
The Rise of a Shinobi

Let’s follow Shirohi Tensuki in his rise as a Shinobi. If you recognize it I most likely don’t own it, if you have any questions about what I own comment.

Shitty_Writer · Anime & Comics
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47 Chs


"Danzo…" Hizuren's voice was deep, lacking any warmth as he gestured towards the seat across from him. Danzo scoffed but sat down while Hizuren continued, "You have been placing bounties without my acknowledgment, what do you have to say for your blatant abuse of power and ignorance of your position…"

Danzo grinded teeth, "You are soft as always Hizuren…" Danzo looked at Kinuoni, "I'm assuming you brought him this information… you were always amazing at fetching information."

Hizuren's expression crumpled, "Then you must know that Kinuoni's information is always correct…" Danzo's eyes narrowed, "Where are you going with this?"

"Danzo, for your actions your position will be stripped, Root will be disbanded effective immediately." Danzo shot to his feet, rage evident on his face "You dare take my life's work?! I poured my sweat, blood, and tears into Root and here you are simply tossing it aside like some mangy mutt…"


Ginkamen stretched whilst looking around the room, he warily watched Urachi. Out of everyone in the room she had been the closest to seeing his face on multiple occasions, if he wasn't already on edge he wouldn't have been able to see through her innocent appearance…

"Ginka~men, come on already let's play!" Urachi's hands deftly traced his body, her eyes were large as she 'begged' him to play. Smacking her hand away Ginkamen spoke "Quit, now it's the time for your games… Continue resting we will be leaving momentarily…"

Urachi grumbled as she massaged her wrist, "What a brute, to lay your hands on a lady in such a manner when she only wants to have a good time…" she puffed her cheeks as she plopped down on the floor, she would be lying if she wasn't attracted to this mercenary. His physique is alluring, the feeling of his muscles tensing as her finger traced them brought a sense of warmth to her lower body that Ishita could never provide her…

After some time, the group of five left the underground base. Ginkamen pulled some twine from a pouch, "Tie this around your wrist, if the string breaks I'll assume your either dead or captured by the enemy… if such a thing happens I will not retrieve your body so stick close and keep your head on a swivel…"


Yumi poked at her food, even with all the new people over for dinner it was boring. Obito was loud, Kakashi was quiet, Rin and Kurenai were alright but Kurenai was too pretty…

Yumi clicked her tongue as she looked at Kurenai, she seemed like a little fairy… her eyes drifted to Asuma who was silently staring at Kurenai with his chin resting on his palm, those eyes were the same that Jirayia has with Tsunade…

She let out a sigh as she leaned back, staring at the ceiling she muttered "Hurry back home or I won't forgive you…"

Obito watched Yumi from the corner of his eye, a shiver running through his body as he remembered her attack, but that shiver faded as he internally squealed… It seems he is in 'love' and has a thing for 'strong' women…

Yumi pushed her plate towards the middle of the table, "Please excuse me…" Nomi watched her daughter walk away, she felt slightly pained ever since Shirohi left, Yumi lost all motivation in making friends… she would spend all her time in Shirohi's room or wandering the hallways.

Unknown to all, Yumi had found all of Shirohi's personal diary. It was essentially a guide to his life, normally something like this would be destroyed by him but as with everyone… a way to vent frustration, sadness, and anger is necessary…

Entering the room once again she went to the corner and lifted up the last floorboard, reaching in she pulled out a small leather bound book and opened it to the 23rd page and began reading… She wanted to know Shirohi better than everyone, she wanted to know how to comfort him, how to care for him… how to fill that void that grew in him when his mother was murdered.


[3 Years Later]

Kurotsuki let out a hysterical laughter as he jumped around in his damp cave, he had finally found the smudge on his honorable family name… Shirohi Tensuki…

"Ahh, how far will you fall, your sacrifice will be noble one grandson, your efforts have exceeded this old man's expectations and they will all be thoroughly enjoyed," a malicious smile rose to his face as he looked at the scroll in his hand.

'Impure Chakra Transference'


Yumi jumped at Shirohi her beautiful smile filling his vision as she screamed, "HAPPY BIRTHDAY!"

Shirohi's smile cramped, Yumi lingered over him her hair tickling his face, "*Tsk* get a room already…" Yumi snapped her head towards the voice "Obito SHUT UP!"

Kurenai giggled, "Yumi you can't monopolize the birthday boy," Yumi shot her a glare, "Don't you dare, you temptress! You'll taint my Shirohi!"

Shirohi just laid on his back, unable to move due to Yumi… he had no idea how she came to be this strong, she was simply a medi-nin with no focus on combat but yet she could overpower him if he wasn't already used to this his pride would have taken a hit, "Can I get up now?"

Yumi softened as she turned her head to meet his eyes, her hands snaking under him she tightly hugged him "Nope! This is my present to you, I'll keep you warm all day!" Kakashi quipped, "It's mid summer I don't think he needs your help to stay warm," Asuma added, "I think she's just using it as an excuse…"

Whispering Yumi complained, "What would you perverts know? Huh? Huh?" Her grip around Shirohi tightening with each 'huh' despite her angered tone a goofy smile was smeared across her face as Shirohi hugged her back "Thanks, but can I get up now?"

Yumi didn't answer immediately, she enjoyed his touch for a moment before softly nodding her head "Mhmm~" slowly releasing him she moved a few pieces of unruly hair sending a heated gaze at Shirohi, Nomi who just entered the room giggled into her hand "Oh my~" her other hand held a Tsunade's hand as they entered the room. Thanks to Shirohi and Nomi, Tsunade had dodged being forced into a CRA by the Village Elders.

Hizuren had stayed out of that, he'd be lying if he said he didn't want her to participate in the CRA. The Senju hold a strong bloodline and an even stronger Kekkei Genkai, but he understood that it's much harder for women to accept a CRA than men…

Much to Yumi's despair, the CRA got pushed onto Shirohi. While he was slightly upset to be blackmailed into rebuilding his clan himself, he didn't really mind. The amount of women approaching him was off putting to say the least, everyone of them wanted to gain benefits by having his child.

Luckily Shirohi could put it off using his age as an excuse, and it worked every time on everyone but Yumi. She was persistent, she would sneak into his room to warm his bed while he was in the bath. A hint of red showing on his face as he remembered her silky white skin…

Clearing the indecent thoughts form his mind, he approached Kakashi, "Congratulations on becoming a Chuunin, I knew you had it in the bag," Kakashi shrugged, "With the hell you call training I'd be useless if I couldn't achieve that much…" Shirohi awkwardly laughed, "At least you didn't have to train with the girls, Yumi and Shizune are demons from what I've heard."

Kakashi scoffed, "That's an understatement…" Obito came running into the room, "Sorry I'm late, there was a granny that needed help getting her cat down from the tree," Shirohi waved, "Miskito again?"

Obito stiffened, "How'd you know?!" Kakashi nudged Obito, "Who doesn't know about your girlfriend, for a Shinobi you're terrible at hiding things…"

(A/N: CRA- Clan Restoration Act, Due to Shirohi's interference Kakashi didn't become a Chuunin till a year later than canon, from her on many things will change some people won't be born, some that weren't will… Chapters will take longer for me to write while I try to stick to my timeline…)