
The Rise of a Shinobi

Let’s follow Shirohi Tensuki in his rise as a Shinobi. If you recognize it I most likely don’t own it, if you have any questions about what I own comment.

Shitty_Writer · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

Someone is real lucky…

As the jars of soup cooled, everyone checked their items. Ginkamen silently watched over them, his focus split between many thoughts as he planned his next move. The more people he kept in the dark about his plans the less chances there were of his plans going awry…

He let out a sigh that pulled the attention of Urachi, seemingly done checking her items she sat next to him while leaning in real close. Her dark pink eyes that seemed to be filled with a softness heavily scrutinized him, she took in his smell, the feel of his presence, the way he walked, talked… the more she knew the faster she could reveal his identity and once she had his identity she pretty much owned him, he wore a mask for a reason right? What was he hiding…

Nogae's train of thought was similar to Urachi's, Their team was hand-picked by Hiashi for surveillance and counter intelligence. The true reason behind their mission wasn't to bring supplies to the frontlines, but was to weed out any spies in the camp. Hiashi had 'spoofed' their records with the help of the Jounin Commander, a team of High-Chuunin hiding as a simple Genin team… granted the three of them were young orphans but they had somehow caught the eye of a gracious backer…

Despite his rash nature Ishita was truly calm and collected, he would provoke or irritate his way of gathering information. As he had found out, when people felt disrespected, anger, or sadness they tended to reveal things they normally wouldn't.

Ginkamen raised his mask slightly revealing his mouth, with a pop the lid of the jar came off. Urachi 'innocently' tilted her head but huffed as Ginkamen lowered his head using the movement to hide his features.

As he drank from the jar, Hiashi was still looking around the room. He seemed to be spaced out, "Mister… you should eat, we will be moving a lot here soon and I won't allow any breaks. We have 36 hours to complete the round trip…" Hiashi flinched "You can't be serious? You expect 3 Genin to be able to keep up at that speed for the whole time?"

Ginkamen nodded "Yes… if they can't do this much are they really as good as they think they are?"


Yumi roamed through the Senju Manor, without Shirohi it was so boring… she whined as she walked through room after room, dressed in a shirt a few sizes too large she grabbed the fabric and pulled it to her nose, frowning as she noticed the pleasant scent was already fading.

However a few loud knocks pulled her attention, running a few fingers through her hair in an attempt to tame her bed head she opened the door to find a group of kids, rubbing her tired eyes as the light poured in she groaned "Who are you?"

The kid in front was frozen stiff, his brown eyes wide as he tried to find his words. The girl next to him shoved him aside, "We came to see if Shizune wanted to play…" Yumi's tired eyes opened a bit as she took in the girl in front of her, "Ok," leaving the door open Yumi walked away heading toward Shirohi's room to steal another shirt…

Kurenai turned to Rin, "Who was that?" Rin shook her head, "I don't know," Obito, who was drooling off to the side rubbed his hands together with a weird almost dangerous smile on his face. Rin punched him hard as she yelled, "Pervert!"

Kakashi and Asuma just awkwardly stood to the side, not wanting that fist to point at them, soon Shizune came running through the door tackling Rin and Kurenai to the ground. The trio laughed for a while before getting up, Shizune looked around and saw Obito with a scoff and a smile she teased "I can always rely on you to never change," Obito sent a thumbs up and a wide smile, "Thanks!" However, that smile slowly cramped and the thumbs up went limp as she questioned "What's that supposed to mean?!"

A few laughs sounded out and Shizune found her next target but as her eyes landed on his face she froze, "Y-your not wearing a mask… why are you so cute… Ah! The Heavens are Unfair!" Shizune fell to her knees with some sobs, Kakashi slowly pulled up his mask before plopping down against a tree… he seemed to be wondering why he was cursed with such a false blessing…

Obito pulled Shizune aside while whispering in her ear, "Who's the grey haired beauty? Is she single? Is she your sister? If so-" Shizune dropped her fist on top of Obito, "Your worst than Jirayia…'' Obito begged "Answer me! What's her favorite color- no food- no drink- no, her favorite sweet…- no her favorite flower… actually tell me it all!"

"Huh?" At the doorway Yumi stood, no longer dressed in a large shirt but one that was slightly smaller but still reached halfway down her thighs, she wore a pair of comfortable pants and had her hair up in a ponytail. Obito froze as he saw her expression, he'd seen it on Rin once and he had a limp on his head for a week afterwards.

Yumi stomped her foot, her 'scarily' serious expression seemed more cute then anything but Obito was faintly shaking, "Only Gi- Shirohi can like me!" embarrassment hit Yumi a moment later, a dark red hue covering her face and ears but she kept her fiery gaze on Obito as if threatening him to say something.

With her embarrassment only growing in the awkward silence she let out a war cry as she ran forward, her fist raised… Obito brought his arms up not wanting to be hit in the face, but Yumi had different thoughts when her leg came up… Obito's world seemed to slow as her foot approached his precious jewels, each second seemed like a lifetime and sometime during that lifetime he blocked the kick but the piercing pain in his eyes caused him to collapse.