
The Revenge Road of King of Martial Dominance

traveled through time to Danning and came back to life inside the tomb of King Ba Wu. After escaping the grave, he not only faced pursuit from the court and various forces but also had to help his wife, Qin Muge, the King of Martial Dominance, reclaim everything step by step. Luckily, he awakened a system that made him more invincible the more famous he became, and stronger the more blame he shouldered.

hao_ace · Fantasy
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33 Chs


Chu Xisheng was knocked down by the force of the sword, but quickly got up. He held the sword, his gaze focused on the two armored soldiers in front of him. Despite his serious injuries, the leather armor and inner gold-threaded armor on his body saved him from fatal wounds, but couldn't alleviate all the force. The broad-bladed sword had already shattered his left shoulder clavicle. Although his left hand did not affect his combat effectiveness, every movement caused excruciating pain in his left shoulder. Chu Xisheng, however, seemed oblivious to the pain, walking forward expressionless. He casually waved his refined steel sword, seemingly effortless and without any specific technique, yet the two soldiers opposite him were sweating profusely, with beads of sweat the size of soybeans forming behind their face masks.

Chu Xisheng's sword was faster, more powerful, and his reflexes were quicker than theirs! Each swing of Chu Xisheng's sword seemed to contain infinite killing intent, making them feel a deadly threat. Under the pressure of the flashing sword, the two men had to step back and wield their swords with all their might, weaving a dense curtain of light in front of them. They cooperated with each other, making it nearly impossible for the sword light to penetrate.

Chu Xisheng continued to wield the sword nonchalantly, occasionally exerting full force but always pulling back after a light touch. He seemed as composed as a cat probing its prey with its claws. Each of Chu Xisheng's probes forced the two men to work harder to weave the sword curtain, trying to keep Chu Xisheng out of it.

However, just a moment later, both men were sweating profusely and gasping for air, realizing the danger they were in. In that brief moment, their sword swings exceeded Chu Xisheng's frequency by more than twice, and they used all their strength without holding back. With their heavy armor, their physical exertion was five times greater than their opponent's.

In contrast, Chu Xisheng, who had been panting heavily, had now steadied his breath, and his stamina had not only not been depleted, but had even recovered somewhat. One of the soldiers unhesitatingly tore open the chest armor in front of him. The heavy armor was no longer able to protect them, but instead became a huge burden, a fatal flaw.

Chu Xisheng's lips curled up slightly.

It is too late for this person to unarm now!

In just a moment, the two men in front of him swung their swords two hundred times. Their sword speed had unconsciously slowed down, only at 80% of their peak performance.

Chu Xisheng swiftly approached without hesitation, and his refined light steel blade surged forward like a sharp wind.

The two men opposite him roared angrily, one fiercely blocking and the other striking towards Chu Xisheng's neck.

Chu Xisheng's blade swiftly passed by one of the men's necks, while also managing to block the other broad-bladed sword.

The powerful force from the opposing side caused Chu Xisheng to stagger back three steps.

When Chu Xisheng regained his footing, the surviving armored soldier from the opposite side had turned around and sprinted with all his might.

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but sneer. While this person had some knowledge of light-footed techniques, could he run while wearing heavy armor?

He chased after the man and caught up with him in just twenty-seven steps. His refined light steel blade easily pierced the man's neck from behind, effortlessly taking his head.

At that moment, his martial points increased to 10.

Finally, Tie Xiaosheng couldn't help but praise: "Wonderful! Precise with the blade, swift hands, and most importantly, intelligence and courage."

These sixteen elite soldiers of the Long clan, whose combat strength was equivalent to an entire branch of their Iron Flag gang, were defeated by this young man using tactics and swift swordsmanship.

Chu Xisheng was relaxed all over, and his tense mind relaxed.He smiled at Tie Xiaosheng and said, "Uncle, I think you'd better not speak for now, your wounds might open up."Tie Xiaosheng chuckled softly, realizing that his current situation was indeed not very good, as every word he spoke would agitate his whole body of wounds.

Hearing the words "uncle" from the young man's mouth, he grew even more fond of the young man before him and felt a sense of closeness.Chu Xisheng cleaned his refined light steel blade and put it back in its sheath. Then he tore off a few pieces of relatively clean cloth from the bodies to fix his left shoulder and collarbone.

Previously, he had been focused on the battle, so the pain wasn't too intense.But now, after relaxing, the pain was unbearable.After dealing with his injuries, Chu Xisheng searched through the bodies.He was full of expectations, but in the end, he only found thirty-two taels of magic silver.

Chu Xisheng couldn't help but curse the poor guys. The salaries of the Long family should be quite generous, but these sixteen men only carried such a small amount of money.

In fact, the weapons of these men were also valuable, especially the wide-bladed broadswords and heavy armor carried by the three armored soldiers, worth at least one hundred and fifty taels of magic silver.

Unfortunately, these items were too heavy and burdensome for Chu Xisheng to carry.

He only took the other hundred-refined light steel blade from the ground, while discarding his spare steel blade.

Chu Xisheng then carried Tie Xiaosheng on his back and headed towards the direction of the hot spring.Lu Luanli was a seventh-grade practitioner skilled in both martial arts and techniques. Chu Xisheng believed that even if she couldn't defeat the Long family's seventh-grade practitioner, she would still be able to escape unscathed.

However, he was still a little worried and wanted to go check on her.As a result, Chu Xisheng had only walked halfway when he saw Lu Luanli.The girl's complexion was not good, looking quite dispirited and dejected.But she was pleasantly surprised to see Chu Xisheng, and then her pupils dilated slightly as she asked, "Why did you come back? What about those people from the Long family? Didn't they chase after you?"

Due to the obstructed view, she hadn't seen the bodies. However, based on the two additional hundred-refined light steel blades on Chu Xisheng and the bloodstains on his clothes, Lu Luanli vaguely guessed the answer.

Could it be that this guy had slaughtered those soldiers from the Long family?

Lu Luanli realized that she had underestimated Chu Xisheng.Chu Xisheng pointed to his shoulder wound and gave a bitter smile, "I just advanced to the ninth rank, didn't I? I happened to awaken a certain talent and managed to kill those people, but it came at a cost."

At that moment, another burst of fireworks exploded in his field of vision, adding two more martial points.

Chu Xisheng pondered, realizing that this was the delayed effect of martial points.Lu Luanli was a high-level practitioner in the seventh rank, and now that she understood the situation, her martial points were also credited at this moment.

Chu Xisheng looked Lu Luanli up and down, finding her completely unscathed.But why was she so disheartened? Could it be that she had suffered internal injuries?These injuries were indeed not visible on the surface.Chu Xisheng asked in suspicion, "What about the person from the Long family? What was the outcome of your encounter?"

"Need to ask about the outcome? An eagle that can't fly, where is my opponent?" Lu Luanli sneered disdainfully, but then she sighed, "But he escaped. That guy had a five-grade jade talisman for enhancing the body technique in hand, and he fled so fast that I couldn't catch up."

The jade talisman is a type of talisman made of white jade. This kind of talisman can also be used by martial cultivators, but the cost is extremely high, thirty times that of talismans of the same grade.

Chu Xisheng immediately understood that since there was a survivor, Lu Luanli's undercover identity was likely to be exposed.

Then, he saw Lu Luanli reaching out her hand towards him. "Hand it over!"

Chu Xisheng blinked in confusion, "Hand over what?"

"Of course, it's the advance magic silver! I gave you fifteen taels in advance to help me cover up for a month."

Lu Luanli's eyes, black and white, stared roundly, looking at Chu Xisheng angrily, "But I can no longer conceal my identity now. I already didn't ask you for bodyguard fees, which was already good enough. You don't want to refund me?"

Chu Xisheng looked embarrassed, he really didn't want to refund.

However, Lu Luanli made a valid point, leaving him speechless.

At the same time, the youth with the sword walked briskly in a narrow corridor seven miles away. There was a blood hole stabbed by Lu Luanli in his chest, causing him great pain, with blood occasionally seeping from his mouth.

The youth coughed lightly and his eyes revealed a fierce light. Once he returned to the upper level of the Fire Bone Cave, he would make that couple pay for their actions.At that moment, he saw a slim figure dressed in black coarse cloth and a cloak walking towards him from the opposite direction. The youth furrowed his brow, gripping his long sword tightly, appearing very vigilant.

It was well known that the most dangerous part of the Fire Bone Cave was not the evil creatures, but the various types of people. The person in front of him made him feel mysterious and profound.

Then, the black figure on the opposite side suddenly asked, "Are you the Eagle Sword Master Hong?"

It was a girl's voice, as clear and pure as a spring.The youth felt a chill in his heart, "I am. And you are?"In that instant, he saw a shadow flash, and the youth's head exploded like a watermelon. He didn't even have time to draw his sword.

Chu Yunyun's figure continued to flicker without any blood or dirt staining her. She glanced at the corpse of Hong, then continued walking forward.She sniffed lightly and followed the bloody scent left by Hong, eventually arriving at a hot spring.Looking into the distance, Chu Xisheng was sitting shirtless by the hot spring, with a beautiful young girl sitting beside him. The two were close together, doing who knows what.

Chu Yunyun's heart skipped a beat, and the hand resting on the stone wall collapsed with a 'thud'.