

after the return of the divine realm, an unexpected event happens that threatens duoluo planet once more leading to the awakening of ancient forces.

Starbrand29 · Anime & Comics
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31 Chs

Chapter 21; level 40

<p>They return to the plaza in duoluo world where they are greeted by the same man that had sent them to their missions eight months ago. <br/><br/>however for some reason there were only five of them left in the plaza, the mysterious man tells them that the five of them registered great potential before recruitment so they were selected to undergo special training disguised as an academy entrance evaluation. <br/><br/>eight months ago three of them succeeded in the academy's expectations and the rest was just their additional benefit and the other two finished their mission two months later, <br/><br/>but they couldn't return because the first three were still in training so the two also received the extra training benefit all of which were sponsored by the academy. <br/><br/>he informs them that the gains from their missions can not be shared with anyone besides the five of them, not even the academy. <br/><br/>he tells them that due to their special status they will be enrolled directly into the academy's inner court at the headquarters so they will be transported back to duoluo star. <br/><br/>at that very instant a uniform appears over their body, this uniform was light green with golden designs inlaid, they had identity tags on their left upper chest and a shrek academy logo on their right. <br/><br/>the man then tells them that the farthest ones from the academy are Xiao Lan and Er Lang since they reside in the longma federation so the academy sent its vessel to get them first. <br/><br/>from there they will reach the Tang Star in about three weeks to pick up Ning Yali and then head to Hao-Tian star for Niu Tian and Tang Shen. <br/><br/>everything else will be revealed to them when the time is right. <br/><br/>with that he vanishes, Xiao Lan was an average boy not so diferent from Shen or Tian except he had purple black hair and purple eyes.<br/><br/>Er Lang on the other hand was just as beautiful and composed as Yali except she had greeish white hair not grey and her eyes were green as well. <br/><br/>the two nodded in respect before vanishing from the plaza, Yali asked what they had recieved from Hermes and Tian revealed that its safer to discuss all that once they meet up in the real world on their way to duoluo star. <br/><br/>with that the three of them log out of Duoluo world and awaken in the real world back in the palace, there they find worrying faces waiting for them, <br/><br/>it was the chief, Shen's father and his mother as well as the rest of the elders. <br/><br/>Shen and Tian awaken to find that they were dressed in the same robes they had in Olympia continent which meant that Olympia wasn't a simulation but actually happened which meant they have been gone for eight months. <br/><br/>after a lengthy period of reassurances and a health check from the elders the two of them are finally allowed to return home. <br/><br/>a week later Shen felt like it was finally time for him to reach level 40 so he ventured into the forbidden forest which for some reason had been renamed the heaven and earth cultivation region. <br/><br/>Shen had special priviledge so he didn't face any issues as he went forward but he chose to bring Tian with him still. <br/><br/>together the two of them enter the forest however this time Shen feels the affection from the thunder and lightning elements in the forest as well as the few vines they had planted last time which had already started multiplying, <br/><br/>that and the forest currently had more species of rare plants and flowers all of which required dense lightning elements to cultivate, <br/><br/>all of these held a special affection for Shen, he had already requested that all cultivators be recalled from the forest for the period he is in the forest for their own protection so everyone was being unwillingly evicted and their displeasure was evident on their faces. <br/><br/>as they reach the center of he forest the thunder god informs him that the forest is now clear of all soul masters so it was safe for Shen to begin his breakthrough. <br/><br/>at that moment he starts his breakthrough and instantly a nine colored cloud gathered above the forest as the entire forest stated humming, <br/><br/>the soul masters that were close to the forest took a few steps back just to be safe and at that very instant a nine colored lightning bolt descended onto the center of the forest and its descent triggered something that would be called a lightning storm allover the forest, <br/><br/>purple lightning streaked allover the entire forest however the nine coloured lightning bolt was still distinctive and it lasted for a full five hours before it finally receded and the fires returned to normal.<br/><br/>an hour later the two youths returned from the forest however this time no one objected to the two of them as they silently passed through the crowd and returned back home. <br/><br/>during their time in Olympia, Tian had managed to break through level 40 after absorbing a portion of that true sunfire from the sun god, <br/><br/>it raised the quality of his golden flame granting it higher temperature and a vaporizing effect, since he didnt have a soul ring to assimilate his development slowed down slightly, <br/><br/>after they returned he entered the spirit ascension platform and managed to slaughter a 75000 year old blazing demon lion thanks to his rapid advancement in his fighting abilities. <br/><br/>he gained a second ten thousand year soul ring and his soul power skyrocketed to he mid 40s, however after the calamity blessing with Shen, <br/><br/>he managed to absorb a massive amount of energy thanks to the increase in his body's tenacity allowing him to reach level 48 instantly, now all he needed was a little time before he became a soul king and yet he had just reached 13 years of age. <br/><br/>this was a level of advancement no one could have believed to be possible and even better his foundations were more than solid so his power was genuinely strong, <br/><br/>it was even stronger than most soul kings. as for Shen the story wasn't much different, after he returned home he discovered that his mother had requested for a permanent transfer to Hao-Tian star where she was now the Tang Alliance ambassador to Hao-Tian star, <br/><br/>thanks to the forest's power she had finally managed to take that long failed step forward to become a limit duoluo while also helping guide his father to manage to reach level 96 hyper duoluo cultivation base, <br/><br/>one of the passive abilities of his 500000 year old soul bone allowed him to convert any form of energy into origin energy which was infused directly into his body so he was advancing 24/7. <br/><br/>Shen was so relieved that it appeared his father would become a limit duoluo before long meaning his family will possess two limit duoluos before long making him happy and hence allowing him to break through to level 40. <br/><br/>as expected the breakthrough wasn't hard at all, in fact he had to limit himself otherwise he could have broken through two levels simultaneously, <br/><br/>the calamity energy managed to push him to level 49 as expected and break free a fourth golden chain from the shackled hammer granting him a fourth soul ring but this time the ring wasn't purple but rather it was black however just like the purple ring, this black ring also has a gold outline making it a divine ring as well. <br/><br/>he felt his spirit power rise to the peak of spirit sea realm meaning that soon enough he would be entering the spirit abyss realm. <br/><br/>his gains weren't simple this time and he decided that he would try to digest them before anything else, during the day he spent time with his family catching up for lost time and mostly because he was about to embark on a life changing journey that would see him away from his family for the foreseeable future of undetermined length. <br/><br/>three weeks passed in a blur and the ship sent by the academy to collect him and Tian arrived above the academy where they had chosen to have their goodbyes with everyone at once, <br/><br/>this ship was shaped like a huge emerald bird of about 100 meters which was practically an impossibility since emerald birds dont grow that long however it must have shared the bird's speed since it was able to travel from tang star to Hao-Tian star in one week, <br/><br/>it normally took three weeks to a month for that journey. <br/><br/>as Shen and Tian boarded they said their final goodbyes and the ship closed off its rear doors, they were led to the ship's commons room where they were greeted by Yali, Xiao Lan and Er Lang since they had arrived earlier. <br/><br/>the three of them were dressed in their academy uniforms and informed Shen and Tian that they too should hurry and wear their uniforms that are located in their rooms, <br/><br/>however as they spoke someone enters the room from the cockpit. <br/><br/>this was the same man that had given them their mission as well as the one that met them in the plaza one month ago. he introduced himself as Bai Cheng and he is a teacher at Shrek academy, <br/><br/>he tells them that he will be their guardian during the time of their flight to the original star and he expects a few things from them, <br/><br/>he tells them that the ship has auto navigation so he will not be seen out of his cabin unless there is an attack to the ship, <br/><br/>because of this he expects them to be able to handle themselves just fine without him and he expects no case of property damage or personal fights of any kind. <br/><br/>secondly the academy uniform shall be worn at all times while in his ship, beyond that he wishes them a nice journey. <br/><br/>with that he turns around and heads into his cabin at the end of the cabin hall. Shen and Tian go and get their uniforms on instantly, although he may not do anything to them, <br/><br/>this guide wasn't someone easy if he was able to become a shrek academy teacher, <br/><br/>this was evident when he was entrusted with their travel and he was sent alone, space travel for long distances was very dangerous but this person made it seem like a piece of cake, <br/><br/>he behaved like nothing in space was of any threat to him. once they returned they attempted to catch up with their two new teammates, <br/><br/>Xiao Lan came from heavenly horse star and his martial soul was the Ghost Shadow with a soul force of level 51 at 13 years. <br/><br/>Er Lang was also from heavenly horse star and her martial soul was the Blue Silver Emperor with a soul force of level 50 at 13 years old. <br/><br/>Ning Yali revealed that she had reached level 48 followed by Tian who also revealed level 48 and Shen at level 49. after a little introduction they got to know each other's speciality.</p>