
Ancient World: Arc 5.17

Half a month had passed since Bai Lixin and Su Meijun had killed Chi Yuanxian and escaped from the Medicine King Valley.

On this day, Ren Qiankun went to the back garden as usual to practice his kung fu.

Ever since he was cured of the love poison that day, he had come to his senses and returned to the Alliance to change his cold and indifferent attitude and began to be considerate of his wife and attentive to his son.

Ren Qiankun, who was under the influence of the love poison at the time, could no longer tolerate other women.

Although he had married the former Alliance Lord's daughter, he was only obliged to do so, and since they had a child, he had lived a respectful and formal life with his wife.

After leaving the Medicine King Valley, the more Ren Qiankun thought about what had happened over the years, the more he felt that something was wrong.

He had always been a man of honour and decorum, so how could he have so willingly done what he despised the most?

He had left in haste and hid in a broken temple to escape the rain on his way back to his residence.

And that night, he had a dream.

In the dream, he had been poisoned by Chi Yuanxian on the day he met her at the age of eighteen and had been in love with her ever since.

He even lost his principles for the sake of Chi Yuanxian and married his current wife at her request.

Ren Qiankun had this dream and struggled repeatedly, but how could he break free from it?

However, it was not over yet. Not only had Chi Yuanxian poisoned him, but even Khonghu Jun was not a virtuous person.

Khonghu Jun had put a gu worm in him, and this worm manipulated his mind, turning him into Khonghu's puppet.

In this dream, which was so real that it was terrifying, Khonghu Jun used him to do many things that were harmful to the martial world, and his temperament was so radical because of this compulsion. All of this, including the fights with the underworld and the killing sprees when he did not get along with someone at first glance, was because of the manipulation of the gu worm.

The next day, Ren Qiankun woke up in a cold sweat from his dream.

When people dream, what happens in their dreams often becomes blurred when they wake up. But this time, instead of becoming blurred, the dream became clearer and clearer after he woke up.

He clutched his head, his body covered in a cold sweat, and a look of shock and fear appeared on his face.

It was no wonder that since he had taken up the position of the Martial Alliance leader, the Dark and White Daos, which had been living together peacefully, had started to fight endlessly.

The original reason was that the new head of the Dark Dao was so ambitious and was making waves, but he had no idea that there was another hand behind the martial arts world that was turning the clouds into the rain!

It is no wonder that during all these years, he has often been sleepwalking and had memory lapses. It turns out that he has long since become a puppet for the other side to control the martial arts world.

Ren Qiankun had walked to the gates of hell many times in his life, and each time he had never been afraid. But this time, his panic was imprinted directly on his face, and he could not hide it no matter how much he tried.

The dream this time was so strange that it made the frightened Ren Qiankun believe in the theory of ghosts and gods.

Looking up at the rusty golden Buddha in the broken temple, he knelt with folded hands and hurriedly kowtowed three times, saying "Thank you, Buddha, for waking up the urchin" a dozen times before he stopped.

After getting up from the ground, Ren Qiankun continued his journey without any other stops.

The events in his dream were so realistic and lifelike that he had to believe that it was a dream entrusted to him by the Buddha.

After he returned this time, he started secretly investigating the matter of Khonghu Jun.

One could never walk by the river without wetting one's shoes. He had never found anything wrong with Khonghu Jun before, and that was because he had never thought that way.

Now that the seeds of doubt were planted in his heart, the direction of his investigation was particularly clear.

It was only five days into the investigation when someone reported that they had found something wrong.

The doctors from Medicine King's Valley had been out of the valley for over two months now to help the outside world, which was normal. But the strange thing is that these medicine men were originally people who had entered the Medicine King's Valley for refuge and remained as medicine boys for three years before they were promoted to become doctors.

They were martial artists and naturally had family or friends in the martial world.

However, when someone recognized the identity of the physician and went to identify him, the physician's face was cold, his eyes did not change, and he did not recognize his family.

This is one of the suspicions, and the second is that of the people who had an affair with Chi Yuanxian.

The people who had a physical relationship with Chi Yuanxian were either wealthy or rich. All of them ended up being married into famous families, just like him, and their power expanded further.

The power of her lovers was like a giant intertwined net that frighteningly wrapped the whole martial world.

Chi Yuanxian's nets and Khonghu's actions showed their ambitions clearly.

However, Ren Qiankun misunderstood Chi Yuanxian. Chi Yuanxian indeed specializes in sleeping with young men from famous families, but the key to her selection is still their faces and figure. As for his speculation of casting a net, it was just a way for her lovers to have more perfect offspring for her to harvest later.

But none of it mattered. Ren Qiankun had decided that the Medicine King Valley was the biggest cancer in this martial world.

With the Nine-ringed Sword in his hands, Ren Qiankun's mind was preoccupied, but it did not affect the sword techniques in his hands.

After two sets of swordplay, his blood was already boiling and a thin sweat was forming on his forehead.

It was only after another incense stick that Ren Qiankun withdrew his hand and took a deep breath, throwing his nine-ringed sword back behind his back.

As soon as the poison had been removed, he was suddenly awakened and regretted that he had been possessed for so long, and even more so that he had treated his wife and their son so badly.

It was already three o'clock in the morning, so he guessed that she had already prepared breakfast.

When he thought of his wife's gentle, watery eyes, Ren Qiankun's hardened heart softened. Previously, he had always been infatuated with Chi Yuanxian and thought that he loved her. But now that the love poison has been lifted, he understands what love is and isn't.

The corners of Ren Qiankun's mouth lifted slightly, and he walked back to his room to wash and change his clothes.

In Ren Qiankun's bedroom, surprisingly, the wife of the alliance leader, Huang Shi, was still in the room and had not moved to prepare the breakfast.

She was sitting in front of the round table, her back to the door, leaving only a glimpse of her elegant back to Ren Qiankun.

Ren Qiankun's heart jumped slightly, and the smile on his face grew even bigger.

Crossing into the room, he gently placed the nine-ringed sword next to the doorway, and slowly walked up to the madam and swept her into his arms from behind, saying softly, "Good morning, madam."

Instead of turning around and responding to him gently, as she always did, she reached out and handed Ren Qiankun a piece of paper from the top of her head without looking back.

Ren Qiankun let go of her and took the letter, asking, "What's wrong? Who sent this letter? "

Huang Shi gave a cold laugh, "Who? Your good lover, Chi Yuanxian, ah. "

Ren Qiankun's hand holding the paper shook slightly, and the letter floated down to the ground. A line of unmistakable and beautiful brush writing instantly caught his eyes:

Khonghu Jun is holding me captive; save me!

The letter contained only seven words, but Ren Qiankun's body felt like it was hit by lightning, and his body swayed before he looked at it again.

The letter did not mention his relationship with Chi Yuanxian , but the madam had just said "good lover."

Ren Qiankun was shocked and hesitantly asked, "You already knew?"

Huang Shi laughed, and her voice was a little fragile, saying, "I knew of Chi Yuanxian's existence as early as when we got married. You may not know that on our wedding night, I heard you leave the room while I was asleep after the consummation of the marriage. I am the daughter of the Lord of the Alliance, so how could my martial arts skills be poor? I woke up as soon as the door closed. You were so nervous that you didn't even notice me following you. That night, I stood outside the guest room and saw my husband, who had just been lying in the same bed with me, holding another woman in his arms and tenderly calling out, "baby."

Ren Qiankun's face turned pale, and he stumbled several steps before coming over to sit next to Huang Shi.

Glancing at Huang in shame, the guilt in Ren Qiankun's heart increased.

Two lines of tears fell from her gentle and beautiful face, causing the heart of this rock-like martial arts master to be knocked out of his chest.

"Madam, I… Can you give me a chance to explain? " Ren Qiankun knew that no amount of explanation could make up for the harm he had done to his wife, but it was only through an explanation that he could undo some of the damage.

Huang Shi's hazel eyes looked fixedly at Ren Qiankun, and her voice trembled slightly as she said, "Do you know why I pretended not to know for more than ten years? Because I love you. Even though you married me for the position of martial arts alliance master, using me as a stepping stone to the top, I compromised. "

"I thought that if you didn't love me at that time, and if I treated you with sincerity day in and day out, you would feel some compassion for me. I do not ask you to love me as I love you, but that heart of yours is like a rock, indestructible and not at all shaken. "

Listening to Huang Shi's accusations, Ren Qiankun's heart became more pained.

In these ten years, he was completely in wrong.

"A few years down the line, after you were the Martial Lord, I knew I was of no more use to you. At that time, I intended to leave you and go far away, but then I found out I was pregnant. Honestly, you didn't do anything wrong except not love me. You treated me with respect and were serious about this martial arts world. I have since wondered whether I was too extravagant and brutal in my demands, and I changed my mind for the sake of the child. I chose to be silent, chose to ignore, but it has come to this."

After Huang Shi said so much, she suddenly inhaled and exhaled deeply and laughed, "This secret has been hidden in my heart for many years, and I had already stopped fighting and thinking about it. But ever since you returned from Medicine King Valley half a month ago, you've been like a different person, so I started to have second thoughts again. "