
The Return of Mortal from Another Realm

Isamu Yukan was an ordinary teenager leading a mundane life with routine activities. However, his life takes a drastic turn when he is suddenly thrown into another world due to the greedy actions of power-hungry individuals. In this unfamiliar world, Isamu is faced with various challenges that test his courage and abilities. For a whole year, he must endure hardships and confront ceaseless threats. At its climax, Isamu must confront a figure who summons him, along with his four top henchmen known as the Four Horsemen of The Apocalypse. In a series of epic battles, Isamu and his allies strive to face each Horseman with all the strength and magical skills they possess. Yet, after fierce struggles, Isamu is successfully sent back to his own world. However, Isamu's return doesn't bring the peace he hoped for. He quickly discovers the bitter fact that his world has been infected by the presence of supernatural beings that threaten human lives. More surprisingly, these threats originate from within the very environment that should have been a safe haven for him—his school, where he learns. Once again, Isamu must confront dangers posed by magical creatures from his world, using the power he accumulated during his time in the other world. This time, he must rely on his intelligence, strong determination, and courage to overcome the lurking threats. Isamu is no longer just a hero; he is an ordinary person with extraordinary bravery.

Poponioko · Anime & Comics
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48 Chs

Chapter 34

At the same time, on the other side of the city, Jin was meeting someone. The woman was Chisato Hasegawa, a beautiful lady with a curvaceous figure, and her beauty had men staring at her incessantly.

"You're late, Afureia-san," Jin said as he moved his cigarette away from his mouth.

Chisato's expression instantly turned gloomy. "Don't call me that, Jin," she complained, walking up to him.

"Hehe, my apologies," Jin replied with a mischievous smile. Afterward, they both gazed at the city's night sky.

"I've seen it, the child," Jin said, catching Chisato's interest. "I thought Basara and you were talking nonsense about the child and the otherworldly tales. But after experiencing it myself, it seems he wasn't lying," he continued with a flat stare.

Hearing this, Chisato chuckled. "So, you also felt the pressure of his aura?" she asked, with a slight grin as she glanced at Jin. "Then, what did you see?" she continued.

Jin exhaled the smoke from the cigarette he had been puffing on before answering Chisato's question in his usual flat tone. "A dragon..."

Chisato, upon hearing this, wasn't surprised but remained calm. After all, she had suspected this. "I see..." she said softly. "So, what's your response?" she asked.

Jin turned to her with a blank expression. "Like you, I'll keep an eye on him for now."

Chisato raised her hand and placed it at the base of her lip, pondering deeply. "I understand, so for now, you'll let the child do as he pleases," she said, with a thin smile.

Jin responded with a friendly smile. "That's right..."


The next day, it was the weekend, and Isamu invited Mio and Maria to the city's shopping center. It was an opportunity to relax and unwind from anything related to the supernatural world.

They were both delighted by the idea, and as Isamu accompanied Mio and Maria on their shopping spree, he couldn't help but think about Jin. 'What I felt back then was clear,' he thought.

'Bahamut... I told you, don't just blurt it out like that,' Isamu replied in his mind, sounding irritated.

Bahamut chuckled and replied playfully, "Sorry, sorry... You just seemed tense. Why? Are you still doubting that your dragon power is the strongest, even in this world?" he continued with a grin.

Isamu remained silent for a moment and contemplated deeply. 'I don't doubt my strength, but you... Do you forget who you are? Who knows what might happen if I rely too much on your power? Someday, I might be controlled by that power and become just like you in the otherworld,' Isamu said with a sharp tone.

Bahamut instantly felt somber. 'You know, it's very impolite to say that in front of the entity itself,' Bahamut said with irritation.

The conversation stopped when Maria caught his attention.

"Isamu-kun! Are you okay?" Maria asked with a worried look, as did Mio.

Seeing Maria and Mio's concern made Isamu feel guilty. There was no point in dwelling on an uncertain future, but what he did in the present would determine it.

"Umm, I'm fine," he replied, shaking his head. Maria and Mio were relieved that Isamu was okay. "So, where are we heading next?" Isamu asked, showing the shopping bags they held in both hands.

Mio and Maria burst into laughter as they successfully tricked Isamu into carrying all their shopping bags. Then, Mio suggested getting some crepes.

However, as they reached the famous and delicious crepe spot, they unexpectedly ran into Basara and Yuki, who seemed to be on a date.

"Ah..." They all exclaimed in unison as they met.


"It seems like you're having a lot of fun," Basara said with a small chuckle, pointing at the pile of shopping bags that Mio and Maria had accumulated.

"Yeah... As long as they're having fun, I don't mind," Isamu replied. While the women chatted with each other, Isamu and Basara sat down and watched them debate about something.

"It seems like Yuki doesn't like Mio? Do you know why, Basara-kun?" Isamu asked as they sat on a bench in the rest area.

"Isn't it obvious? Yuki has these beliefs passed down from the village elders, that all demons are evil, while Mio is the daughter of Demon Lord Wilbert, which makes this situation complicated," Basara replied.

That was a clear answer. Isamu was somewhat skeptical of Basara and Yuki's hometown elders' views. They still held old-fashioned beliefs even in changing times.

For some reason, they ended up going together until they reached the cashier to pay for all the shopping. The atmosphere became very tense when they stood together at the cashier, causing people around them to move away.

Isamu, Basara, and Maria could only chuckle as they watched their argument.

While they waited for Yuki and Mio to return, Isamu suddenly felt that something was amiss. "Isamu-kun, what's wrong?" Maria asked, curious, seeing him suddenly stand up with a vigilant posture.

"Mio and Yuki..." his gaze sharpened as he looked into the distance. "They've been kidnapped," he said coldly, causing Basara and Maria to panic instantly.


Everyone searched for Mio and Yuki in the shopping center, even asking store clerks if they had seen them. But there was no result. In a state of panic, Isamu had to stay calm. He remembered that he had a hidden tracker implanted in a modified ring.

Without waiting any longer, Isamu activated his tracker with a detector he had prepared. After pinpointing Mio's location through the tracker, he immediately moved toward the directions indicated by the detector. Maria and Basara had many questions for him, but seeing how focused Isamu was on finding Mio right now, they decided to save their questions for later and followed his steps toward the lead.

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