

after the return of the divine realm, an unexpected event happens that threatens duoluo planet once more leading to the awakening of ancient forces.

Starbrand29 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 22; Phoenix god

<p>Shen was a Strength attack soul master and he had Blacksmith as his secondary profession and he was at level 5 forging, <br/><br/>Tian was a group attack soul master with maker as his secondary profession and being a 4th level maker, <br/><br/>Er Lang and Xiao Lan were control-attack soul masters with maker as their second profession but they were already at level 5 maker, <br/><br/>Yali was a healing-assist soul master and designer was her secondary profession and she was already a rank 6 designer. <br/><br/>she was far ahead all of them in her secondary profession mainly due to her low requirements when it came to her soul master skills. <br/><br/>at that moment they ventured into what they wanted to do and they all realized they would have to be duo mecha and armor masters. <br/><br/>Shen revealed that they would have to study mecha and piloting while at the academy however in the meantime they can plan for their battle armor ahead of time, <br/><br/>they all discuss what they would want from their battle armors and the appearance their battle armor would take while Yali noted down their preferences so she can design the battle armors, <br/><br/>as for the metals they chose to use alloys since both Shen already had the basics to fuse forge and simply needed little time to successfuly fuse forge with a high harmonity rate before he can become a sixth rank blacksmith but he can already spirit forge two metal alloys with a 90% efficiency and above. <br/><br/>when it came to time for choosing the metals to be used, they all revealed the metals they had recieved from their quests and decided they would be using those for their battle armors, <br/><br/>Shen was to take a piece of each metal to observe and study during the flight back before he could forge the battle armors when they reach the academy. <br/><br/>when leaving the three demigods had recieved numerous gifts from the gods but the main thing they were granted were the rare metals that were close to impossible to obtain in the federation, <br/><br/>Shen was given 5 tons of Moon silver as well as 5 tons of imperial gold, Yali was silimarly given 5 tons of crystal iron and 5 tons of imperial gold, <br/><br/>Tian on the other hand didn't need that many metals but he too was still given 5 tons of celestial bronze and 5 tons of spirit titanium. <br/><br/>they each removed a small chunk of their rare metals weighing roughly a kilogram for the blacksmiths to use in metal study, <br/><br/>Shen already understood the properties if his metals in full detail so he only retrieved the metals for the others' sake, <br/><br/>on the other hand the two longma based soul masters weren't doing nothing for their part as well. <br/><br/>they too brought out some of their metals for the other side, during their training they ended up on Asgardia continent where they too underwent several challenges and training, <br/><br/>because of this they were rewarded too with presents and seeing as Xiaolan was a blacksmith they gave him a few rare metals chief of which was an extremely valuable metal called magic gold, <br/><br/>it was a rare metal that not even Shen had heard of, but according to Xiaolan it had massive benefits once forged, <br/><br/>they also had huge amounts of platinum crystal and cloud copper as well as essence gold which reached in the hundreds of tons for each metal type. their discussions went on for a while, <br/><br/>in the mean time Yali started designing their armors based on everyone's specific requests while Erlang helped guide Tian to reach the fifth level maker as the two of them would find it easier making the armor if they were both at the same level, <br/><br/>in the space of four weeks most of their preparations were done just as they arrived on duoluo star, <br/><br/>the planet was blue green and once you got close to it you could start feeling the dense life energy on the planet, <br/><br/>the space ship passed through the network of security satellites and went straight for Shrek continent, <br/><br/>it wasn't the biggest continent on duoluo star but it was definitely the strongest one, thousands of years ago Shrek academy was separated from the main continent by the gods granting it an island on it's own, <br/><br/>this island became Shrek academy's main branch with the outer parts of the island acting as the academy's outer court while the biggest city at the center of the continent acted as the inner court of the academy. <br/><br/>the Sea god Pavilion was still at the center of the continent siting within the great life tree while it was separated from the rest of the inner court by sea god's lake. <br/><br/>as their vessel arrived, it landed straight inside Shrek Island and even better it landed inside the in court of Shrek Island, but something was bothering Shen. <br/><br/>as he landed on Duoluo planet his mind was getting fuzzy, he started having memories that didn't make any sense to him.<br/><br/>in these memories he lived on duoluo star with his parents except these parents were diferent and they weren't the ones he is used to.<br/><br/>he urged his spiritual power to push the memories aside as they were led to an academy building right next to sea god lake.<br/><br/>as he saw the lake, he remembered playing along the lake when he was a child however he had never left Hao-Tian star, <br/><br/>to make matters worse his body had started glowing with a greenish tint that would soon vanish to be replaced with a purplish tint, <br/><br/>it's like he had become an emergency light that was flaring wildly, his friends noticed and asked their guide what was happening to Shen.<br/><br/>confused by what he was looking at, the guide immediately sent a soul call to his superiors for a quick solution because even he had no idea what was happening.<br/><br/>instantly there was a crack in space as someone appeared in front of them, this person had blue-pink hair, dressed in blue-pink and gold robes with dazzling blue eyes. <br/><br/>her forehead was emblazoned with a glowing golden trident which was the symbol of the sea god Tang San, this signified that this person held dominion over the sea gods power.<br/><br/>when she arrived all she said was this is impossible, this person was an elder of the sea god pavilion, known as Tang Wutong the butterfly goddess.<br/><br/>she told the guide that she will handle things from there onwards, however as it would appear she wasn't the only one that was shocked by what she sensed.<br/><br/>in that very instant three more silhouettes arrived in front of them, one was a middle aged man dressed in seven colored garments with two pupils in his eyes.<br/><br/>this was precisely the emotion god Huo yuhao, behind him were two people whose appearances were quite recognizable by everyone present.<br/><br/>they were the sea god Tang San and the wisdom goddess Xiao Wu, Tang San was still dressed in his blue gold garments while Xiao wi was dressed in her pink and white garments. <br/><br/>on arrival Tang San raised a finger and Tang Shen got shrouded by a layer of golden mist. <br/><br/>at that very instant a purple gold silhouette appeared above Lei Shen, it looked like the Vine however it also appeared different. <br/><br/>this was precisely the former thunder god and also current master of Tang Shen, one look at him and Tang San understood what was happening. <br/><br/>he told the guide that hadn't actually left to take the rest of the four children to their resting quarters and await the arrival of the War god to assign them to their classes and tasks.<br/><br/>he tells the rest of the gods to follow him as he flies off with Shen following behind him still enveloped in golden radiance.<br/><br/>the guide then led the four young ones along the shores of sea god lake and they arrived at a building that was named guardian hall.<br/><br/>the four kids were assigned to their rooms where they stayed waiting for their next call, dinner found them in their rooms where they chose to continue cultivating as they wait.<br/><br/>the next day they were called out early in the morning by what seemed like a loud horn. in reality it was just projected voices from their training instructor. <br/><br/>this happened to be a very powerful first class god by the names of Ma Hongjun the Phoenix god. his mere presence radiated heat regardless of what weather was present<br/><br/>regardless of whether he concealed his power or not, the phoenix god naturally released heat from his body, it was naturally known as the purity flame and had an effect of cleansing ones body of all impurities instantly considered a person could stand it.<br/><br/>the Phoenix god was a member of the original Shrek seven monsters at the start of the academy 50000 years ago, his god seat had been stuck at the second class god level.<br/><br/>when the sublimation happened to all of them, he was raised to a first class god and the bottleneck was removed from him, <br/><br/>at present be was close to ascending into the god king class but simply needed the right circumstances to grant him that jolt of energy he needed. <br/><br/>regardless if he went all out his fighting prowess was comparable to a god king originally he wasn't meant to be the trainer for the five kids however a situation happened the previous day that warranted his involvement <br/><br/>so he was requested directly by the sea god pavilion master of Shrek academy as well as his old friend the divine realm's god sovereign, sea god Tang San.</p>