
The Ring of Arkannum : The Portal

When Thalor acquires a ring from an antique trader, little does he know that the ring's power will open a portal to the land of Arkannum, ruled by the evil sorcerer Mogart. In the mission to rescue Princess Seraphina, Thalor and his companions embark on an epic adventure that takes them to a magical world full of dangers. Throughout their journey filled with challenges, they must overcome various obstacles and uncover the mysteries behind the ring's power. With thrilling battles and strong friendships, this story invites readers to experience a captivating adventure and the struggle against darkness.

i_komang_purnawan · Fantasy
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11 Chs

Chapter 8: The Six Demons

Meanwhile, amidst the darkness and terrifying shadows, lies the Kingdom of Arkannum, now under the grip of Mogart's tyranny. Before this dark era, Arkannum was a beautiful and fertile land, known for its stunning natural beauty, bright sunshine, and peaceful inhabitants. However, everything changed when Mogart and his dark forces took over.

The skies above Arkannum are perpetually dark, shrouded by thick clouds that seem to block the sunlight forever. A thick, cold fog envelops every corner of the kingdom, giving an unbearable sense of cold and gloom. Trees that were once green and lush are now withered, their leaves turning to a dull brown and falling off, with roots protruding from the ground like evil claws that damage the earth.

The grand buildings that once stood tall with beautiful and artistic architecture now appear fragile and dilapidated. The palace walls, once glowing with golden ornaments, are now covered in moss and dark creeping plants. Street lamps that once shone brightly now emit only dim light, casting eerie shadows on the deserted streets.

At the center of the kingdom stands the Dark Palace, the residence of Mogart. This palace is a symbol of the power and darkness that rules over Arkannum. Its black walls gleam dimly, giving a sinister and impenetrable impression. The massive doors made of hard black wood, adorned with carvings of dark symbols, always remain tightly closed, guarding the evil secrets within.

Inside the palace, the vast halls that were once filled with laughter and music now echo with silence. Only the sound of Mogart's footsteps and his followers can be heard in the dark corridors. The grand rooms have turned into frightening places, adorned with dark artifacts and weapons that exude an evil aura.

The Arkannum Palace, once a symbol of glory and justice, has now become a fortress of darkness. Its walls, once adorned with golden and silver carvings, are now covered in soot and black moss. Around the palace, once majestic statues are now damaged and tainted, symbols of lost hope and freedom.

In the dungeon of the palace, Mogart keeps dark creatures loyal to him. They are the result of his magical experiments, terrifying beings used to intimidate and destroy anyone who dares oppose him. Rumors say that screams and roars are often heard from this dungeon, amplifying the atmosphere of fear throughout the kingdom.

In the midst of all this, the people of Arkannum live in the shadows of fear. Those who were once free and spirited now walk with heads bowed, avoiding the gaze of the guards whose eyes burn red as if wanting to devour them alive. Many have lost their loved ones, captured or killed by Mogart's forces. Children no longer play in the streets, and laughter that once filled the air is now replaced by whispers of fear and sorrow. Some of those who managed to escape the kingdom have formed small groups to plan a rebellion, similar to the group led by Arion.

Mogart sits upon his black stone throne, surrounded by six loyal minions from the realm of darkness. Each has a terrifying form and appearance, with different powers, making them Mogart's main weapons in terrorizing and controlling the kingdom of Arkannum. They are creatures born of nightmares, their presence instilling fear in the hearts of anyone who sees them.

Zarath is a shadowy creature that constantly changes shape. Its body looks like thick black mist, and its eyes glow red like embers. It can move silently and blend into the shadows, making it nearly invisible to the human eye. Zarath has the ability to manipulate shadows and trap its enemies in eternal darkness.

Grendel is a giant figure with a body covered in hard black scales like steel. Its sharp fangs protrude from its large mouth, and its claws can tear through steel. Grendel possesses extraordinary physical strength and is often used by Mogart as a destroyer in battles. Its growl can make the ground tremble and instill fear in the hearts of anyone who hears it.

Lilith is a creature with the upper body of a beautiful but deceitful woman, while her lower body is that of a large snake with shimmering silver scales. Her long black hair moves as if alive, and her emerald green eyes are mesmerizing. Lilith has the ability to hypnotize, luring enemies with her beauty before killing them with the venom from her fangs.

Azazel is a winged bat-like creature with blood-red skin that glows in the dark. Its face is terrifying with golden glowing eyes and fangs protruding from its mouth. Its large and powerful wings allow it to fly at high speeds. Azazel has the ability to control fire and often uses this power to burn its enemies.

Nerissa is a water creature that looks like a cross between a human and a fish. Her body is covered in blue-green scales, and her eyes are bright blue. Her hands and feet are webbed, allowing her to move swiftly in both water and on land. Nerissa has the ability to manipulate water and create massive waves or whirlpools that can drown enemies.

Moros is a creature shaped like a knight in black armor, but with no face beneath his terrifying helmet. His body radiates a cold aura that makes anyone who approaches feel a bone-chilling cold. His large and dark sword is always drenched in dark energy. Moros has the ability to control ice and freeze his enemies with a single slash.

Moros is the leader of these six dark forces, a general personally appointed by Mogart.

Mogart sits on his dark throne, surrounded by his six loyal minions. Before them lies a large map showing the various clans across Arkunnam. With a voice heavy with hatred, Mogart speaks, "Our plan is progressing well. So far, we have conquered the Luminar Clan, and King Altharion, the leader of Arkunnam, has fallen by my hand."

Mogart pauses, letting his words sink into the minds of his followers. Their terrifying faces gaze at him with full respect and obedience. "Now, it's time to conquer the next clan, the Undine Clan. They are water creatures living under the sea, in cities made of coral and pearls. They have the ability to control water and communicate with sea creatures. This will be a different challenge, but we must accomplish it."

Mogart points to three of his minions, Nerissa, Grendel, and Zarath. "Nerissa, Grendel, Zarath, you will lead this attack."

Nerissa, with her fish-scaled body, bows respectfully. "What is our plan, master?" she asks in a whispering, eerie voice.