
The Rise of a Celestial

Nader, a young man who had given all of himself to try to eradicate evil from the world, in order to bring happiness to all existence so that they could live in harmony and without worries, was branded a traitor by the countless beings he had once saved, and it was at that moment that everything came to an end. However... ------------------- This is a Fanfic. I have nothing except my MC. All other characters, including the worlds, belong to their respective original authors. The cover of the fanfic does not belong to me. If its creator wants me to remove it, I will gladly do so. ------------------ Hello everyone, I'm TianXian. I have written this Fanfiction especially to polish my writing. I want to clarify that English is my fourth language, so you will find quite a few mistakes when you read this fanfic. Also, I want to clarify that some of the characters that will appear will not have their original attitudes and personalities. Too, don't take this fanfic seriously. However, I will do my best to write and finish it. One last thing, the MC is pretty OP, so if you don't like these types of characters, this novel won't be for you. ------------------- First world: Arifureta. Second world: ??? Third world: ??? ???

TianXian · Anime & Comics
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49 Chs

Chapter 37: Date and stalker

"Haah, haah~ This was the most intense training I've ever done in my entire life." Gasping for air, Shizuku let her body fall to the ground.

Her two perfect breasts rose and fell with each breath. Despite being exhausted, a smile was plastered on her slightly heated and sweaty face.

"... If you want to stay with us, that's not good enough." Yue narrowed her gaze on Shizuku's huge chest and didn't forget to stick an arrow into her heart.

"Haha... I bet you do. You guys are monsters." Shizuku smiled wryly and continued, "But... something to start with. With just this little exercise, I can already feel the results, which, although it's not much, it's still good considering it's the first day."

"Mmm... it's good that you understand. Now, let me give you today's reward."

"Eh, reward-?" Shizuku couldn't finish when she saw Yue's hands suspiciously glowing with blue light.

"Calm down, will you...?"

"Ice coffin." With Yue's muttering, the temperature around Shizuku began to drop to alarming degrees until, in just a second, her lower body up to her neck was already encased inside an ice cube.

"W-wahhhh?! What is this, I'm freezing! Achoo! Yue-san, get me out of here, you idiot!"

Shizuku started shivering from her toes to the tips of her hair as she sneezed and bit her tongue while yelling at Yue.

"What do you think...? That's my reward to my disciples for refreshing them."

"Stop puffing out your chest with pride and get that smug look off your face!"

"Yawn~ Did something happen while I was sleeping, girls?" Nader, who was leaning against a tree trunk with his legs one on top of the other and both hands behind his head, opened his heavy eyelids and looked around lazily.

"Mmm... I have congratulated Shizuku for her hard work with a reward."

"Yes, yes. Thank you for your kindness, Yue-sama. Achoo! Stop bullying me and get me out of here!".

Clicking her tongue, Yue waved her slender arm and the condensed coffin-shaped ice holding Shizuku dissolved into ice dust and was blown away by a gust of cold wind.

Shizuku stood in place, shivering from head to toe. She rubbed her arms with her hands as she clacked her teeth together.

Shizuku looked at Nader's stoic face, which was looking her body up and down, and unconsciously, she looked down at her own body, where she realized that her clothes were stuck to her slender figure due to the water.

"¡!" With a flushed face and exaggerated gestures, she covered her body. She sent a deadly glance at Nader, who returned a beautiful, innocent smile.

"... Maybe I've been too gentle," Yue muttered with a deadpan tone and eyes as she saw her beloved staring at Shizuku's seductive body. With a sigh, she covered Shizuku's body with her wind spell, instantly drying her body.

"Fine. Anyway, it's time for us to go back to Ur village." Nader decided to ignore and not comment on Yue's joke towards Shizuku before getting up with a sleeping Yuki in his arms.

"Mmm... I can't wait for our date." Yue hissed dreamily, approaching Nader to hug and kiss him. She didn't forget to bite him on the lips out of jealousy.

As they stopped kissing, Nader looked at the surroundings and couldn't help but let out a hiss. The trees were uprooted and the ground once full of green grass was now littered with huge craters. Not even the rocks were spared.

He wondered inwardly if Yue just wanted to intimidate Shizuku by showing her the huge difference between their powers, or if he really wanted to help her. In the end, he simply shrugged it off as Shizuku, instead of looking depressed, seemed more excited. Something he appreciated about her.

'It's impossible for such a cool beauty to give up so easily.' Those were his sincere thoughts about Shizuku.

"After a long training, it's good to start running towards the village, isn't it?"

"Huh? Don't tell me we're going to run with our own feet to the village, miles away from here?" Shizuku replied to Nader in disbelief. She thought that today she would possibly die if she continued to exert herself like that.

"... Of course. Moving your muscles is good. Take it as my other workout."

"Hey, then why are you climbing on Nader's back!" hissed Shizuku towards Yue, who surprisingly ignored her and clung to Nader's back, her legs wrapped around his waist and her lips kissing his neck.

Nader, for his part, wasn't really doing it for the training, as that wouldn't make any difference, he simply wanted to lure a certain stalker into town. He wasn't getting any signs of bloodlust or anything like that, which confirmed that the stalker had no evil thoughts or intentions toward them.

However, that only fueled the curiosity he had towards this stalker a bit, knowing that it was by no means a normal, weak existence.

"The village isn't many miles from here, you can make it, Shizuku. I trust you." With a stoic expression, Nader gave Shizuku a thumbs up to encourage her and started running normally with a bloodthirsty Yue at his back.

Shizuku let out a sigh with slumped shoulders as she followed him with a smile on her face.

"Somehow, it's not so bad to live like this..."


"Fuah... we've finally arrived." Shizuku let out a big sigh of relief as she saw the inn located on the shore of a beautiful lake with crystal clear waters.

She rested her hand on her knee and appreciated the soft, warm breeze combined with the sweat rolling down her body; it made her feel cooler and more relaxed. She felt the muscle fibers in her body contract, causing her pain and numbness.

She glanced sideways at Nader's beautiful face. He didn't have a drop of sweat on him, he didn't even look tired. This caused a burning fire of getting stronger to begin to well up inside Shizuku's heart.

"... You endured that. You weren't so useless after all." Yue nodded toward Shizuku with her stoic face.

"You know. If you weren't on top of your lover's back, that would sound more convincing." Shizuku rolled her eyes at the shameless Yue, who, to the town, shamelessly sucked Nader's white blood.

"Shizuku, I have a scheduled appointment with Yue. You can go back to rest at the inn and if any problems arise, feel free to crush this stone." Saying this, Nader waved his hand and a normal stone floated towards Shizuku, who picked it up and looked at it.

It was a simple stone, however, the only difference was that it was imbued with Nader's «Spiritual Sense», which granted it the ability to alarm him the moment the stone broke.

"Umm. Thank you." Shizuku nodded with a beautiful smile, "Enjoy your date. See you later."

Shizuku started walking towards the inn. She couldn't stand the smell of sweat coming off her body, so she intended to take a nice bath as soon as she reached her private room.

"She's a good girl...". Yue muttered with a small smile on her face as she watched Shizuku's back, which was gradually getting smaller.

"Oh, didn't you dislike her a few hours ago? I guess something made you change your mind."

"Hmm... At first, I thought she would give up after observing our powers. But... instead, her passion for the force increased..... She's a girl with strong determination."

Nader was surprised by the genuine words that came from the small lips, slightly wrinkled in the smile of the little vampiress. It was the first time he had ever truly praised someone other than him.

"Indeed. As long as she has that mindset, she will no doubt be able to reach new stages of strength by leaps and bounds." Nader nodded in affirmation.

Yue licked his neck one last time before sliding down his back to the ground. She reached over and took Nader's hand, and her loving gaze looked into his eyes. Her lips curved into a beautiful smile.

"... Let's go on our date."

"Let's go!" Nader nodded excitedly and they started walking. Yuki was still sleeping on his shoulders

"By the way, this is our first date, although we've already experienced everything about each other."

"... Mmm, it's strange." With her cheeks flushed by Nader's words, she squeezed tighter to his arm.

"Hehe, why are you so suddenly embarrassed?"
