
The Rise of Author in Another world

Paul waited with two of his friends for the other people he had invited to celebrate his debut as a writer, until a great earthquake caused the lives of the three of them to end. Paul woke up in another world confused, when he discovered that in this new world there is magic, as well as the cultivators of legends, as a person who wrote fantasy he could not help but proclaim that he was going to become a supreme person in this world. Paul, an extremely cautious and passionate man, will experience having the power he always dreamed of and will use it to carry out all his ambitions and ideals even if he has to make a path full of blood in his path.

DaoistaLatin0 · Fantasy
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11 Chs

chapter 1

chapter 1 Determined in another world:

"Children don't eat so fast or you may choke on your food" spoke a lady carrying a tray with many dirty dishes on it as she made her way to the kitchen.

"Hey Paul, eat fast before the older kids come and take your food" said a boy as he hurried to eat a loaf of bread with oatmeal on the table, his clothes were a little ragged but he didn't look sad at all, he was just eating while giving that reminder to the boy next to him.


'Where am I, I remember I was at the party I organized with André and Paul!'

Paul looked around and saw many boys and girls sitting like him in a dining room, he saw them quickly eating the plates he had placed on the table in front of them.


His stomach was empty as if he had 2 days without eating, quickly he didn't think much about things and started eating even faster than the others, it was so fast that the boy Miguel next to him couldn't help but open his mouth in amazement.

"I told you to hurry, not to swallow your food in three bites!" said Miguel as he finished eating his meal.

"Paul, let's go, don't come and bother those guysr" Miguel left without another word from the dining room.

Paul realized something, he knew he had been reincarnated but as an experienced person he knew it was better to follow that boy Miguel, before he started to wander in his thoughts, after all apparently this boy named Miguel was the only person he had in his memory.

As they left they walked towards a patio that had a clear view, Miguel sat on a stone and Paul imitated him by sitting on another.

"You surprised me this time I thought we'd have trouble with those shitty guys!" said Miguel as he let out a sigh of relief.

Paul was a little surprised, but then burst out laughing as he recalled a bit in his memories.

'heh this guy is just like me when I was a kid, a no-nonsense person!'

"Miguel I know it sounds weird, but could you give me a summary of our life here in this orphanage?"

"that does sound weird, but it can't be helped, after all the lady said that young children's minds don't retain much information, so it's okay!" said Miguel as he made his explanation.

He revealed to Paul that they lived in a city called Quatar, which is in a fief of a low ranking noble, that was the only knowledge he had from the outside, Paul's actual age was 5 years old, while he was 8 years old, as well as that 9 and 10 year olds were always harassing them.

'And end, in other words I was left in the same, but well it is better than nothing, and my theory about my reincarnation, I consider that it must be by the mind of a child between 4 and 5 years old, children begin to have self-awareness. It is the age of the birth of their consciousness as the brain is of a suitable size to start noticing their actions... Wait is this it?'

As Paul meditated, he noticed in the corner of his vision, there was a small picture with a picture of a child, and underneath that picture it said villager.

Focusing a little more on the picture a translucent interface appeared in front of him with many words, he was so surprised that he fell backwards.

"What's wrong, are you okay?" said Miguel as he held out his hand to lift him up.

"I'm fine, I think we should head back it's getting dark" said Paul rubbing his head in pain.

And so the two returned to the dormitory.

There were beds lined up and tidy and some children were already asleep, while others were chatting there.

Vague memories Paul had of this life, so he looked at everything in great detail to see if he could become more familiar with his surroundings.

"Tomorrow I will help Mr. Klink in his business, I had a hard time convincing that old man to take you, in the end he said he could take you if you didn't bother him at all and he would see if you are of any help. This is a rare occasion that you have to take advantage of, that way you can eat 2 meals a day like me and not one, Mr. Klink said it's a good way for a boy to become a man with money" Miguel said happily, Paul could see how much money he was anticipating.

"Thank you Miguel, I will give the best I can!" replied Paul beating his chest.

Miguel nodded and lay down on the bed next to him.

Another middle aged lady was sitting on a chair and she was not going to leave until all the children were asleep, that method was commonly used in these orphanages, to keep an eye on the children and keep the in order, more than a method, it was a responsibility they had.

Lying in bed Paul repeated the same thing as in the afternoon, concentrating on the small picture in the corner of his vision.

Showing profile.

Name: Paul.

Race: Human.

Health: average.

Primary title: Villager.

Secondary titles: none.

Skills: analytical eye and state manipulation.

Agility: 0.90

Strength: 0.80

Intelligence: 32.

Level: 1 //Alder.

Experience: 0 / 1.

Blessings: none.

Contracts: none.

'Is this my status, isn't it too low?..... True I'm a 5 year old, it would be surprising if I were amazing considering that, but my intelligence is high, I guess it's that of a standard adult assuming I'm one.'

Paul spent some time contemplating his state until he fell asleep.

The next day there was Miguel with a bag and a sleepy face.

"You're late, we have to hurry!" said Miguel.

"excuse me, let's go now" said Paul letting out a smile.

'and to think that I would get to be like this again in an orphanage, huh? I remember I have an analytical eye ability I should use it on miguel to see his strength'.

Activate analytical eye

Paul said mentally, not noticing that his blue eyes radiated an unusual glow.

Name: Miguel

Race: human

Health: good

Title: level 1 villager

Description: a friend who can be trusted.

'Huh, that's it? I thought I could see his stats but I couldn't, although if I think about it carefully it's a very useful skill, most likely magic exists in this world'

"Miguel does magic exist?" asked Paul, Miguel looked strangely at Paul.

"of course it exists! It's just that the people who learn it need money, that's why I want money. Too bad that by the time I have enough to buy a magic book, my age will be past the right time for apprentices, which is 12 years old, and at that same age those who want to become cultivators train, but no matter which one you choose, you need money, for poor people like us, we can only see a very standard military cultivation manual" said Miguel in a resigned way.

Paul did not know at the time, how important it was to have these resources at a young age.

"Don't worry Miguel, for sure there will be a way, only losers complain about their poverty, we just have to plan and put into action a feasible method for us" said Paul stopping his steps.

" Hahaha you are right little Paul, but don't place me with those losers you say, I haven't given up, I just want to show you that the world outside will not be kind to us. We have to be formidably powerful if we want this world to see us differently" replied Miguel clenching his fists and they both continued their walk.

As Paul pondered His thoughts went once again and he remembered Andre, Cleiner and the others.

A mental Image of someone came into his head and Paul muttered something under his breath:

"If this world indeed has magic and true cultivation techniques, then I Paul will be on top of everything."

Paul vowed in his heart and caught up with Miguel, he needed to know more about this mysterious world so he could act accordingly.

The two walked 20 minutes through the city until they arrived, there was a store with a banner nailed to the top on the door, with an embroidery of a shield and two swords crossing it.

'A sword store!'

They hadn't entered the place, but just by seeing this Paul got the idea.