shall be born anew as a paragon of strength and may your heart guide thee."

After chatting this words, a white glow with a few parts gold starts to emanate from Jaune to the point that everything around is completely covered by this light. His soul is finally able to manifest itself as aura in order to protect him.

"My disciple, I got to admit that you have a crap ton of aura, this amount is almost five times mine and it is the first time I've seen someone with an Aura with two colors" I say secretly feeling a little bit jealous since if I had his aura pool then I would be able to use my aura much more recklessly.

"That's it? The ceremony is done?"

"Of course! ever since ancient times, unlocking one's aura was an oath between master and disciple, an unwritten promise that bound two parties. Violating this oath is one of the most horrendous things a huntsman could do."

"Why haven't you unlocked the aura from the rest of your students?"

"Because unlocking a civilians aura without a very good cause is prohibited. You are an exception since you are my official disciple and I'm responsible for your actions, the same is true if your parents or another family are the ones to do it, but the rest of my students will have to join a combat school and undergo several tests before they gain permission to unlock theirs."

My disciple than starts to move around and try to get used to the feeling before eagerly asking "When do I start my training?"

"Tomorrow, even with aura to heal your fatigue it will still take some time, it is best you get some rest before starting any extraneous physical activity, use that time to get used to your aura and prepare yourself for my lessons. Just a warning, I will not go easy on you once they start."

"It's fine, I wouldn't have it any other way." He then seems to remember something and asks me "By the way, what did you mean when you previously said that you would teach 'your true techniques'? Haven't you been teaching your techniques to all your students so far? Are they false techniques?

"They aren't false, it would be more correct to call them incomplete, the moves themselves are the same but without aura manipulation they are just pale imitations of the real thing."

"So you're saying that they can become even stronger!" After hearing that there were ways to strengthen the techniques he's been shown his eyes start to sparkle in anticipation.

"Yes, now you are dismissed, return tomorrow to the dojo so we can start your lessons. "

"Yes master!" After giving a respectful bow, he takes his leave and starts making his way outside the dojo.

That left me to stare at the back of my first and only direct disciple with a contemplative expression.

'Finally, after so many years I have found a worthy successor.'

There you have it, sorry for the delay. Next chapter will be a training Montage and the figuring out of his semblance

DaoistyaSOLacreators' thoughts