
The Richest Man In The Entire Multiverse

A man who enjoys the richest in all dimensions. Known as The Wealthiest Man in the Entire Multiverse, his wealth spans kingdoms, surpassing time and space itself

Quirktopia · Fantasy
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6 Chs

WOW I Wish All Robot

Chapter 5

i dont have joke sorry :(


(Nanny 001 Pov)

Nanny -- On her way to ViewTube Company, she'll be there in about 4 minutes. 4, 3, 2, 1... she arrived at Rendon Labandura's company but left her phone in the car in a hurry. She starts walking towards the workers but...

Robot BodyGuard : "You're not allowed to enter here, ma'am.

Nanny : "Huh? Why?"

Robot BodyGuard: "I don't know you."

Nanny: "I am Rendon Labandura's boss

Robot BodyGuard ; "I don't care 😑

Nanny 001 ; 👁️👄👁️ Eh . . . . 

(Emotinal Damage - 69% Damage)

Nanny : We are the owners of this!

Robot BodyGuard: "I couldn't detect any USB or important password from you here. You haven't been added to the SSS-VIP ViewTube System yet

(then three ViewTube workers will pass by, and she will ask them about it She's going to try it here Because they don't want to let her in)

Nanny: "Hey, are you a worker here?"

(Nanny 001 is extremely beautiful, which made her answer immediately.)

Their Employee (Person 1) (blushing) : "Yes, why?"

Their Employees (Person 1 & 2 & 3) (Thinking) : "Sheesh's beautiful."

Nanny : Tell him that we are the owners of this

Their Employees (Person 1 & 2 & 3): "Huh?! 

(Whispered to her co-workers.)

Their Employee (Person 3) (Whispering) : I think she's crazy, such a waste of her beauty." 😞

Unknown (Explanation) : She isn't recognized because of her hard work, or it seems they're just playing around with their work, and the former owner didn't mention that someone else owns it because of Rendon Labandura's very expensive purchase here

Robot BodyGuard : Should I remove her?"

Their Employee (Person 3): "Um, ma'am, what's your phone number?"

(Person 3 to the moves)

Their Employees (Person 2 and 1): "Hey, unfair, she beat us to it!"

Nanny : "HUH?! What are you doing? ¯_( ✿^︣ ▿ ^︣ )_/¯"

Their Employees (Person 2 and 1) : "(ง️︣ -o️︣- )ง . . . hey, ouch! Emotional Damage 69 Damage

Robot BodyGuard : Should I remove her?

Their Employee (Person 3) : Yes, escort her out ( ►︣ ▿ ◄︣ )┌∩┐

Robot BodyGuard ; Will move and touch Nanny 001

Nanny : ( ►︣皿 ◄︣ )/ Hey, what are you doing? Stop this! I said we own this, hey!!!

(After 5 steps, Nanny 001 punched the Robot BodyGuard.)

(✿ ►︣︹ ◄︣ ) Nanny 001: "Spin, block, punch (<), punch (>), kick, strong kick."

(The Robot BodyGuard's head is durable)

Their Employees (Person 1 & 2 & 3): "Wow! ʕ ͡◔ ⍙ ͡◔ʔ"

Their Employee (Person 3) : Bro, I saw her puss. I mean, her underwear ͡◐ ω ͡◐

"Their Employee (Person 2); what color? ͡🔥︣ ω ͡🔥︣"

(the System will speak)

ViewTube Ai System ; detection of a walking person entered, Level 2 Bots

"(Ten robots armed for battle emerge because one robot is damaged, but this is useless against Nanny 001.)"

Robot 1 : Attack the one disrupting the ViewTube system and put them in the cell.

Nanny: "Go ahead, come at me!!! (ง ͠► o ͠◄ )ง"

Nanny -- Ten robots will advance towards Nanny 001

Robot 10 --- "Approached Nanny 001 quickly and delivered a powerful punch"

Nanny --- "Dodged the punch and quickly charged at Robot 10, kicking it on the side

(Robot 10 is destroyed.) 

Robot 4 & 5: (Delivering successive punches to Nanny 001.)

Nanny: (The punches are coming, but she avoids them with basic moves. Nanny 001 pivots towards Robot 4 and Robot 5 gets hit by the metal.)

Nanny: (The punches are coming but she dodges them with basic movements. Nanny 001 turns and kicks Robot 4, accidentally hitting Robot 5, causing it to hit the metal.)

-(Their Employees (Person 1 & 2 & 3) POV)-

(While in the POV of the three employees, Nanny continues to fight and fend off the robots.)

Their Employee (Person 1) (Blushing): She's really good at fighting.

Their Employee (Person 2) (Talking to Person 3): "Bro, what color is the underwear?"

Their Employee (Person 3): "--- He will swallow his saliva."

Their Employee (Person 3) : "Dark Black, bro, the color of the cat"

Unknown ; Dark Black? 💀

Their Employee (Person 2) : "What cat?!"

Their Employee (Person 3) : "Oh! I mean the underwear."


-(Nanny 001 POV )-

(Nanny 001 stands confidently 🔥 while fixing her hair and destroying the robots. "CTC.")


-(Their Employees (Person 1 & 2 & 3) POV)-

Their Employee (Person 3) : She's so beautiful and hot 🔥. . . I feel like marrying her 😍

(Then Person 1 couldn't resist and approached Nanny 001 to ask for her phone number.) + (However, he didn't know that the system was already at level 5 and one robot had launched a rocket towards Nanny 001, which she noticed.)

Nanny 001 "--- She will run towards Person 1 because there's a rocket coming (running) . . . . (Jump) She will grab and hug Person 1, pulling him away, and the two of them will roll while Nanny 001 holds onto Person 1 😱"

Rocket "-- Boom"

-(Person 3 & 2 POV )-

Their Employees' Reaction (Person 3 & 2) ; 🍆 👁️👄👁️ ; WOW!!! I wish it were me too!!!

Author : That's my boy 🥺 . . . I wish I were him 😭

-(Nanny 001 and Person 1 POV )-

Their Employee (Person 1) (Very Happy) "--- While being hugged by Nanny 001, Person 1's nose bleeds and squirms with excitement 🥵"

Their Employee (Person 1): "I can die happy now 💀"

Nanny 001 "--- She will look down and see Person 1 squirming."

Nanny: "What happened to you?! 😱" (--- She will look at the robot.)

(Nanny 001's anger)

Nanny 001: "What did you do to our employee?! 😡

Robot 3 "-- Scared 😨"

Nanny 001 "--- She will run fast (so fast that Robot 3 doesn't see) -- and she will jump towards the head of the Robot -- she will place her two legs on the robot's head 🥵 -- then she will take something from the robot's head

(Robot 3 has been Destroyed) + (Boom 🔥)

("-- Then Robot 3 will lie down while Nanny 001 is still on it and BOOM! Nanny 001's cat will eat. Meow 😺 (Success!!!, Robot 3)")


-(Their Employee (Person 2 & 3) POV )-

Their Employees (Person 2 & 3) (Reaction) "-- 💀 💀 💀"

Person 2 : "😱. . . I wish I were just a robot!!!"

Author : Yeah, maybe I should just be the robot instead of Person 1.

Person 3 : Yeah, me too!!! . . . Wait, I've been hearing someone else talking earlier, like there's another person here?!

-(POV of Level 5 Robot 1 & 2)-

Robot 1 & 2 (System) "--- Detecting Person."

Robot 1 & 2 ; "Rocket launchers, attack Luna Cruz!"

(Rocket heading towards Nanny 001)

-(Nanny 001 POV )-

Nanny 001 " -- Just a simple dodge."

Nanny 001 ; "Is that all you've got? So slow."

-(Level 5 Robot 2 POV )-

Robot 2 ; "We're not done yet."

Robot 1 : "Yes, this is our next move, Laser Gun."

-(Nanny 001 POV )-

"Nanny 001" -- then immediately ran while the skills of Robot 1 and 2 were just being launched. (While running, she avoided the Rockets using the + Combo Move "-- { Left [< }{ Right [ > } [ Slide { V ) [ Left ( < ] Punch "-- Robot 1's abdomen is pierced."

"Robot 2 "-- heading towards Nanny 001 using the + Combo Move { Run ( > } { Rotate ( 180 } -- will use a gun and aim at Nanny 001 (Shot } ."

"(Nanny 001 will avoid this using the + Combo Move) "-- Run [ > ] Slide ( > ) (Rotate { 360 } Kick { > }"

"(The face of Robot 2 is facing the floor)."

"Nanny 001 "-- she will run and when she gets close, she will jump towards the chest of Robot 2 and kick it repeatedly () like this --> "CTC"

"(While Nanny 001 is doing this)"

-(POV of their employees (Person 2 & 3)-

Their Employee (Person 2): "👁️👄👁️ Wow, really, go all out sis! Keep going, go faster!"

Their Employee (Person 3): "my Friend, what are you thinking about, my friend? 🤔"

Their Employee (Person 2): "Why, my friend?"

Author: I wish everyone were robots. 😞


(Robot 2 and 1 has been Destroyed) + (Boom 🔥)

-(Then, back to Nanny 001's POV and no more robots attacking)-

(ง ͠⚈皿⚈)ง Nanny : What's going on? Aren't you going to attack? Come on, robots!"

Their Employee (Person 2) : Robots, what are you waiting for? Attack now so we can watch more Fighting! (🔥_🔥)"

Their Employee (Person 3) : My Friend, what fighting are you talking about, my friend? 🤨"

Their Employee (Person 2 ; You know what I mean ^_^


Unknown: The reason the robots aren't attacking is because the former owner of ViewTube is causing delays."

Former owner of ViewTube : Stop it, robots, because the one you're attacking is now the owner of ViewTube."

(Everyone in the room is astonished, all eyes on Nanny and the former owner of ViewTube.)

Room (Reactions) : "So that's true what she was saying! 👁️👄👁️"

(and they kneel down and ask for forgiveness)

Nanny : Ah, it's okay as long as you know now

Former owner of ViewTube : It's a good thing I still have this photo because there was a warning here about a dangerous person entering. Sorry miss, ah, what's your name?"

-(POV of Their Employee)-

Their Employee (Person 2 & 3) : Huh, they don't know her!?"

-(Nanny 001 Pov) -

Nanny : I'm Luna Cruz, the nanny of Rendon LabanDura."

Their Employee (Person 2) : I wish I were Rendon LabanDura instead."

Author ; Same bro, I wish I were Rendon LabanDura too.

And then (Person 2 & 3) "---quickly took out their phones and searched for the account to add Luna Cruz"-- and Person 2 will say"

Author: Same bro, I wish I were Rendon LabanDura too.

Their Employee (Person 2): "What are you doing?"

Their Employee (Person 3) : Ah, we'll add her on the site FF, our new manager, Luna Cruz."

Their Employee (Person 3) : "Ah, let's add her as a friend on the site FF, our new manager Luna Cruz."

Their Employee (Person 2) : "Yeah, right? Me too."

Author : I really wish I were Rendon LabanDura.

Unknown : They don't know that their manager is still the same person.

Their Employee (Person 2): "👁️👄👁️ I've been hearing something for a while now, who could that be?"

-(Nanny 001 Pov) -

Nanny: "Oh no, I'm in trouble again with Sir, I'm delayed again. Sir, I'm in a hurry, how do I send a message?"

Former ViewTube Owner : Ah, the book."

Nanny : Quickly, sir. How do you message famous ViewTuber? That's what sir said."

Former ViewTube Owner : Just through email."

Nanny : Ah, okay, thank you. I'll go now, I'm in trouble again with sir."

Nanny: "Hastily leaving."

Former ViewTube Owner (shouting) : Luna Cruz, the book of... never mind, I'm leaving. I've already arranged it for them. They paid me a huge sum, almost 800 quintillion."

Former ViewTube Owner: "---will look at his former employees."

Former ViewTube Owner: "Hey guys, what are you doing?"

Former Employee Of His (Person 2) : Oh, sir, we're looking at Luna Cruz's pictures

Former Employee Of His (Person 2) "--- Showing his phone to the former ViewTube owner"

Former ViewTube Owner ; 👁️👄👁️. . . WOW!!! That's a big B**b. . . I mean, the bed is huge! "CTC"


Former ViewTube Owner ("--- approaching Person 1"); also wants to see.

Former Employee Of His (Person 2); come here, sir

(Every time they swipe the phone, they will say)

Former ViewTube Owner and Person 2 ; WOW!!! 👁️👄👁️


Former ViewTube Owner and Person 2: WOW!!! 👁️👄👁️

(The author is the one swiping)

Author : WOW!!!!


 Former ViewTube Owner and Person 2: WOW!!! 👁️👄👁️

(And Person 1 has been forgotten 😭)

Unknown ; guys, please get Person 1, they need to be taken to the mental hosp..., I mean the regular hospital. 😭


To Be Continue

Thanks For Reading ♥
