
metabolism boosting cream

"Cosmetics??" Yan Duo's eyes widened like bull's eyes. In order to save money, her dear mother always used a bottle of facial cream 365 days a year. She had never seen her use so many cosmetics.

 Gu Liping sat down heavily on the bed and said angrily: "I got angry when I said this. I said I wouldn't buy it. It was a waste of money. Your dad insisted that I should take good care of myself as I got older, so I bought so much. In front of other store clerks. I can't argue with him. He thinks I'm old at this age. Duduo, why is your mother so old? Do you need to wipe your face like a ghost? It looks good. And here's the eye cream and neck cream. It takes so many bottles to apply on your face. He just buys whatever he is told to do. I've never seen him so obedient."

 Yan Duo took a closer look at the bottles and cans. The clerk did not recommend them wrong. They had everything they should buy. It's this brand, it's so good, and the price back then was not low!

 So Yan Duo said sternly to Gu Liping: "Mom, you don't look old now, but haven't you heard a sentence? Taking care of yourself is not to look ten years younger tomorrow, but to be as young as now in ten years. You Look at the mothers of my classmates who don't take care of themselves. Although...hehe! My mother still looks younger than her peers, but I bought all these things so that you can stand with me ten years later. Let people say that we are like two sisters, so let's put it to good use! Although my dad's words are not pleasant, he has good intentions."

 Not only was it distasteful, but he actually said in front of outsiders that his wife was old and needed to be taken care of.

 Gu Liping was stunned by Yan Duo's words, and most of her anger disappeared. She sighed and said, "I just bought it. I don't care about the money. Your dad... what did he say when he asked me to buy cosmetics? : He just listened to me for a while. But before his head turned 90 degrees, he said that the clothes I picked were too old-fashioned and he wanted to wear something fresh, so he chose this one for me. "

 After saying that, she shook out a dress and landed it in front of Yan Duo.

 Yan Duo silently picked up the dress, thinking that it was still the same problem after having been troubled for a long time.

 "It's quite beautiful. I didn't expect my dad to have such a vision." Yan Duo exclaimed.

 "What's the use of being pretty? Your dad... Huh!" Gu Liping stopped mid-sentence.

 Yan Duo pretended not to understand: "Mom, if you don't like it, why don't you refuse?"

 Gu Liping's eyes lingered on the skirt for a moment without saying anything.

 "I think it looks pretty, but you really don't like it. Fortunately, the label hasn't been removed yet, so you can return it. Which store did you buy this from? Jiao Yang and I have made an appointment to go shopping in a few days, and I'll give it to you by the way. Return it." Yan Duo suggested enthusiastically and skillfully folded the clothes and stuffed them back into the bag.

 "No retreat, no retreat." Gu Liping quickly took the clothes back.

 "Don't force yourself if you don't like it!" Yan Duo's tone was particularly firm.

 "Okay, okay, I quite like it."

 "You just said that dad chose it for you, but you didn't agree."

 "I've already bought it, so why would I want to return it? It's so troublesome."

 "What a waste if you don't wear it later."

 "I really like it." Gu Liping finally sounded a little more positive this time.

 "Hey -" Yan Duo sighed in a pretentious manner, "Mom, you are so weird." After saying this, he greased the soles of his feet.

 He heard his mother yelling angrily from inside: "The big ones and the small ones are all the same!" Yan Duo stuck out his tongue.

 ********Is it really weird********

 The large pile of noodles Yan Duo bought during lunch was inevitably criticized a few times, but the mood of his parents did not seem to be as bad as Yan Duo imagined. After a few words, everyone divided it up one by one, and the atmosphere was Still very active.

 Especially when Yan Duo glared at Yan Jianjun and said, "Dad, do you have presbyopia in your eyes? You actually said that my mother is old. How old is my mother? Have you ever seen such a young and beautiful mother?"

 Yan Jianjun quickly explained: "Not old, not old at all, young and beautiful, just like a little girl, I was wrong."

 Gu Liping said "poof" and smiled a little.

 Yan Jianjun quickly added fuel to the fire and said to Yan Duo: "Your mother looks young and is suitable for wearing bright colors. She usually saves money for the sake of the family and is reluctant to buy good ones. Today I saw your mother saw that The floral skirt made my eyes light up, but after looking at the price, I wanted to leave, so I decided to buy it. How about it, it looks good on your mother!"

 "Good-looking!" Yan Duo nodded, always feeling that his father has become more and more flattering these days. Where has the cool father gone?

 Gu Liping glared at Yan Duo: "Did you see me wearing it?"

 "With a figure like my mother's, she must be pretty." Yan Duo continued her childish talk.

 Yan Jianjun chuckled and said to Gu Liping: "We have two working families. Although we are not very rich, we can still afford a few good clothes. From now on, you can buy what you like. You don't have to save so much."

 "I know." Gu Liping lowered her head to eat and replied calmly.

 While Gu Liping raised his head, Yan Duo noticed that Gu Liping's eye circles seemed a little red.

 I don't understand the emotions of adults, Yan Duo, a fake middle school student and a real adult, thought silently.

 This should be a good sign...

 After lunch, Yan Duo didn't want to take a nap, so he brushed up on his skill proficiency while reading books borrowed from the library.

 Read two books and complete three special tasks.

 Clicking on the Ice Spring Secret Realm, the result of the exploration was still that the level was too low and nothing was found. Nine small nests of melons also appeared on the table and disappeared in front of Yan Duo's eyes in an instant. The special task was completed as soon as the prompt was prompted.

 Since then, Yan Duo has been reviewing high school courses in a focused state. When Yan's father and Yan's mother woke up from their nap, daily tasks two and three had been completed.

 Concentration lv.4: Put yourself in a "concentrated" state, lasting 25 minutes and consuming 12 points of energy. There are ten levels of skills in total. The next level requires: using the skill 80 times. Current progress: 0/80

 Basic Information

 Name: Yiduo Xinqing

 Title: The Ignorant (Time required for next level: 19 hours)

 Birthday: September 9, 19XX

 Gender: Female

 Level: 7 (next level experience 150/200)

 Vitality: 30/170

 Energy: 155/220

 Satiety: 78/100

 Fatigue: 80/100

 Occupation: Scholar

 First secondary occupation: None

 Secondary occupation: None

 Amount of money: 1904

 The level has been raised from level 4 to level 7 in one day, and the money has soared to 1904.

 Even if the fatigue level is greater than 80 and the red light starts to flash, it can't cover up Yan Duo's excitement.

 Today must be my lucky day, Yan Duo thought happily looking at the four-digit amount of money.

 Soon, the four-digit number dropped to two digits, still two digits starting with 1.


 System: Purchase successful

 System: gold coins deducted 1888

 A tube-shaped cream appeared out of thin air in Yan Duo's hand, and it came with a page of Chinese instructions.