
Ancient World: Arc 5.16

She wanted revenge. She wanted to use the power of the gods to make the two men completely regret what they had done!

After thinking about it, the lust goddess planned to attach her soul body to Su Miejun.

She will possess Su Miejun's body and gouge out his heart when Ning Xuan Bing least expects it so that he can also taste this unexpected death.

But just as she tried to move, she suddenly realised that her soul body was disappearing at a speed that was visible to the naked eye.

Her soul power was dissipating, and her soul body was disappearing!

If her soul power dissipated, she could gain it again, but her soul body was equivalent to her life, and if her soul body disappeared, she would be dead.

How can that be?

I am a god, and gods can not be killed by men!

No one can kill a god or harm their soul body unless they are a god!

The lust goddess's eyes suddenly widened, and a look of horror appeared on her translucent face.

A god?!

Was Su Miejun's soul that of a god?!

If he is a god, then there is only one explanation; he was the new Lord God's soul that her Lord God had split and given to them!

Suddenly, as if intentional or unintentional, Ning Xuan Bing's eyes cast a sneer towards her side.

He could not see her, but with that gaze just now, she felt that Ning Xuan Bing could see her.

As if to confirm her suspicions, he turned his body this time and faced her directly.

Bai Lixin's eyes narrowed slightly as he tilted his head to look in the lust goddess's direction, and his mouth soundlessly mouthed a word.

The lust goddess read his words, and her eyes suddenly widened.

–Goodbye, lust goddess.

He knew she was a god. He knew her name!

What the hell is this man?!

With the last of her strength, the lust goddess used her soul power to scan Ning Xuan Bing's body.

Only to see that within Ning Xuan Bing's body, there was a soul that did not belong to this world.

The colour of that soul was not like the pure white or miscellaneous colours of ordinary souls, but rather a faint crystalline colour that was extraordinarily beautiful.

And in the depths of his soul, she even saw an aura belonging to the soul of the new Lord God.

This man had purposely run to this world to save the New Lord God, Dijia!

Realizing this, the lust goddess's soul body trembled, and she felt a wave of fear strike her.

How long had this man existed?

How in the world had he travelled through the world?

How had he rescued Dijia?

And just how many fragments of the Lord God's soul had he rescued?

One question after another was imprinted in her mind, and she was in a state of shock.

No, this message must be passed on to the sub-gods and the pseudo-lord god!

The lust goddess was thinking, but her soul was already dissipating to the size of a fingernail. With a reluctant glare at the harmlessly smiling Bai Lixin, the goddess of Lust wailed reluctantly and dissipated into thin air.

As soon as the lust goddess died, S419M resurfaced from the void.

[Ding, collecting the soul power of the false sub-god. Ding! Absorption begins. Ding! Absorption is over. Due to the system's absorbing enough powerful energy, the system will upgrade and evolve to the SS level. With significantly increased abilities, a richer range of exchange items will be available. The time used for the upgrade is 24 hours, and the number of points used is 100,000. Would Lord Host want to perform the upgrade now?]

Bai Lixin thought for a moment and said, [Has the analysis of Su Miejun's chronic poison come out yet?]

[Lord host, the analysis of the poison is complete. The host can call upon 1000 dimensional points to remove the toxin from Su Miejun's body.]

The stone that had been in Bai Lixin's heart for a long time was finally put down. He walked over to Su Miejun and took out a pill from his pocket and handed it over, "Didn't you ask me why I came to Medicine King Valley? This is what I came for. "

Su Miejun straightened his clothes and asked in confusion, "What is this?"

"It is the antidote to the chronic poison you have been suffering from. When you failed to assassinate me and left me, I investigated you. Don't ask me how I pulled it off, I am Ning Xuan Bing. Wherever there are people, there are my eyes and ears! "

Seeing Su Miejun's narrow smile, Bai Lixin's face reddened slightly. Even he didn't believe this lie.

"Hey, what's with that expression? Give me some seriousness!" Bai Lixin stomped his foot and pretended to be angry.

Su Miejun coughed lightly and nodded with a smile, "Fine, fine, I'm serious. Baby, you go on. "

"Hmph," the peach blossom eyes gave Su Miejun a sidelong glance as Bai Lixin continued, "Anyway, don't ask me how I found out, I just found out that you were poisoned anyway. The reason I went to Medicine King Valley was to find a way to get an antidote for the poison."

After another pause, Bai Lixin then said, with difficulty, "Don't ask me how I got this is the antidote, but I have my way. If I can point out the location of the soul-sucking mother worm to you, how hard can this medicine be? "

Su Miejun hurriedly squeezed the pill and waved his hand, saying with a straight face, "I didn't say anything. What my baby says is what it is. How could I doubt it? "

Bai Lixin glared at Su Miejun, "Do you know that your persona has collapsed? What happened to the cold and aloof man? You have a mouthful of baby and glances filled with softness. Your persona has collapsed, ah. "

Bai Lixin stuck out a pink tongue and licked his lips. But such a personality switch is a bit cute.

Su Miejun chuckled and asked, "And then what?"

"Then, while you were away for the past few days, I started looking for the antidote, and I finally found it." Nudging his chin towards Su Miejun's hand, Bai Lixin continued, "Well, it's the one in your hand. That's a treasure, so why not eat it quickly? After you've eaten it, you'll never have to suffer from the chronic poison every three days again."

After looking at the black pill in his hand, Su Miejun came to Bai Lixin with a swift movement of his feet. He grabbed Bai Lixin's hand and placed the pill back in his hand, smiling.

"What's wrong?" Bai Lixin looked at the pill spread out in his hand, startled, and he said anxiously, "You're not taking it? You don't believe me?"

But Su Miejun smiled gently, "You come and feed me."

Bai Lixin:"… "

Bai Lixin forcefully opened Su Miejun's mouth, and shoved the pill in, complaining as he did so, "You want me to feed you? How old are you? You're so pretentious! "

Su Miejun grabbed Bai Lixin's arm that was about to retreat and trapped his fingers in his mouth.

His tongue swept over the slender fingers, tickling the digits with the tip of his tongue.

"You!" Bai Lixin was stunned.

With aggression in his eyes, Su Miejun ignored Bai Lixin's shock. He released the fingers, and without waiting for Bai Lixin to react, he pinned him to the wall with one push and attacked the tempting lips like a beast.

Enveloped in the wild and domineering kiss, Bai Lixin's body was like it had an electric shock, responding to Su Miejun's kiss.

After the kiss was over, Su Miejun leaned over and panted slightly in Bai Lixin's ear, "Heh, you stood up for Chi Yuanxian? You called her innocent and lovely? And even hit me? "

After saying these words, Su Miejun bit Bai Lixin's neck.

Bai Lixin cried out lightly in pain, but then his body began to tingle.

The force with which Su Miejun bit into his neck was light, it was more like flirting than biting.

His teeth gently picked up the flesh and slowly released it, and his tongue licked every inch of it.

Bai Lixin's heart beat faster, and he flipped Su Miejun against the stone and attacked him with his lips.

The two of them kissed for a long time before reluctantly separating from each other.

Seeing their swollen lower abdomens, Bai Lixin laughed out loud, "It's all your fault for teasing me indiscriminately. I may have had the intention, but I don't have the bad taste to have a go in front of a corpse. "

Su Miejun shrugged, "If blaming me can make you feel at ease, then go ahead and blame me. Let's hurry up and change locations, shall we? "

Rolling his eyes, Bai Lixin pushed away from Su Miejun, who was pressed against him, "Wait, let me do one last thing."

After saying that, he came to the side of the dead Chi Yuanxian, took out the bine-dispersing powder that she had given him before, and put a few drops on the corpse.

In a few moments, Chi Yuanxian's corpse turned into nothingness and completely disappeared from this world.

Only after this was done did Bai Lixin turn to look at Su Miejun and say, "It's done, let's go. We have an important thing to do next. "

Su Miejun nodded seriously, "Yes, ravaging you is important."

Rolling his eyes again, Bai Lixin gritted his teeth and said, "Just bear with me! The next thing we need to do is send a distress signal to Chi Yuanxian's lovers! "

"Oh," Su Miejun nodded without blushing, "Okay, but before that, we should find a nice place first."

Bai Lixin:"… "

My love, pick up your modesty.

If the east wind doesn't overwhelm the west wind, the west wind will have to overwhelm the east wind.

In the end, it was Bai Lixin who compromised, and after leaving the cave, the two went to the river and rode Little Green all the way south. And on Little Green's head, Bai Lixin was swept up in Su Miejun's arms. Su Miejun moved his hands and feet, touching what should be touched and not touched, rubbing what should be rubbed and not rubbed, Bai Lixin was swept up.

Bai Lixin's face was flushed, and he leaned helplessly into Su Miejun's arms, allowing him to do whatever he wanted.

Little Green had moved for a while when Su Miejun suddenly brightened and shouted, "Stop!"

Little Green stopped swimming, and Bai Lixin gritted his teeth and thought, "Little Green, I am your master. I am the only one!

Su Miejun looked at the floating oasis of flowers on the uninhabited lake and pointed, "Go to that oasis in the river, Little Green."

As soon as the words left his mouth, Little Green swam towards the sea of flowers.

In the middle of the sea of flowers, thousands of flowers were in full bloom.

The sky was a blanket and the earth was a mat.

The two of them tangled for a long time before finally releasing their desire.

Bai Lixin nestled in Su Miejun's arms and said, [S419M, help me extract the chronic poison from Su Miejun].

[As ordered, Lord Host. Extracting designated toxin from Su Miejun. Ding! Congratulations, Lord Host, the toxin has been removed successfully.]

Bai Lixin thought for a moment and then asked, [What about the soul breath of the lust goddess?]

[Lord host, at the moment of her demise, I used her soul power to create the same soul aura as hers. This aura will wander around the various worlds so that the false gods will not be suspicious.]

[Give me a list of Chi Yuanxian's lovers and then...] Bai Lixin paused, with a painful expression on his face, [Then you can upgrade the system.]

[As you wish, Lord Host!] After that, S419M echoed cheerfully, [The list of Chi Yuanxian's lovers will be transmitted to the lord host's consciousness. Transmission complete.]

[ The number of points required for the upgrade is 100,000. The time required is 24 hours. The system will be upgraded to the SS level after the upgrade. During the upgrade process, the system will enter hibernation for 24 hours.]

[Ding! [The upgrade has officially begun!]

With S419M's final notice, Bai Lixin also fell into sleep in Su Miejun's arms.