
The Return of Mortal from Another Realm

Isamu Yukan was an ordinary teenager leading a mundane life with routine activities. However, his life takes a drastic turn when he is suddenly thrown into another world due to the greedy actions of power-hungry individuals. In this unfamiliar world, Isamu is faced with various challenges that test his courage and abilities. For a whole year, he must endure hardships and confront ceaseless threats. At its climax, Isamu must confront a figure who summons him, along with his four top henchmen known as the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse. In a series of epic battles, Isamu and his allies strive to face each Horseman with all the strength and magical skills they possess. Yet, after fierce struggles, Isamu is successfully sent back to his own world. However, Isamu's return doesn't bring the peace he hoped for. He quickly discovers the bitter fact that his world has been infected by the presence of supernatural beings that threaten human lives. More surprisingly, these threats originate from within the very environment that should have been a safe haven for him—his school, where he learns. Once again, Isamu must confront dangers posed by magical creatures from his world, using the power he accumulated during his time in the other world. This time, he must rely on his intelligence, strong determination, and courage to overcome the lurking threats. Isamu is no longer just a hero; he is an ordinary person with extraordinary bravery.

Poponioko · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 35

"Yuki... Is this your doing?" Mio asked with a trembling voice, sweat dripping from her forehead.

But Yuki only responded in a flat yet slightly panicked tone, "No... this was unexpected."

Both of them stood before a considerably large army of demons. They were trapped within a barrier created by the enemy. Now, Yuki and Mio had to face a whole platoon of demon soldiers from the anti-Demon Lord faction.

Among the crowd of soldiers, there was a leader emitting a malevolent and sharp aura. The situation only heightened the tension between Mio and Yuki.

Suddenly, an attack came from above, launched by the leader. Mio quickly gave a warning, "Go, Yuki!" Immediately, Mio and Yuki leaped simultaneously.

The attack struck the ground with tremendous force, creating a powerful shockwave accompanied by a deafening roar. Mio landed alongside Yuki, who had already transformed. Her casual attire vanished, replaced by lightweight armor, and they each held a Katana in their hands.

"Are you okay!?" Mio asked with concern.

"Yeah, somehow!" Yuki replied in a flat tone, glaring at the enemy with eyes full of hostility.

"Hoo... Your reaction was faster than I expected," a daring-sounding man said from above, attempting to taunt them.

As Mio looked up, she saw a gigantic man hovering in the air. An intensely frightening black aura emanated from his body. There was no doubt; he was a demon from the current Anti-Demon Lord Faction. Meanwhile, several other demon soldiers surrounded them with malicious intent.

Mio glared sharply at the enemy. "What's going on here?" she asked. "Your attack earlier... Were you planning to obliterate us?" Her sharp gaze pointed towards the demon in question.

"Hah? Actually, I didn't want to involve our little princess in this fight. It would be quite detrimental if I killed her without reason, the Demon Lord's daughter, and Wilbert's power would be lost. But, the battlefield is ever-changing. Some things just happen... like accidents, you know," the floating gigantic demon said while letting his body tremble with laughter. "Besides, the higher-ups desire Wilbert's power, but if this foolish heritage power is lost due to an attack like the one just now, it would be useless."He continued, gazing at Yuki. "Besides our little princess here, you're not too bad, dwarf... Still, Lars won't have any trouble with you." After saying that, he wrinkled his nose. "Well, whatever—besides, I'm going to kill everyone except Wilbert's daughter."

Then, the demon moved his troops to attack. "Get ready... This will surprise you enough," Mio muttered as she conjured explosive magical energy. Yuki, who stood next to her, had to move away as the ground around her crumbled under the immense energy.

The massive demon leading the troops sensed the overwhelming energy, causing a shiver down his spine. In Mio's hand, a fireball appeared, growing larger as she swung her hand, making the enemy feel as if they were staring at a miniature sun in her grasp.

"Fire Bolt!" she yelled, releasing a massive and deadly fire attack.

The deadly attack killed the demon troops in front of her. The Demon leader and Yuki were left dumbfounded by her power.

"W-What! Why were my grand troops annihilated?" the demon leader shouted furiously. He glared at Mio, who responded with a smug grin. "Y-Yooou!" His patience ran out as he felt humiliated by Mio's arrogance. He lunged forward with full force, catching Mio off guard.

Yuki, a skilled fighter, instinctively moved to protect Mio from the lethal blow. She faced the deadly strike from the demon leader.


Yuki's sword clashed with the blow, as the demon leader had expected. Even her skin felt like iron because Yuki's sharp sword couldn't scratch him at all.

"Kuuh!" Yuki gritted her teeth as she resisted the force of the demon leader's blow.

"Get out of the way, insect!" the demon leader shouted in anger, pushing Yuki with his powerful punch.


In the end, both of them were thrown back by the force of their collision, causing the air pressure around them to explode. After readjusting their positions following the impact, they both flew at each other, and an intense battle ensued. Magical explosions from the demon and Yuki's sword techniques created a series of fireworks that wreaked havoc in their surroundings.

Suddenly, the area around them became chaotic. Yuki and the demon leader met in the air with movements so fast that their eyes could barely follow. Yuki surged forward with her gleaming sword, creating flashes of light in the air. Meanwhile, the demon leader sent dangerous magical attacks hurtling toward Yuki.

Yuki dodged with nimble movements, letting the magical attacks soar past her. Her sword spun in the air, creating shockwaves of energy that shattered the approaching magical attacks. Flashes of magic and sword clashes collided, creating earth-shaking thunderous booms.

The demon leader manipulated the dark elements around him, creating sharp shadow spikes that shot towards Yuki. Yuki responded with remarkable speed, sliding and leaping gracefully into the air. She slid past the shadow spikes, swinging her sword downward with full force.

Her sword struck the demon leader's arm, creating an enormous energy explosion. Although the demon leader's arm was injured, he held his ground and retaliated with a terrifying dark magic attack. Yuki had to dodge, and the magic attack hit the ground, creating a large crater that sent dust and debris soaring into the air.

Mio quickly snapped to attention when she saw Yuki thrown toward a nearby building. She realized that she had been too long a mere spectator and had not assisted Yuki in this battle.

"Darn it! I need to focus!" Mio spoke to herself as she gathered magical energy around her. She attempted to regain her focus and prepare her magic attack.

As Mio ran to assist Yuki in the battle, a figure with a mask, pointed ears, and demon wings emerged from the shadows. The man observed Mio from above, keeping an eye on the battle between Yuki and the demon army leader.

"Yare-yare... Geez Vocalor, I told you not to be reckless," the man sighed, shaking his head with a weary expression.

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