

Sara Arnold. Known popularly as the villainess. The vicious socialite. Evil could not describe her. Until one day Sara dies and is reincarnated in the body of a young girl. But her soul lies dormant in the body. Sara has no choice but to watch as the girl's life is taken away slowly from her hands and ruined. Abandoned by her family, despised by the man she loves and even the society, she decides to end it all, giving Sara a chance to reincarnate. Now watch the vicious socialite as she punishes the people who made her previous owner die. Everyone cowers in fear of her. Until she meets a strange man one cold, stormy night. Since then.... "Are you not going to stop following me?" She glared at him. "No." He said innocently. "You're my wife. I can't let you go." Someone get this two-faced man away!

Alexa_Basil · Urban
Not enough ratings
22 Chs


Sara smiled happily as the doctor removed the cast wrapped around her hand. Next to him, a nurse examined Sara.

"All good!" She declared.

Sara almost jumped for joy. She had been in this stupid hospital for more than two months recovering. She had fractured her ribs and broken her hand when she jumped. Her body also had numerous scratches them. The Zhen family had insisted on her staying in the hospital until she was fully healed.

Sara stared at the doctor. Doctor Chen had been the one taking care of her since she arrived. "There are no scars right?" She glared at him.

Doctor Chen didn't like girls. He preferred boys because they were more valiant and headstrong. But looking at this cute girl in front of him, his heart melted.

" I used the best ointment to treat your injuries. Don't worry, you won't have any scars." He patted her head gently.

Sara gritted her teeth. She didn't know what medicine these doctor and nurses had taken. Anytime they came into her room, they would pay her head or pinch her face. When she glared at them, they would pinch even harder! They were probably perverts. She pouted.

The nurses all held their chests when they saw this. This former young miss of the Zhen family didn't seem as bad as rumours made it out to be. In fact, she wasn't bad at all! She was like a cute bunny. She would look at them with those big eyes that seemed to be clouded with mist. And when she asked them for something in that baby like voice, they felt like giving her the world. She was also very stubborn in a cute way. She would refuse to take her medicines each day and would find somewhere to hide it. They enjoyed searching for the hiding spot not because it was fun but because of the look the little girl would have when they found it. Her eyes would widen sadly and her head would droop down. If she had ears and a tail, they would have lowered too. And when they forced her to eat those bitter medicine, the frown on her face...

Sara looked at the nurses manical faces and shivered lightly. She had a feeling she would be robbed of her virtue if she continued to stay here.

"Give me a mirror." She stretched out her hand. She had to see the face that was driving these people crazy. Was she a cold, icy beauty? Or a soul stirring seductress? Or a wicked looking villain? She would prefer the seductress look though.

One, two, three! Sara looked into the mirror handed over to her and almost screamed. No! This can't be! She ran into the toilet and stared into the half length mirror there.

What was this? Could anyone tell me why there was a doll staring back at her? She raised a hand. The person in the mirror did the same.

"Are they all stupid?" Sara asked. How could the people in City A describe this girl as a villain? Because of all the nasty talks about her in other internet, she had been expecting to see someone wicked looking in the mirror; who was this moe that's looking back at her?

Sara touched her round face. It was like tofu, bouncy and soft. Next were her eyes. They were large. Like really large. Like two small balls placed in her face. They had a slant at the edges making her look lazy and sluggish. Her eyes were a deep black. Like midnight black. You couldn't even see your reflection in them. They were framed by freakishly long lashes. Next were her button nose and small full lips. Her ears were tiny too. All in all, this body looked like a cartoon character.

And they were all afraid of her?

Sara gritted her teeth and glared in horror at the two deep dimples that appeared. No way. How was she supposed to carry out her evil deeds now? No matter how she convinced people that she was the one who did so and so, they would believe she was innocent!

Sara felt like banging her head against the wall. Why did she have to be reincarnated in this cute body? Ever since Tara came into the scene, the Host had hated herself. She would cover up all the mirrors in the room to avoid seeing her own appearance. Of course, she had seen the host appearance when she was just a soul, but it didn't look as clear as it was now! Was it because she was now in charge of the body?

Sara left the bathroom dejectedly. She saw the hovering nurses and finally understood their obsession. After all it's not everyday you see a lifelike doll.


People at the entrance of the Ming Hospital stared strangely at the scene of a young lady surrounded by a few nurses who were all shoving one package or the other at her. Was she a celebrity? Curiously, they looked at the young lady and understood why the nurses were so giddy. In fact they too felt like going over and touching that face. Some couldn't resist and photographed this scene.

Sara waved away the nurses surrounding her. "My car is here already!"

"Miss Sara," A nurse struggled out. "Are you sure you want to go back to that family? I might not live in a mansion but my parents are rich! They will be willing to accept a younger daughter!" Especially one as cute as you, she added silently.

The other nurses booed her. She just snatched the words right out of their mouths!

"I can't." Sara felt it was time to display some skills again. She looked down sadly. "I've only known one home my entire life... I can't bear to leave. Even though I know I'm the one at fault, I'm the thief, I can't... My mum, my brothers..." Tears trickled down her face.

"That's not true little Sara!" The nurse said righteously. "You didn't do anything wrong!"

"People on the internet don't think that way. Now I'm scared to even go out, what if they hurt me..."

"Leave it to me!" The nurse patted her chest. Not to be outdone the others too echoed her.

"Leave it to us! We'll help you!"

"Thank you." Sara smiled happily. Her eyes were still wet with tears, making her look like a bullied little cat who had just been bribed with some fish.

"Ahhhhh." The nurses held their hearts.

Waving, Sara entered into the car and shut the door. Once inside, her face changed. An icy aura filled the car.

The nurse who offered to take in Sara immediately called her parents. " Mum, dad, I'll go in that blind date but you have to help me! Hmmm! My little sister is being bullied online..."

The other nurses watched in dismay. Sigh, why didn't they have rich parents? They took out their phones and logged into their Weibo account. Hmph! We can't hire people but we can fight by ourselves! They began posting and replying comments fervently.

Slowly, the tides on the internet began to change.