
The richest man by falling in love

just for fun Others spend money when they fall in love, and Chu Yao makes money when they fall in love. Get the [Love God System], every time you spend a dollar on sister paper, you will get a hundredfold return. … Sister paper: Brother, I know you love me, but can we not be so prodigal? Chu Yao: You know a der, I am a money-making machine with wooden emotions, and you

_Su · Fantasy
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50 Chs

Chapter 11

—"Walking on the road, taking a walk, sobering up."

   Chu Yao returned.

   I am still looking forward to having a supper with her, chatting or something, curiosity, desire to conquer, and instinctive desire.

   Gao Jing: "Send me a location."

   Chu Yao sent her the location, and after about ten minutes, he heard the roar of the engine.

   An extremely wild motorcycle rushed forward and stopped steadily beside him.

   I... wipe... 嘞?

   Chu Yao was dumbfounded.

  So handsome?


   Gao Jing handed over a helmet, two long legs steadily stepping on the ground, slender and fit.

   Putting on his helmet, Chu Yao got into the car.

   "Hold me tight."

she says.

   Chu Yao:...

   His arms hesitated slightly, and he hugged this slender and **** waist, just hugged it tightly, and then the motorcycle sprang out like an arrow from the string.

   Although there is no feeling of pushing back, but the feeling of weightlessness is very strong.

   This is too shabby, right?

   She was wearing a coat now, but she didn't zip the zipper, and the cold wind blew across her face. Chu Yao helped her wrap her waist and drive on the empty streets in the middle of the night.

   I feel a little romantic in my heart.

  Motorcycle girl?

   When I was in school, I also thought about riding a bicycle or motorcycle, carrying a beloved girl, and traveling through the streets.

   But I have never had such an experience.



   "Where is this?"

   Facing the wind, Chu Yao asked.

   "Just follow me, I can sell you!"

   Gao Jing also shouted.

   Chu Yao: "I'm going to throw up!"

   Gao Jing: "Take it up! There is a helmet blocking it! You can't spit up on me!"

   Chu Yao:...


The Twilight Bar is in the west of the city. She drove around the inner ring road. In a full half an hour, she was almost at the seaside in the east of the city. She went around the road, turned into the alley, turned left and right, and finally stopped in front of a barbecue shop. .

   The name of the shop is "There is wine and meat", the decoration style is more Japanese, the style of the late-night canteen.

   But obviously the business is not so good, and there are not many people.

   Of course it might be too late, it's about to close.

   Park the car.

   Chu Yao jumped down, took off his helmet, and retched twice, but did not vomit.

   "Old driver, you drove this car."

   Gao Jing smiled and patted him on the back lightly, "It's okay, do you really want to vomit?"

   "I vomited, I swallowed it back."

   Chu Yao felt that he could not play cards with her according to common sense.

   She invites herself to supper, it must be a routine.

   But what is the specific routine.

   temporarily unknown.

   "Disgusting! Disgusting!"

   "Stop talking, and I'm going to throw up too!"

   The two entered the door happily.

   Inexplicably, Chu Yao felt really relaxed.

  Although I just met, I have a strange feeling that I can talk about anything and make any jokes.

   This situation is also mentioned in the book.

  —If you feel comfortable with a person, it means that they are much higher than you and are backward compatible with you, regardless of gender.

   took a seat.

   "Are there any taboos? Can I eat spicy food?"

   Gao Jing took the menu and asked.

"could not."

   Chu Yao shook his head.

   "Then I'll order it, boss, first half a dozen kidneys, roast them a little bit, and add more chili."

   "I want another large oyster, the largest one, and more garlic."

   "Let's take a slice of cucumber, peanuts, crab porridge, and a crayfish."

   Gao Jing finished ordering, quite vigorously, and then passed the menu to Chu Yao: "Let's see if there is anything else I want to add?"

   Chu Yao waved his hand strangely.

   "No more. Do you... do you usually eat like this?"

   "I'm hungry today, let alone eat with you, I usually only eat fitness meals, boiled chicken breasts, and occasionally indulge."

   "Why... invite me to supper?"

   Chu Yao hesitated, and asked with a smile.

   "Because you are rich and want to find a thigh to hug you, so I invited you to dinner. Thank you boss for your rewards. There is any way to make money. Even if it is a word or two, it may be enough for me."

   Gao Jing took a natural gesture, her eyes turned into crescent moons, her tone half-truth.

   Chu Yao was stunned again.

   This is awesome.

   However, routines are still routines.

   From drinking from the bar, to taking the car just now, and to supper now, Chu Yao occasionally took time to glance at her favorability.

   always stays at 20.

   is as stable as an old dog.

   This woman, absolutely absolutely.

   Yes, continue to play with her.

   "Actually, I just made a fortune and I made a small amount of money, which is nothing at all."

   Chu Yao thought, and continued.

   "Well, I can see it, otherwise it won't be impossible to live in the town. But you are pretty good, not as greasy as a nouveau riche, and it's not bad."

   "On the contrary, it is those women who treat you as a triumphant."

   Gao Jing smiled and nodded.

   Chu Yao:...



   After a while, Chu Yao was a little bit embarrassed, "I don't have a city like that, so I can be seen through so easily?"

   At these words, Gao Jing instantly trembled with a smile.

   "Don't be so cute. It's cute, it's a foul."

   "Actually, it's okay. I can see through, doesn't it mean that I can see through. I'm smart."


   is really smart.

   Chu Yao has never seen a woman smarter than her so far.

   "Since you are smart, how can you have no money? Where can I give advice?"

   "Cleverness and wisdom are two different things, little cleverness and big wiseness are also two different things, big wise is foolish, I'm just little wise."

   This is a bit mysterious, Chu Yao didn't know how to answer it for a while, so he changed the subject casually.

   "You Xiaozhi? I still have PDD!"


What's the meaning?

The term    obviously touched Gao Jing's blind spot in knowledge, she was taken aback and asked.

   "What does PDD mean?"

   "Put a lot."

   "Come on, you must be lying to me."

   While she was talking, she took out her mobile phone and quickly searched for "Xiaozhi and PDD", and then she understood.

   slightly pursed her lips, her eyes widened, and she looked at Chu Yao with an expression of "You are lying to me", "You are lying to me", "You are a big bad guy".

   Chu Yao:...

   I feel a little itchy. UU Reading www.uukanshu.cOM


   This Nima is too pretty, right?

   I was a little dumbfounded for a while.

   The corners of Gao Jing's eyes lifted slightly, her smart eyes showing a bit of pride, she snorted softly, and turned her head to look out the window.

   Chu Yao suddenly came back to his senses.

   "You seduce me."

   Chu Yao said boldly.

   Gao Jing: "Fart! How can I do it! It's your own impure mind! Do you have any misunderstandings about seducing? People are just being cute."

   Chu Yao laughed.

   Look at the favorability score again, it is still 20.

   An unspeakable emotion quietly filled my heart.

   This is too enchanting, right?

   Is she really just acting on occasion?

   All the expressions, actions, laughs, and cuteness just now are fake?

   Deep down, always think of yourself as a passerby?

   What the hell?



   This kind of feeling is like she is exhausted and exhausted on the top, she doesn't move at all underneath, and she cooperates on the surface, but in fact there is no wave in her heart.

   Really...very frustrated.


   At this time.

   The boss finally brought the dishes. He is an uncle in his fifties with a very kind smile, "Do you want something to drink?"

   "Old rules."

   Gao Jing said casually.

   heard this.

   Chu Yao thought about it and decided to give her a big move.

   glanced at her with a smile, and then at the boss with a smile: "Boss, does she often bring boys here for supper?"

   A word.

   The boss was stunned.

   Gao Jing was also stunned.

