
The Rise of a Shinobi

Let’s follow Shirohi Tensuki in his rise as a Shinobi. If you recognize it I most likely don’t own it, if you have any questions about what I own comment.

Shitty_Writer · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs

No way! O_O

Hizuren tapped his finger against his old desk, behind him stood Jirayia, Hokida Nara; the Jounin Commander, and Kinuoni Yodō; the T&I Department Head. Everyone had tense expressions, Jirayia was staring a hole into the door as they waited in complete silence. The Anbu had been dismissed and they were now waiting for a single person, Hizuren's gaze was heavy as he looked at the papers in front of him. He didn't even have the strength to read them anymore, he knew it was bad… but for it to be like this… The sound of the door knob turning seemed to echo in their ears, as it opened the man froze the pride in his eyes burning away into…


Hiashi warily looked around in the dark hole in the ground, he could hear the mercenary moving around the room. Slowly the dim light from the torches brightened filling the room with light, Hiashi was pleasantly surprised to find quality furniture, tiled floors, finished walls, he turned his head to watch the mercenary pull a plug from the wall and a steady stream of water following it.

Ginkamen 'lightheartedly boasted' while pointing towards the water "Fresh water, I will prepare food unless you want to eat those rations. Check your items for anything missing or anything you didn't pack, if you didn't pack it destroy it immediately. Check the wax seal on the supply scrolls to see if they had been tampered with, once you are finished and we eat we will move," before disappearing behind a large hide.

Not caring if the mercenary was still in ear shot a hot headed youth plopped down on the couch before resting his foot on the table, playing with his toothpick he complained, "Who's this guy? Are you not the Instructor? He's just a mercenary… just show him who's the boss." He shrugged his shoulders before laying his head back and rhythmically tapping his other foot.

"Mouu~…Ishita!~ Get your foot off the table, what if Ginka~men comes back?" Urachi tugged on his sleeve, her face was turned but if Ishita opened his eyes he would see her with her cheeks puffed but there was hidden fury in her eyes. Her long wide sleeves hiding her tightly gripped hands…

Nogae turned his head to Hiashi, Hiashi sent him a side-glace then looked away. It seems they will wait this out…

After entering the room Ginkamen took off his mask, 'Chakra Displacing Seals' were carved on the hidden sides of the bricks and tiles, no sensor could see in or out of this room it would look 'normal' to most sensors some might find it 'odd' unless they were boosting their sensing capabilities with a plethora of seals he was far from even attempting and 'Living Batteries'. 'Chakra Displacing Seals' were originally designed for prisons as when placed on the body it hinders chakra flow stopping its usage unless the person's control is beyond its displacement.

However there was an issue in the seals 'coding' forcing the chakra that wasn't displaced to saturate with the external that was displaced… To be honest just thinking about it made Ginkamen's head hurt so he didn't bother, he knew how to make them, that's all that mattered. If he was interested in making this seal stronger he would further his understanding of it but his focus had been elsewhere.

He pulled out 5 Jars of soup and a few pieces of fresh bread, the soup was lukewarm and the bread was still slightly crisp. Standing he put his mask back in his face before walking through the large hide partition(?), his eyes landed on a foot resting on the corner of the table… well more like an ankle Ishita hadn't actually placed his feet on the table. Either way a chakra coated bread crumb was flicked…

Ishita's leg recoiled as he hurriedly wrapped his hands around it, on his calf was a small hole leaking a line of blood he nearly cursed the heavens but barely held it as he bit his lip. Hiashi hurriedly went to him while sending Ginkamen a harsh glare "What are you doing? He's just a Ki-"

"No, don't say 'He's just a kid'… He's a Shinobi the moment he gained the right to call himself that he became an adult. He accepted the fact that he WILL die on the battlefield. It's not a IF anymore, this is a war that every village will be invested in. This won't end with a simple truce… one of the villages will fall and it will be the first to have internal conflict…" Ginkamen looked off into the distance before lightly shaking his head, placing the jars and bread on the table he gripped Ishita's calf causing the boy to groan but as the barely noticeable green hue coated Ginkamen's hand slowly closing the wound.

As he finished he placed a finger on the lid of one of the jars, a small white ball appearing within before the soup began to boil. Ginkamen passed it off to Urachi who was watching with stars in her eyes, her smile beaming as she excitedly took the jar into her hands. She always wanted a man to cook for her, however her expression morphed to panic as the scalding glass reached her soft hands. She nearly dropped it but with a trained movement Ginkamen swiped it from the air before placing it on the table while sliding another that he heated up… her narrowed eyes were trained on his rough fingertips that seemed indifferent to the heat.

Nogae carefully inspected how Ginkamen manipulated his chakra, Shape Transformation and Nature Transformation to a high degree… he looked to his side to see Hiashi curiously watching, the veins next to his eyes showing… However, he couldn't see anything. It was like he got dropped in the sea… his jaw slowly fell as he realized what he was seeing…

Sadly it was a misunderstanding…