
The Revenge Road of King of Martial Dominance

traveled through time to Danning and came back to life inside the tomb of King Ba Wu. After escaping the grave, he not only faced pursuit from the court and various forces but also had to help his wife, Qin Muge, the King of Martial Dominance, reclaim everything step by step. Luckily, he awakened a system that made him more invincible the more famous he became, and stronger the more blame he shouldered.

hao_ace · Fantasy
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33 Chs

Sharp Knife

"Kill him!" At the moment of engagement, all the Long family soldiers were eager to take the lead, their expressions greedy and their fighting spirit high.

The eldest son of the Duke of Long offered a hefty reward, including up to two hundred taels of demon silver and a confidential martial arts elixir. Not to mention that behind this person, there is also the deputy flag master of the Iron Flag Gang, Tie Xiaosheng. The bounty on this person is twenty times that of Chu Xisheng.

In the eyes of these Long family soldiers, these two individuals have already achieved outstanding merits. To them, the frail young man in front of them had only relied on the intimidation of a seventh-grade martial realm woman before, and now his true colors were revealed. He was just a weak cultivator at the ninth grade, panting after running a few hundred steps.

His sword might be fast, but as long as they were cautious, capturing and killing him would be easy! In the next instant, Chu Xisheng unsheathed his sword. His initial move was still "Air Cave Wind", his most proficient sword technique!

The three Long family soldiers at the forefront only saw a thunderous arc of blade light before their eyes. Then they found themselves rapidly losing sight, witnessing three headless bodies below. These were bodies without heads, with a bowl-sized wound at the neck, a gush of blood spurting out from within, and the bodies unconsciously charging forward.

They instantly realized what had happened, their eyes filled with intense fear and despair. Just then, they blacked out, losing all consciousness. Chu Xisheng continued to control the blade light, rampaging through the crowd.

Next, he executed his only group battle sword move - "Riding the Wind and Breaking the Waves"! The blade edge seemed like an unstoppable gale, ruthlessly slashing forward!

In the eyes of the Long family soldiers, Chu Xisheng's sword and movements had turned into blurred images, completely unpredictable. They were completely caught off guard, and two of them were beheaded, while three were split open in the chest.

Chu Xisheng's blade not only chased the wind and lightning but also possessed great force. The leather armor they wore was completely ineffective in defense. Meanwhile, behind Chu Xisheng, Tie Xiaosheng, hidden in the corner, couldn't help but widen his pupils. This guy's sword - so fast!

Although this boy's cultivation was only at the ninth grade, his talent for swift swordplay was extremely high. Judging solely by the burst of combat power he had shown at this moment, it was already at the peak of the ninth grade!

At this moment, he was killing nine people in one go, as if cutting vegetables and slicing melons. Only, this boy's endurance was slightly lacking. After killing nine people in a row, his sword speed slowed down, but his combat power was still beyond the reach of the four Long family soldiers.

Though these four could be considered the elite of the Long family soldiers, only one of them had reached the superior grade in cultivation. Sure enough, in less than fifteen breaths, Chu Xisheng had dealt with the four one by one.

And at this moment, in front of him, only twenty yards away, were three heavily armored men rapidly approaching. Tie Xiaosheng recognized them as members of "Hengmen Eighteen Riders" under Long Heng's command.

Although their cultivation was higher and their strength greater, because of the heavy iron armor they wore, their running speed was slower than those Long family soldiers who only wore leather armor. In Tie Xiaosheng's heart, a glimmer of hope arose.

He had already realized that the purpose of Chu Xisheng bringing him here just now was to create an opportunity to divide and conquer the Long family soldiers! This guy, unexpectedly, has both courage and strategy!

Can this guy hold off the "Eighteen Riders of Hengmen"? The three ahead of us are all wearing heavy armor, with few flaws on their bodies, and their overall strength is close to the eighth rank. Chu Xisheng's advantage lies in his speed with the blade, but it may not be enough to break through the heavy armor of the three. It's also not suitable for prolonged fighting in this narrow cave. This kid's endurance won't last for prolonged combat either. Chu Xisheng was breathing heavily, his forehead dripping with sweat the size of beans. The full force of his previous strikes had depleted a significant amount of his stamina. The Six Yin Resurrection Curse was also showing signs of onset.

Chu Xisheng tried to catch his breath while calmly picking up a long knife from the ground. These Long clan soldiers carried two refined steel knives, identical to his coiled blade but much more powerful. He then held the long knife in reverse, waiting for the arrival of the three "Eighteen Riders of Hengmen" while keeping an eye on the illusory screen in his field of vision.

Just as he had killed nine people in a row, Chu Xisheng's fame had risen to "Ninth Rank (Virtual)". The martial points, which had only remained at 2, had also increased to 8. The problem was, there weren't many people here. There were only three "Eighteen Riders of Hengmen" and one Tie Xiaosheng who witnessed him killing people. Chu Xisheng suddenly realized.

Tie Xiaosheng was a master with a cultivation level of the sixth rank, and the three "Eighteen Riders of Hengmen" opposite him were also close to the eighth rank in strength. Their higher cultivation meant they had a greater impact. Just these four individuals were equivalent to the crowd witnessing his battle with Long Sheng during the inner gate trial!

Chu Xisheng quickly gathered his thoughts and continued browsing through the martial treasury, looking for something that could help him. The treasury also contained "Divine Power Pills," but the annotations clearly stated that the effects of this medicine cannot be stacked. He reluctantly withdrew his gaze; while there were many good things in the treasury, they either couldn't help him or required more martial points.

Chu Xisheng minimized the illusory screen to the corner and then lowered his body with the knife in hand, focusing on the present. He would have to rely on himself now.

Moments later, the three men had arrived before him. They were truly armed to the teeth, even hiding their faces behind face masks, each wielding a broad, four-foot-long heavy blade. The gaze of the three "Eighteen Riders of Hengmen" was exceptionally serious, cautious. The three blades coordinated with each other, advancing and retreating together.

Chu Xisheng tried a few moves against them but couldn't find any openings.

He was forced to continuously retreat twenty steps by the opposing blades, gradually backing up to where Tie Xiaosheng was standing. At this moment, an unusual light flashed in Chu Xisheng's eyes, and his refined steel blade suddenly struck heavily.


Following the clash of blades, the two broad-bladed heavy swords from the opposing side were actually pushed back by the force of Chu Xisheng's strike. Despite consuming a divine strength pill, Chu Xisheng, with his "Pure Yang Thunder Body," was slightly inferior in strength compared to the combined force of the two opponents. However, with just one full-force strike, his strength surpassed that of the two armored soldiers who were only exerting eighty percent of their strength.

After pushing back the two men, Chu Xisheng suddenly stepped forward, directly attacking the center, his blade flashing as he aimed for the throat of the central opponent. Witnessing this scene, Tie Xiaosheng couldn't help but feel a pang in his chest as his heart raced to his throat. This was because the man on the right side of the opposing group had not been pushed back, and his eyes glinted with malice as he accelerated his heavy sword strike.

Chu Xisheng's blade was only slightly faster, slipping through the gap between the face and chest armor of the man, leaving a bloodstain as it passed. However, at the same time, the heavy sword of the man on the right struck Chu Xisheng's left shoulder.

Tie Xiaosheng could barely bear to witness the possibility of Chu Xisheng being fatally wounded, but then he was surprised to see that, despite being sent flying by the force of the blow, Chu Xisheng's left shoulder armor was severely damaged but underneath it, there was only a faint trace of blood, not the severe injury that Tie Xiaosheng had expected.

As Tie Xiaosheng carefully examined the damaged armor, he glimpsed something golden underneath: an extremely high-quality golden silk inner armor! A shimmer of astonishment flickered in Tie Xiaosheng's eyes. This was a premeditated exchange of injuries! After slaying one of the soldiers, the situation Chu Xisheng faced was completely different from before.