
The Rise of Author in Another world

Paul waited with two of his friends for the other people he had invited to celebrate his debut as a writer, until a great earthquake caused the lives of the three of them to end. Paul woke up in another world confused, when he discovered that in this new world there is magic, as well as the cultivators of legends, as a person who wrote fantasy he could not help but proclaim that he was going to become a supreme person in this world. Paul, an extremely cautious and passionate man, will experience having the power he always dreamed of and will use it to carry out all his ambitions and ideals even if he has to make a path full of blood in his path.

DaoistaLatin0 · Fantasy
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11 Chs


"hahaha Paul and to think that between the 3 of us, you would invite us to a party, it's always Cleiner or I who always suggest getting together, all the time you keep busy!"

Said a young man named Andre raising his glass and taking a swig of alcohol, his curly brown hair and blue eyes as well as his bearing and charisma he was considered the most enthusiastic of the group, being of English origin with an age of 24.

The Cleiner person was a slightly tanned guy, his eyes unlike André were green and his blond hair gave him that aura of a rather handsome young man, he also wore glasses so he looked like a calculating and intellectual person, he was a North American by birth and was 23 years old.

Finally Paul black hair and brown eyes, was good looking but quite common, as well as being the oldest with 29 years and today was the host of the meeting that took place in his apartment, he was known for being a very charismatic and educated person, a Latin American by birth.

André and Cleiner were sitting on a piece of furniture, while Paúl placed some drinks from the table in front of them.

"That's right Paúl, I don't agree much with André, but I must admit that this is a surprise for me too Are you getting married or something? " said Cleiner with a smile on his face.

"hahahaha you young people really have a great imagination, that's right I'm going to marry a Japanese girl."

When they both heard that they were both stunned for a second.

"hey is that true?"

André asked between closed his eyes, he wasn't very convinced that it was the truth after all he knew Paul very well, he is the kind of person who doesn't joke around, Let alone marry, rather it seemed on the surface that women didn't interest him.

He said once that he was an honestly straight man, but they had never seen him after women, but right now they were in Tokyo so it gave him some credibility, because this quiet person in front of them was a genius for planning and money, he founded in this same year a restaurant in Tokyo 5 star successful, as well as in other parts of the world.

"I will marry Setsuna, the most famous idol of Japan".


Hearing that André threw the empty cup in his hand, both André and Cleiner couldn't help but laugh. Setsuna? That woman was so famous that it was practically impossible for it to be true.

Paul was not surprised by her reaction, that's why he was attentive, when he saw that the cup was about to hit him, this one held it in his hand, as if nothing.

" Hahaha Paul and to think that I would see this side of you, you are rich but not so rich as to make that kind of woman yours without making a considerable effort, to the point that it becomes almost impossible " Cleiner said quickly between laughs.

"is that you are both very naïve, your great imagination of writers makes you easy to fool, after all if you don't do it you who are famous and millionaires, let alone someone like me who barely has pocket money" said Paul a little resigned.

The two having heard this almost choked with alcohol, pocket money? It was the first time these two heard someone rich enough to call their wealth pocket money, they were both rich but not so rich as to be so bold to say that.


"Well you know the purpose of this party for that-"

*Rumble Rumble*

Paul was getting up to say something when a tremor took place in the area, causing Paul to stumble backwards.

"An earthquake!"

Andre said in anguish, the magnitude of the earthquake began to increase and the room they were in began to tilt to one side, there was a glass wall to contemplate the cityscape, tragically the room was leaning in that direction.

"Andre, Clainer, get through the door and take cover!!!! FAST!!!"

"YES!" Said both of them at Paul's warning everyone started to move. The city alarm began to sound, the beeping of cars, the screams of despair and collapses, everything sounded as if they were down there, when in reality they were more than 50 stories up in a building.

'Holy God at this rate I foresee our deaths!'

Paul thought quickly as he ran after the others, but out of desperation he tripped over a detached debris, he tried to get up but the delay was critical, the others crossed the door frame, but the timing was severe for Paul, he only had a chance to grab the door frame with one hand.

"PAUL!" said both André and Cleiner.

"Run there is no time!" reprimanded Paul.

But the earthquake was more serious than it seemed both André and Cleiner had a feeling it was the end, they were simply more than 50 stories up, the building crumbling there is no way to get out of there alive.

So they both tried with all their might to pull Paul up, after all they were friends.

The two grabbed Paul's hands and pulled hard until they managed to pull him up, but the situation did not change and the building was leaning more and more.

"I am grateful to you brothers, if there is a life after this one, I hope to meet you and drink wine again" Paul said with a smile.

They were friends but knowing they were going to die, I call them brothers because of their closeness, trying to show the brotherhood they had.

Andre and Cleiner, understood that their deaths were imminent so they couldn't help but let out a small laugh when they saw Paul laugh.

"Take that for sure!" said Cleiner.

"Heh nothing to regret in this life, even if I had 7 women as the law dictates!" said André with a smile.


The three laughed without even noticing anything around them.

Day December 22, 2033 a 10.7 magnitude earthquake in the city of Tokyo, caused the death of thousands of people among them.

A renowned chef named Paul.

The famous actor André and the great youth singer Cleiner lost their lives.

I hope you like this story, I will try to update it often, please support me if you like it :'3

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