
The richest man by falling in love

just for fun Others spend money when they fall in love, and Chu Yao makes money when they fall in love. Get the [Love God System], every time you spend a dollar on sister paper, you will get a hundredfold return. … Sister paper: Brother, I know you love me, but can we not be so prodigal? Chu Yao: You know a der, I am a money-making machine with wooden emotions, and you

_Su · Fantasy
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50 Chs

chapter 12

To be fair, this is really offensive.

   Especially for girls.

   Such jokes between boys are compliments, praise you for being fierce, good at doing things, and there are many girls.

   But for girls, it is a very bad humiliation.

   A key that can open any lock, that is called a master key.

   A lock that can be opened by any key, is it still a lock?

   After saying this, Chu Yao was ready to be splashed with water on his face.


   Even now, Gao Jing's favorability is still steadily staying at 20.


   Is the system broken?

   Chu Yao is full of small question marks now.

   Even if you drop a little bit.

What happened to   ?

   A heartless wooden person?

   Or my heart is strong enough to be frozen, and everything is added to my body, I am still there?

   Thinking like this, Gao Jing waved her hand to let the boss go first. A sweet smile appeared on her face, and she suddenly reached out and pressed Chu Yao's hand.

   "Do you think that I work in a bar, drink with people, and invite a guy I just met to have supper, so... I am a very slutty woman?"

   She has a very candid tone, her face is full of smiles, and she is in a posture of heart-to-heart communication.

When    spoke, her hands covered her hands, which were hot, wet, and slippery.

   "It's not that serious, just curious."

   "What kind of experience should it be to make a girl like you."

   Chu Yao looked straight into her eyes.

   is going to showdown.

   "Want to know?"

   Gao Jing's other hand, a little finger white as a tender green onion, gently hooked.

   Chu Yao nodded.

She emptied her left hand, gently leaned to her mouth, in a whispering gesture, and whispered in a low voice: "Wait after the supper is finished, come back to my house with me, the long night, I will tell you everything. ."

   After finishing speaking, pink tongue licked red lips lightly, and blinked.

   is the classic action of Zixia.

   Chu Yao:! !

   My Nima.

   At this moment, Chu Yao concluded that she must be a top scum.

   If the scum girl has a rank, she at least glorifies the king!

   Which man can withstand such a test?

  The knot of her throat shuddered twice, and Chu Yao broke away from her hand, picked up the water glass, and took a sip.

   "Why don't you leave now?"

   said that, but countless plots appeared in his mind.

   Fairy jump?

   Cut the kidney?



   or a female vampire who **** blood?

   Real vixen?

   and other urban horror legends.

   There is absolutely no pie in the sky anyway.

   Such a big beauty, take the initiative to ask herself?

   There is a ghost!

   "You are so anxious, eat first, you are hungry, fill your stomach, so you have the strength to do things."

   She pouted her mouth and said, picking up a bunch of kidneys and eating meat gracefully.

   The boss brought two glasses of water.

  Ordinary lemonade.

   Chu Yao felt that his adrenal hormones were secreting crazily, excited, nervous, dangerous, and irritating.

   In fact, the current situation has touched the boundary of my own sense of security.

   I want to get up and leave.

   But, I really want to know what kind of story will happen next.

   Curiosity has reached its limit.

  While eating and thinking, after eating for about half an hour, the food on the table is almost wiped out. Gao Jing stood up and walked to the front desk to pay the bill.

"Let me do it."

   Chu Yao wanted to be the first, but she was stopped by her, so she scanned the code and paid two hundred and eighty-five.

   Then he took Chu Yao's hand very naturally.

   "Let's go."

  Mental illness?

   X addiction?

   At this moment, Chu Yao had two horrible possibilities in his mind, and she was dragged out of the door.

"Where's your home?"

   Chu Yao asked.

   Gao Jing smiled and said: "I rented a house in Champagne International, I live alone."

   "Uh... isn't it... a bit too fast?"

   Chu Yao scratched his head, really a little bit embarrassed now.

   I haven't gotten to this level yet.


   "Are you fast?"

   "I'm not happy anyway."

   Gao Jing seemed to be smiling but not smiling, a posture of completely letting herself go.

   While she was talking, she was already in the car, and then turned to look at Chu Yao, "Get in the car, what are you still doing? Don't worry, you won't be treated like this. Would you like to show you my ID card?"


   Chu Yao immediately gritted his teeth and nodded.

   This thing is too weird, too mysterious.


   But I don't want to just leave.

   Gao Jing laughed and took out an ID card from her pocket.


   Chu Yao took a look.

   The photo is of her, she is only 21 years old this year, and she is from this city. Her household registration address is at Champagne International, Building 2, Unit 707.

   After reading the ID card, Chu Yao also glanced at the ground specifically, and she had a shadow under the light.

   According to the horror film setting, it should not be a female ghost.


  What am I thinking about?

   Where is there a ghost in this world?

   "Have you thought about it?"

   "I'm really leaving if I don't go again."

   Gao Jing urged.

   Chu Yao looked up at the sky, gritted his teeth, and gave up.

   I want to see, what does she want to play?

   is considered to be courageous.

   Could it really kill oneself?

   So he rolled over and hugged her again, the motorcycle restarted and headed for Champagne International.

   will be here soon.

   After swiping the access card, the security let it go, the motorcycle stopped downstairs and went all the way into the elevator.

  In the elevator.

   "What do you think?"

   Chu Yao didn't speak all the way, Gao Jing asked casually.

   "I wonder if you are a female ghost? I'm going to eat tonight."

   Gao Jing laughed out again.

   "Puff! Why are you so persuaded?"

   Chu Yao curled his lips: "Do you often take strange men home like this?"

   "This one really doesn't. You are the first one."

   "Then why me?"

   "Because of you, it makes me feel safe."

   Chu Yao:...

   was speechless for a while.

   The elevator reached the seventh floor.

   After exiting the elevator door, the voice-activated lights came on.

   is a pattern of four households with one ladder, and the second door on the left. Gao Jing took out the key, opened the door, and made an inviting gesture.

   "Please come in."

   Chu Yao twitched his nose twice, and he didn't smell any blood or other unusual smells.

   Look at the room again, the light is bright, it is spotlessly cleaned, and it is very warm.

   bite the bullet and enter the door.

   "There are no men's slippers, you can wear mine, my feet are quite big."

she says.

   A pair of pure white slippers on the wooden floor, Chu Yao thought for a while and put on his shoes.


   Gao Jing followed in, closed the door, locked it, took off her shoes at will, and stepped barefoot on the floor.


   She screamed suddenly.

   "My grass!"

   The sound was sudden, and Chu Yao's heart jumped in shock and almost jumped up.


   saw her smile like something, her brows and eyes were filled with a mischievous smile, weird.

   "You...you're so persuasive, hahahaha..."

   Chu Yao is really a little angry right now. UU reading www.uukanshu.com

   can't figure out the routine of this woman at all.

"are you crazy!"

   "What the **** are you doing!"

   "Say! Stop playing, okay?"

   Chu Yao shouted loudly with a fierce expression.

  As soon as he finished speaking, Chu Yao suddenly realized that Gao Jing's two slender and white arms, like a jade lotus root, wrapped up like a beautiful snake, and then pressed himself against the wall in a posture that was almost a wall.

   She is very strong.

   She pressed it very tightly.

very close.

   The distance is close, I can hear her breathing.

   And, I can feel the pressure on my chest.

   "What...What are you doing?"

   Chu Yao's voice was trembling, both fragrant and nervous.

"ask you a question…"

   Gao Jing exhales like blue, her eyes hooking.

   "Can't you ask carefully? Say!"

   Chu Yao gritted his teeth.


   Gao Jing's expression became a little strange, and her words became vomiting, her eyelashes trembling lightly, she seemed a little nervous and a little ashamed.

   "You... are you buying a house?"


   Chu Yao was dumbfounded.

   What kind of show operation is this?

   Now that the house is sold, has the marketing reached this level?

"Do not laugh!"

   "I'm serious, do you...buy a house?"

   Gao Jing asked again, her face gradually turning red.

  At this moment, Chu Yao finally saw that her favorability had changed.

   rose from twenty to eighty in an instant.

what's the situation?

   This turning point is really amazing, Chu Yao felt his brain buzzing.
