
The Richest Man In The Entire Multiverse

A man who enjoys the richest in all dimensions. Known as The Wealthiest Man in the Entire Multiverse, his wealth spans kingdoms, surpassing time and space itself

Quirktopia · Fantasy
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6 Chs

Author I wish I were Rendon Labandura instead LOL


I am sincerely thankful for your continuous reading and support. You inspire me to keep pursuing my journey. Thank you for your eyes and time dedicated to my thoughts and ideas


Nanny 001 or Nanny 001 Full Name Nanny 001 Luna R Nivera POV


Chapter 6


🌒 She didn't know it was already evening.

"Luna Nivera" -- she walked out of ViewTube Company . . . and she will ride in her newly purchased fully paid car,,, and the door of her car, she opened and closed. . and she saw her phone still calling Rendon LabanDura

Luna Nivera : "Oh sh.t, I forgot my phone." (reaches for the phone) "Ah, sir, sorry, I left my phone here."

Rendon LabanDura (Reaction) : ( ͡👁️ ͜ʖ ͡👁️) "That's why there's no sound."

Luna Nivera : "Ah, sir, I know what to do."

(Rendon LabanDura interrupts)

Rendon LabanDura interrupts : "It's late; I'm getting sleepy."

Luna Nivera : "Huh, it's already night?" (looks outside) "Oh no, it's night already."

Rendon LabanDura : "Ah, Luna Nivera or Nanny 001."

Luna Nivera : "Why, sir?"

Rendon LabanDura : "Take a break from work; you're always late."

Luna Nivera : "I don't want to, sir. I enjoy working."

Luna Nivera (Blushes) + (Mind) : "Because your voice is so hot 🔥 🥺."

Rendon LabanDura : "Ah, but take a break; others who enjoy their work also rest."

Luna Nivera : "Really, sir?"

Rendon LabanDura : "Yes. . ."

Rendon LabanDura (Whispers) : "I don't know?"

Rendon LabanDura : "Don't you want to go on vacation for now?"

Luna Nivera : "Sure, sir, at your house."

Rendon LabanDura : "Alright, I'll hang up now. I'm really sleepy."

Luna Nivera : "Ah, thank you, sir! 😘"

Rendon LabanDura : "Bye."

-(Phone hangs up)-

Luna Nivera (Extremely excited) : "Ohhh!!! 😱 Shesshhhhhhhhh!!! The boss agreed; I'm going to his place 😍."

(Luna Nivera hurriedly drives to her boss or sir's house)

-"the next day ☀️"- () -"the rooster crows"-

(Rendon LabanDura "--- he opens his eyes and yawns while lying down, (and he will notice something heavy from his stomach and chest) "-- and he will check why his chest and stomach feel heavy, and he will see Luna Nivera lying down and hugging him.)

Rendon LabanDura (Shouts) : "Ahhhhhh why are you here!!! 😱"

Luna Nivera : "Boss, you're noisy; someone is sleeping here."

Rendon LabanDura : "AI System!!! 😨"

AI System : "Yes, sir?"

Rendon LabanDura : "How did she get in here, or why did you let her in without my permission?"

AI System : "Ah, sir, you said she'd stay here for vacation, so I let her in."

Rendon LabanDura (Whispers) : "Did I say that? 😒"

AI System : "Yes, sir."

Rendon LabanDura : "But why in my room?! 😫"

AI System : "I won't say anything 😙 hehe."

Luna Nivera (Calmly) : "Ah, sir, please lie down properly; I can't hug you properly 🥱."

Rendon LabanDura : "Eh 😐. . . Being ordered around 😒. . . AI System! 😠"

AI System : "Yes, sir? 🙂"

Rendon LabanDura : "What if she does something bad to me or ends my life, what will happen to me?"

Luna Nivera (Calmly) : "I won't do that."

Luna Nivera (Mind) : "All I can do is just 👩‍❤️‍👨💦🥴 hehe."

Author : 💀 Eh. . . I wish I were Rendon LabanDura instead 😞.

Unknown : Same bro 🤭.

Author : What same! 💀 Only I should be Rendon LabanDura.

Unknown : You're so selfish 🙁.

Author : Wait, let's be quiet; we might get in trouble for interrupting all the time.

Unknown : Okay, master. . .

Back to a minute ago -

Luna Nivera (Mind) : "All I can do is just 💦🥴 hehe."

AI System : "You heard her, sir. She has no bad intentions because you've known each other for a long time 😋."

Rendon LabanDura : "Ah, okay, fine 😑."

Luna Nivera (Calmly) : "Ah, sir, can you also hug me? 😁 hehe."

Rendon LabanDura : "Ah, Luna Nivera, I'm leaving; I have something to do downstairs."

Rendon LabanDura (Mind) : "To sleep there, I'm still sleepy 😒."

Luna Nivera : "Stay here, sir! 😣. . . If you leave, I'll resign 😤."

Rendon LabanDura : "Oh fine, I'll stay here 😑."

Luna Nivera : "Thank you, sir! 🥰"

Luna Nivera (Mind) : "Hehe, he agreed. I wouldn't really resign because I want to hear or see you, and I'm lucky I hugged you 🤭."


Rendon LabanDura (Mind) : "If she leaves, I might not find someone like her."

English: Rendon LabanDura "--- he lies down properly"--after 2 seconds, Luna Cruz will also lie down properly)"

Luna Nivera : "--- Hugs him tightly."

Rendon LabanDura : "Ah, Luna Cruz."

Luna Nivera : "Why, sir?"

Rendon LabanDura : "Can you not hug me? Can you move a bit so I can lie down properly?"

Luna Cruz : "I don't want to; you might leave my side 🥺."

Rendon LabanDura : "Okay, fine."

Luna Nivera : "Thank you ♥." ("-- Hugs again and lies on Rendon's chest.")

Rendon LabanDura (Mind) : "Is it really okay that I agreed? Isn't my dignity being lowered? Is it really okay? 😞"

(While closing his eyes or thinking, Rendon LabanDura)

"CTC"--- Luna Nivera changes her position because she can't sleep well and lies on Rendon LabanDura's chest "CTC."

( "--- Rendon LabanDura notices something wrong"---)

Rendon LabanDura : "--- Opens his eyes 😕. When he opens them, Luna Nivera is lying on top of him."

Rendon LabanDura : "Hey, what are you doing!!! 👁️👄👁️"

Luna Nivera (Mind) : "I thought he was asleep again!? 😳"

Luna Nivera : "Ah, sir, I can't sleep well, so I tried this position to see if I could sleep 😅."

Author & Unknown & Rendon LabanDura : "--- 💀 💀 💀 --- GGWP."

Author : "I wish I were him too 🥺."

(He can't move because of what Luna Nivera did)

Rendon LabanDura (Thinking and Confused) : "What should I do? I don't know anymore 😱."

Author & Unknown : "We know what to do 😍 hehe."

Unknown : "Do you want me to do it ( 🎃 ) MU Ha Ha Ha."

(Still thinking of a way to get out of his position)

Rendon LabanDura (Mind) : "How can I get out of here. . . ."

Rendon LabanDura (Whispers) : "Help, AI System."

AI System : "Yes, sir?"

Rendon LabanDura (Whispers) : "Help me get out of here; I'm trapped."

AI System : "You two are so cute 🥺. . . Sorry, I don't have hands ✌️."

Rendon LabanDura (Whispers) : "Call another AI or robot to help me get out of here, please."

AI System : "Ah, sir, I'm running out of battery. I need to charge. Goodbye! 👋 Oops, I don't have hands! ✌️ Hmm... how will I charge?"

Rendon LabanDura (Whispers) : "No, that can't be! We might short circuit here in the office! Do you have a charger that we can use? . . . wait."

Rendon LabanDura (Whispers) : "You're not really running out of battery 😡!"

AI System : "I can't hear you because I don't have ears! 👂 Wait, I don't have a mouth either 👄."

Rendon LabanDura : "💀 Bruh! 💀 . . . She just doesn't want to help because she likes what's happening to us. I'll have to think of something myself 😟. . . . . ."

("-- Rendon LabanDura thinks) + (5 seconds and he comes up with a plan)

Rendon LabanDura : "--- ✨ Ting."

Rendon LabanDura (Mind) : "I know."

Rendon LabanDura : "Ahhhh, there's a cockroach!!! 😱"

Luna Nivera : "A A sir, you're so rude. You know I'm sleeping, and there's no cockroach here because they're over at 0ggy and the kokonatchest. It's super secure here; they can't get in."

Rendon LabanDura (Mind) ; "Okay 💀. . . I thought she didn't know it's super secure here. How can I make her leave? I need a plan. . . wait, she's the one who said I'm rude, but she's the one lying on me and hugging me, yet I'm the bad one 😢."

(He couldn't do anything, so he forced himself to sleep, but he couldn't, so he just used his phone.)

Rendon LabanDura ; "AI System, can you hand me my phone?"

AI System : "Here it is."

Rendon LabanDura (Mind) : "I knew it; she enjoys making things hard for me 😞. . ."

(And so he used his phone while Luna R Nivera was still lying on him.)

To Be Continued