
First Kill

Nori quietly watched the rain fall from within her mansion, through the window. In the background, you could here a vacuum cleaning the rug as well as various machines making their own chorus of music.

It was quiet relaxing.

Nori had something planned. Something big which would take lots of time.

She had turned 16 this past month. It had been 6 years since she had seen her mother, her twin Toya, her little sister Fuyumi, her little brother Natsuo, and her new baby brother Shoto. They probably didn't even miss her since none of them bothered to visit her. It was as if she didn't exist.

She had only seen her baby brother once before that monster whisked her away and left her in the middle of the woods in the huge mansion all alone. The only time another person would ever visit her was during medical checkups or when money was being sent.

Suddenly the bell ringed. She didn't get up to receive it since the door automatically opened. It was her doctor that came to check on her condition every few weeks.

The doctor was not perturbed by the cold temperature, neither was he perturbed by the strangely, creepy smile sent his way.

"Hello, miss I'm here for your-"

"Yes I know."

Nori smiled like she always did in every situation. It was to ease the doctor's nerves and to slowly make him tell her everything she wanted. The doctor was sent by her father after all. Caution was necessary when dealing with him.

"Why don't you sit down and drink some tea first?"

She gripped the wheels of her wheelchair and slowly made her way to the table. The doctor didn't bother helping since if he touched her, he would too, die a cold, slow and icy death.

The doctor gave her an envelope. Nori looked inside and before it froze, gave the envelope to a robot. It was known to the doctor that Nori was a genius when it came to technology and he traded information for whatever tech he could get his hands on.

"What information do you have?"

The doctor seemed a little uneasy as if afraid to tell her this but her smile let him continue.

"Y-Your brother died."

Suddenly the cup in her hand was crushed. The temperature of the room got colder and it got harder to breathe. She still smiled urging the doctor to continue.

The doctor shivered in fright as he could see black mist making its way to him.

"H-He d-died a few years ago! It was apparently suicide! The cameras show him locking himself in his room and exploding into flames- eeeep!"

The doctor shouted and curled up to the side of the couch to avoid the deathly, cold black mist emitting from her mouth. But what scared him more was the huge, insane smile and the rage appearing in her eyes.

"When exactly?"

The doctor gulped. If he didn't say anything good, he would be no doubt dead.

"B-But there was no body found. We only found a piece of his jaw-"


The doctor didn't even dare to look at her.

"I asked when did this happen."

He glanced at her sneakily, only to see her normal smile. He eased his posture.

"He died 3 years ago."


Nori sighed as she looked at the endless green of the woods outside her window.

"It gets very lonely, all alone in the woods."

She turned her wheel chair around and moved her arms to sit on the couch. Ever since she had lost the ability to walk Nori did her best to increase her strength in her upper body. It helped since she mostly used her arms to move around.

"Right, doctor?"

She turned around only to meet his frozen corpse. The black mist had turned his entire body into a black, cold, lifeless statue. Nori smiled and held his hand. The doctor was the only human being she talked to these past few six years.

She scolded herself for losing control.

"But it isn't your fault. If it happened three years ago, he should've told you."

Nori turned around and gave a small laugh as she looked at the machine that spoke. The flying mask had a creepy smile embedded onto it.

It was something she had created because she felt alone. Although it wasn't sentient it would react to her emotions and comfort her.

"Thank you, Kimiko."

Even if Kimiko wasn't sentient Nori still treated her like a person. After all, Kimiko was the only one who had been with her for the last 6 years.

Nori thought about the situation logically. Her brother Toya was a strong person. Even though he suffered much abuse from her father, he wouldn't just kill himself. Rather he would take down her father along with himself.

Seeing how the monster was walking perfectly fine, Toya probably created the explosion to make people believe he killed himself and then he escaped. Nori played the situation in her mind and felt that it would make sense.

"I shouldn't have killed the doctor. Kimiko I feel sad now. Can you play some music?"

"Of course Nori. Anything for you."

Nori pushed the cold statue from the couch and lay down. A few drones caught the statue and brought it to the garden. She felt her shoulders relax from the sound of the rain meshing with the chorus of machines, and then the calming music.

Moments like these made her feel everything was alright in the world.

But it wasn't.

"It seems we have to hasten our plan, Kimiko. The new generation of heroes are being trained and we can't lag behind."