
The Return Of Joyboy!

"What do you mean by 'Nika'?" Sabo further asked. Luffy groggily opened his eyes, and spoke, "Did someone call me?" Garp frowned at that. "Luffy, your name is Luffy, not that!!!" He said with anger. Luffy who sat up now glared at Garp before frowning, "But why do I need to hide my real name?!!!" He asked and crossed his arms on his chest. "I don't understand at all!!" "Your real name is Nika?" Ace asked to which Luffy nodded happily. Garp scratched his head in worry. "Fine!" Garp said, "Listen to me!" Luffy looked at Garp and the others even did the same. "If the marines ever come to know about your real name, and if by any chance the World Government came to know about your existence they will kill you in spot." "Why will they kill coz of my name?" Luffy frowned but soon burst out laughing, "And do you think," Luffy's eyes flickered to golden, "they can kill me?" Luffy started laughing hard, his one hand on his stomach and the other on his eyes. Co-creator: @Defectivedecoy Link: https://archiveofourown.org/users/Defectivedecoy/pseuds/Defectivedecoy Updated every Sunday!

TheIntrovertRin · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
70 Chs

Chapter 66

"I am so sorry that I don't have more to offer you, Princess Vivi." Toto regretfully apologized to the princess of the country the next morning when she was ready to head out with her friends to stop the rebel army. Toto was apologizing because the town of Yuba wasn't even able to provide the group enough supplies to last for even two days. As the chief of the town, appointed by the king himself, Toto was very sorry for the state in which the town was currently in.

"No, no, please don't worry about it, Toto." Vivi quickly waved her hands in front of Toto, seeing and hearing the regret and sorrow which was encompassing the wrinkled face and scratchy voice of Toto. He had already given them more than enough to sustain till they got on the ship, to head to Katorea. "But now we should be off."

Toto nodded his head in understanding to the princess. He really prayed and hoped that his foolish son would at least believe Vivi and put an end to all that he was doing and return back to his old father... so that they can make the town prosperous just like before, now that even the oasis was revived.

"Oh, Luffy, here." Toto handed a barrel filled with water to the kid, who had dug up the oasis last night, reviving the hope of the town once again. "Please, take this with you."

"Is that water?!" Usopp was the first one to comment with his jaw dropped, at the sheer amount of water which was inside the barrel. The quantity was enough to last a full day for all of them!

"Thanks, old guy!" Luffy responded, as he hung the barrel from his shoulder, using a strap, happily. He would have felt a little bit sad seeing how the water didn't respond to him like his mother's did but he was happy seeing the old man smiling happily.

"So, you did find some, huh?" Ace questioned, looking at the old man and then at Luffy. He had a hunch that Luffy was to be credited on the water which he was given and he was right when Sabo's lips tugged upwards to form a smile.

"Yes, it was last night- I assume he fell asleep after reaching the moist layer under the dry sand- when the oasis of Yuba finally revived." Toto smiled ear to ear happily at the thought of expanding the oasis and reviving the town. He swore to the gods high above that he wasn't going to give up hope, even if thousands of sandstorms came towards Yuba. He won't ever let Yuba be the way it was. "That right there is the genuine Yuba water. It's not much compared to what you have done but that's all I was able to get."

"Right, then I'll drink it with care." Luffy spoke with all seriousness he could muster before giving a smile to the old guy and heading towards his friends who were waiting for him. He even found Kuma among them, making him wonder if he was gonna join their journey today.

"Hey, Luffy! Be careful with the water, it's way too precious!" Usopp commented after seeing him skip on the sand happily, just like his usual way, but there was something akin to confusion which his eyes were reflecting the more they walked on.

True to Usopp's thoughts, Luffy was confused, way more than confused, which led him to stop on his tracks once the town of Yuba disappeared in the sandy Island. He was too confused on why they were heading towards Merry, when they should be heading towards the place where Crocy was, which he was sure was on the other side and not the side where they were headed to. Luffy looked at his brothers, who also looked slightly discontented if the frown on Ace's lips and the light tight smile on Sabo's was something to go by with.

Luffy's confusion lasted until he overheard the conversation which Vivi was making with Nami, where they talked about going to Katorea and putting an end to the war. The conversation prompted Luffy, who was way up ahead, to halt where he was.

Ace, Sabo and Kuma shared a look as the others passed by Luffy, only to stop and look back at Luffy who was leaning on a palm tree with his arms crossed over his chest. They could feel the discontentment and the disbelief Luffy was feeling and the confusion in the others, when they turned to look at Luffy.

"Hey Luffy? What are you doing over there?" Usopp questioned seeing the teen come to an abrupt stop and not moving from his place. Luffy's abrupt moods were really confusing him now.

"Is everything all right, Luffy?" Vivi questioned with a confused look as she saw Luffy look at her with furrowed eyes.

"Where are we doing?" Luffy questioned Vivi, slightly narrowing his eyes at her, instead of answering her question.

"Katorea, to stop the rebels-"

"I don't wanna." Luffy stated with a frown as he looked away from Vivi to the direction he truly wanted to go.

"Oh, come on! We don't have time to put up with every little mood that you have Luffy. Let's go." Usopp tried to persuade Luffy, who was suddenly acting strange just like yesterday, where he wasn't like his bubbly self and now, he was acting way too moody. What was even up with him?!

"Yeah, shouldn't we get going?" Chopper asked out of confusion, wondering if Luffy had some other plans in his mind.

"Ace, Sabo, please, explain to your brother that we need to move. I don't even know how you handle him." Nami grumbled out, not daring to look at the face which Luffy was making, as she knew that she wouldn't be able to speak against it if she saw. But to her surprise, neither Ace nor Sabo moved a step or spoke anything which could make Luffy start walking. Heck, even Zoro was all quiet and looking at Luffy like Ace and Sabo were, as if expecting something from him.

"Come on, you dumbass! If you don't get back to that Katorea place we came by and don't stop the rebellion that's about to begin, then a million Arabastian citizens are gonna start fighting and things are gonna get ugly real quick!" Sanji tried to explain the situation to Luffy, but Luffy didn't move an inch or replied to him, making Sanji walk towards him. "We are doing this for Vivi, so let's go!" Sanji was about to take Luffy's hands by force, only for his hand to be swatted away by his captain, making him look at Luffy with wide eyes. "What's wrong with you?!" He shouted, not understanding Luffy's new mood.

"Vivi, right now, all I wanna do is kick Crocy's ass." Luffy growled out, his face scrunching up with the suppressed anger before it got hidden by his strawhat. "Maybe we can keep the people away from starting the rebellion but that won't stop Crocy, now, will it Vivi?!" Luffy questioned the princess, who was starting to shake with anger at Luffy's words. "Besides, we won't be able to accomplish anything in Katorea. We are pirates. Everyone knows that things are better off without us around, don't you?!"

"You gotta admit, he has a way of getting straight to the point when he really wants to." Sanji muttered as he took out a cigarette for himself and lit it. His eyes landed on Ace and Sabo, to see them having stubble proud grins on their faces. Heck, the big bear guy, was smiling ear to ear as he was listening to Luffy carefully.

"But not too often." Usopp commented, from beside Sanji, as he kept looking between Vivi and Luffy- both of them having different beliefs.

"No, that's not true!" Vivi answered back to Luffy, her fists shaking at her side, as she glared at the teen leaning on the palm tree casually. "We can stop the rebellion-"

"You wanna work out in a way that nobody dies in this fight- none of the citizens nor us." Luffy's right eye peeked out of his strawhat feeling Vivi's naive thoughts and beliefs echo in her brown eyes, while Vivi fists were clenched so tight that her knuckles were turning white. "We are up against seven warlords of the sea and a million of people on top of that and you still want everyone to end up all safe and sound?!" Luffy voiced out Vivi's thoughts, with disbelief in his eyes.

Luffy knew the harsh reality. He knew that even if his brothers and the army were here to back the kingdom, or even if he used his full powers of Nika, Luffy knew that even as a god he wouldn't be able to secure everyone's safety. Heck, he wouldn't even be able to make sure that his crew doesn't get hurt in the fight which they have to pick up on their own in this country. So, how can Vivi be so naive to even think that they were going to win this war without any loss?! He had thought that the warm up battle the crew had gone through before entering Arabasta was enough to make Vivi understand that people get hurt, that they are bound to lose and even end up dead in some circumstances; but looking at Vivi he couldn't see any of that in her actions or thoughts.

"You will never win in that way." Luffy spoke out, narrowing his eyes at Vivi.

Vivi gritted her teeth in anger at Luffy's words. Her whole body raging with her suppressed sadness and anger which were mixing together right now at the words which Luffy was uttering. How could he?! How could he tell her that?!

"Come on, Luffy. Can't you try showing Vivi a little sympathy?" Nami pleaded to Luffy, as she tried to approach him, only for Sanji to stop her in the way and shake his head, not allowing her to interrupt the conversation.

"And what's wrong with that?! What is so wrong with not wanting to see people die or getting hurt?!" Vivi inquired as her voice started rising with each word and steps she took towards Luffy. The anger was more visible on Vivi's face when her hood fell down, showing the rage present on her face.

"'Cause mortals die." Luffy answered simply with an emotionless face. He had seen all his life that one thing was stagnant and never changing, despite the evolution in technology or in nature. There was one thing which never changed with the passage of time of the universe and that was death. Mortals die and that was the cruel reality which was an important part of nature, which even a god can't interfere with. He had even seen it in the revolutionary army, when he didn't even have an ounce of his memory back. He had seen it in the forest, where the weakest would die first. It has always been this way and nothing and no one can change it from happening.

Vivi was done with listening to Luffy. She was done hearing that she couldn't do anything; that she can't stop 'mortals' from dying. A part of Vivi thought how cruel it is for Luffy to phrase the life of people with such a simple sentence, as if he was so accustomed to see them die. That's why she slapped Luffy with all her might, the moment those wretched words spilled from his lips, making Luffy fall on the sandy ground with a thud. Vivi could feel the air getting tense and someone starting a fire, but Vivi couldn't keep track of anything in her anger. She wasn't even able to ponder on the fact that she had hit Luffy, who could have easily dodged her slap.

"STOP TALKING LIKE THAT! I WON'T LISTEN TO IT!" Vivi breathed heavily, feeling anger course through her veins. "SAY THAT AGAIN AND I'LL REALLY HURT YOU!" She warned, looking at the laying figure of Luffy on the sand. "That's the whole point of what we are doing here, don't you understand?! No one in Alabasta, not the rebel army, the royal army or the people are to blame for this. None of them have done anything wrong. So, why should any of them have to pay for what's happening when every last bit is Crocodile's fault?!"

"So, you are saying that it's alright for only you to die?!" Luffy growled out, reading Vivi's inner thoughts effectively, as he raised from the sandy ground to glare at Vivi, his Haki leaking everywhere like red lightning as his anger started to churn violently. He was angry at Crocodile for what he was doing; he was angry at Vivi for not thinking of them as friends and continuing to walk on the path all alone! He was freaking angry that he didn't even notice the loud grumbling of the clouds high above in the skies.

"Luffy, not your Haki." Sabo facepalmed himself, trying to hold onto Ace and Bonney at the same time, for wanting to hit back at the princess for even hurting their brother. He was also angry but he had more brain cells than them to understand what Luffy was trying to do. He belatedly noticed all the Strawhats having gone quiet and looking at Luffy intently.

"Just being in this country for one day and taking a look around even I can tell what the country needs!" Luffy shouted out, only for Vivi to dash to him, and start punching him aggressively.

"Tell what?!" Vivi angrily questioned Luffy, as she continued to punch him with all her might, her anger taking control of her. She was lucky enough that Sabo was holding onto Bonney and Ace while he and Kuma were good enough to control their anger, but neither liked that Luffy was taking hits upon hits, even if they were way too weak, from the angry princess. There could have been another way to tell Vivi the simple thing which Luffy wants to, but no! The rubber idiot wanted to get beaten himself purposely, which is just like Ace.

"What the country needs more than anything!" Luffy shouted to Vivi, feeling her anger increase his. He was tempted to land a hit or two on Vivi to bring her back to her senses, to show her what he was seeing but he refused to, since he knew that one direct hit from him when he's angry can permanently damage the frail yet determined princess. "YOU THINK THAT PUTTING JUST YOUR LIFE ON THE LINE IS ENOUGH TO STOP THIS ALL FROM HAPPENING?!"

"Then what else should I exactly be putting on the line other than that, Luffy?!" Vivi questioned, her hands trembling and her eyes getting blurry at her own question. "I don't have anything else I can put on the line. It's ju-just me!" Vivi cried out, not even noticing that her hands had been caught by Luffy.

"You can at least try putting all of our lives on line together. Aren't we friends, Vivi?!" Luffy questioned, making Vivi finally look at the teen whose eyes flickered to golden red, which held nothing more than the truth, determination and conviction. Streams of tears leaked from her eyes, followed by ugly wretched sobs which racked her whole body as she felt herself enveloped in Luffy's warm hands.

"Let it all out." Luffy whispered softly to her, as she trembled with the new onset of tears and sobs. He knew Vivi was a good girl and was doing it all for others, even if she was scared, but she didn't need to anymore, because he and the others are here, on whom she can depend on. "I know you wanna get Crocy the most but you aren't alone in this." Luffy spoke as he gave a final pat to Vivi, who was quickly enveloped in a hug from Nami. He belatedly noticed Ace, Bonney and Sanji fuming with anger, but he couldn't understand why. That's why he turned to Vivi once again, wanting to know where the coward of the sand user was hiding.

Vivi sniffled, wiping her tears from her hands, to the best of her ability as she looked at Luffy and then the others. She would have asked them if what Luffy told was true, but the intense determination which she saw in their eyes spoke for themself.

"I'm sorry, Luffy." Vivi started with addressing the captain of the crew, whom she showed her fury on. She was feeling sorry and embarrassed. "You were right but now I have made up my mind. We are going to find Crocodile now." Vivi made sure to address the whole group.

"That's how it should have been from the beginning!" Luffy cheered as he dusted his clothes happily, only to be enveloped by Ace, who started stretching his cheeks mercilessly with Haki. "Ow! Ow! Ow!"

"You could have fucking used some other way to explain that to the princess, you idiot!" Ace angrily spoke to Luffy, who was grinning sheepishly despite the slight pain.

"That's Luffy for ya." Zoro commented from beside Ace with a sigh, silently checking Luffy for any wounds, just like Sabo was doing, which luckily none of them found.

"Well, getting to Crocodile seems like the quickest way of stopping the fight from happening." Nami gave her own opinions on the new plan which they were supposed to follow. She was happy that finally Luffy was able to make Vivi understand that they were here for her too and she wasn't alone in her mission.

"And we can quit wandering around the desert too. It was beginning to get old." Usopp tried to confidently state, but in reality he really didn't want to walk anymore pointlessly in the desert. He was way too young for that.

"So, anyone knows where that Crocodile guy is anyway?" Sanji questioned out loud to everyone. He wanted to ask Vivi specifically but seeing her first assumption on the rebel army's location getting flopped or rather outdated, he wondered if she would even know the right location of Crocodile currently.

"He is in the Rainbase." Sabo answered, looking towards the North to which Luffy was already excitedly heading to with Ace fretting over him. He wondered how Luffy knew about it but that could have been a coincidence too at the same time, knowing Luffy's sense of direction was... kinda messed up.

"Rainbase? Where is that?" Chopper questioned out in confusion, as he looked at Luffy, who was heading north, and the others, who were silently walking there.

"It's to the north from Yuba and a day's walk away from here." Vivi provided, after calming down and showing the map to everyone minus Luffy who was already running somewhere. She just hoped that he wouldn't feel tired with all of this.

"Will there be water there?" Chopper questioned Vivi curiously, making Luffy turn back to the group, who was walking way too slowly.

"Yes, don't worry, despite the ongoing chaos in the other parts of the country, Rainbase is a vibrant casino town."


Katorea, the town where the rebel base is situated, was bustling with a hidden tension, which most of the people of the town were afraid to let show on their faces. The rebel army which had been operating from the town was getting antsy at the news of the deeds of the royal army and their own failures of getting any weapons.

Kouza, the leader of the rebel base, was getting frustrated as each day passed by without any confrontation. His patience was already running low and he didn't really need a kid, on top of it, to make things worse.

"I said no." Kouza repeated for what felt like the umpteenth time.

"I'm not scared of it-!" The little kid- Kappa was his name- shouted out loud, even after Kouza showed him what it meant to be in the front lines with them, via one of his men, Falafra, who had lost his right arm while protecting him. The gruesome wound was really scary to even look at for the kid, but Kouza could see something else which was flickering in those small eyes. "My friend who lives in the town beside Eramula is sick right now and I know it won't be long before his town also dries up like Eramula. This is all because he stole our rain! So, I WANT TO FIGHT TOO! THINGS LIKE INJURIES OR DEATH ISN'T GOING TO SCARE ME AWAY!"

Kouza really wanted to snap right at that moment, but still he kept his voice monotone as he addressed the kid. "If that's the reason you want to join us, then go home because we have different opinions. All of us here are scared. None of us want to fight." Kouza uttered the cruel truth which he knew was in everyone's mind. They didn't want a war, they needed a confrontation- the truth.

"WHAT?! Then why the heck are you fighting?! That doesn't make any sense!" The kid shouted out, making Kouza remember why they even started this.

"Because the war's already begun. The country wished this upon itself. None of 'want' to fight, but have no choice but to fight." Kouza was really done when even after his explanation, the little kid adamantly stood still, refusing to move. He had thought that the kid would finally listen but he should have known the truth which he wasn't willing to admit.


"I SAID GO HOME! THIS IS NO PLACE FOR A KID!" Kouza finally shouted out in anger, making the kid finally run off due to the scare. Kouza cradled his temples, refusing to meet the eyes of his subordinates as he made his way inside the tent, which was their little base.

"What's wrong Kouza? It ain't like you to go venting your frustrations at a little kid." Someone pointed out to Kouza who was still rubbing his temples.

"I just couldn't handle how much he reminded me of my own self when I was a kid." Koza replied honestly. The eyes of the kids were the same ones as his... in the past and in the... present. "Guess I haven't changed at all." He murmured to himself, before catching a glimpse of the one who he had assigned to look for weapons. "Did you get the weapons?"

"Not much as we'd like to have as the Royal army prevented us from taking their armory." The person answered back with a fake tint of regret to his voice.

Kouza tsked at that, not getting the undertone lying within the person's voice. "Send a message to all our forces." He started, wanting to finish all of this. He was getting tired of dancing around the bush. "'As soon as we finish equipping ourselves with weapons, we will announce a full scale attack on the capital.'"


Meanwhile, in the capital city of Alabasta, Alubarna, the king, Nefertari Cobra, refused to even fight against the rebel army and their forces, who were pointing their weapons at them constantly. He was adamant even when his advisors, Pell 'The falcon' and Chaka 'The jackal', were against his words and wanted to get back at the rebels for attacking them.

"But your Majesty! If we do not act soon, our kingdom may very well fall!"

"So what if it does?! You would use that as an excuse to kill our people?!" King Cobra questioned his advisors, while sitting on his throne. "Doing precisely that would be the downfall of the entire kingdom!" He uttered, not wanting to lift his weapons against the innocent people who were just agitated because there was no rain in the country. "Listen well, Pell, Chaka. The country is its people. Ever since that 'Dance powder incident', there's been a group of people instigating trouble. It's THAT group we should be fighting against!"

"But the fact remains that we don't even have the faintest idea who this 'shadow' is!" Chaka, who is also the current acting commander in Chief of the Alabasta Royal Guards, spoke out to the king desperately. He didn't want to see his king's downfall. "And it'll be too late to act once this shadow envelops the entire kingdom! So, please, your Majesty! We need to do something soon!"

"We won't be doing anything to the rebel army. Get that through your head." King Cobra shook his head calmly, not wanting to lift weapons against anyone but the group working for the downfall for the country. He saw his advisors wanting to say something more, but he quickly dismissed them. It was only a matter of time when the rain would once again fall in the country and the group would be caught and the peace would finally return.

"YOUR MAJESTY!" One of the guards of the Royal Army came rushing inside the hallways and to him, with frantic eyes, screaming excitement. "CARUE HAS JUST RETURNED TO THE PALACE!"

A huge smile spread on the king's face, as he quickly dashed to the place where Carue was currently, after ordering the guard to call Chaka and Pell to the room. He wished to get the whereabouts of his little girl, of where she is and how she is.

But when he entered the room, where Carue was hastily sipping barrel after barrel of water, he only got a letter which left him shocked.

King Cobra nursed his temples after reading the letter, not believing what was going on but he knew it had to be true.

"Your Majesty!" Pell and Chaka entered the room, greeting the king, only to get a letter shoved in their hands to read.

"It came as quite a shock to me too." King Cobra uttered, as he felt the shocked and surprised expression of his subordinates. "I naively thought he was on the same side as the World Government and let my guard down, but to think Crocodile would be planning to take over the entire kingdom..!"

"And Igaram..?!" Pell's voice shook as he read the letter about Igaram, the original commander in Chief of the Alabasta Royal Guards, who was dead now.

"He gave his life for Alabasta. That's just the kind of man he was." Chaka tried to assure Pell, before looking at Carue who had also worked too hard for the country and to unravel the mastermind behind the country's doom. "It also said in the letter you fought bravely. Well done, Carue."

"Chaka! Call all officers for an emergency for an emergency battel meeting." King Cobra spoke, looking through the window with a determined look on his face. "Pell, you are to go ahead and scout the enemy base."


The sun was mercilessly shining above the clear blistering blue sky, which was devoid of any clouds, sapping the energy of the tight knit group which were walking through the sandy grounds and the old sandy dunes, parched up on the Earth. Despite the help from the camel and the lizard- both of them voluntarily helping the group- the group couldn't escape from the suffocating heat which they were faced with.

"Where did Kuma-san leave to?" Ace questioned as he walked beside Sabo, who had a very thoughtful expression on his face, while wiping down the sweat gathering on his face using his handkerchief.

"He left for Katorea a few minutes ago." Sabo answered, thinking about the information Kuma delivered him, before leaving them to go for Crocodile. He wasn't told about everything and even Kuma-san seemed to be at a loss of what was happening but somehow Crocodile had come to know that the 3C's were in the country. This would have really favored the situation in hand but listening that Crocodile had reeled back from the fear somehow only to march towards the destruction of the country, was also known to them. On top of that, they weren't even aware of the full situation due to some incidents but all they knew right now was that Crocodile had shifted the beginning of his plan ahead and it would start tonight near Katorea, seeing that it was the place where the rebel army was.

"To check on Rebel Army's activities?" Ace raised an eyebrow, seeing Sabo's face. He was thinking something and Ace could tell that by the deep concentration in his eyes.

"No, Crocodile has moved his plans ahead but we don't know the whole situation." Sabo's lips tugged downwards to form a scowl, as he wondered what Crocodile would be planning right now. Was he trying to do something to make the rebel army and royal army clash soon or was he planning to-?

"NO WAY!" Luffy's shout was enough to make Sabo stop in his thoughts and look towards his little brother who was defending the barrel of water from Usopp. "I gave you some just an hour ago!"

"They are still going at that?" Ace questioned as he looked at Luffy extending his hands, out of reach of Usopp's who was beginning to cry.

"C'mon... just one gulp. We finally have some water now so gimme some..." Usopp was whining pathetically, his hands shivering slightly at the sight of a almost full barrel of water. Just one sip was what he was asking!

"No! This is all the water that the old man gave me! I'm not gonna let you or anyone drink anymore from it!" Luffy stubbornly declared. He had already refilled their containers of water from the water the old man gave him. So, he wasn't going to give anymore to anyone. He had already told Usopp to spend it wisely before. It was not his fault that he had gulped down everything in a short while. He needed to learn some self restraint.

"I told ya it's too hot!" Usopp commented with a whine as he fell back on the lizard's back, which was still carrying them. He was really getting thirsty and didn't want to walk like the other freaky monsters who were continously walking without even taking a break, except for Bonney, Nami and Vivi who were riding on the camel- whose name Nami kept 'Eyelashes'.

"So you do have some self restraint." Nami commented offhandedly to Luffy, who poked his tongue at her words. She had thought that Luffy would have guven some water to Usopp, as he was always ready to help others- specially the ones who he deems to be hungry or thirsty- even if he doesn't acknowledge it much, if at all! But seeing Luffy not taking too much sips from the barrel himself and not giving anymore water to anyone, made her realize that Luffy knew what's a limit, which was a huge relief to her.

"Keep on moving, guys. We don't have a whole day!" Zoro chided Luffy and Usopp, who had stopped to have their little quarrel.

"You are going in the wrong direction." Bonney pointed out with a chuckle seeing Zoro straying from his path.

"That's no use, Bonney-chan. That guy has no sense of direction." Sanji commented on Bonney's remarks, making the pink haired girl burst into peals of laughter.

"I can't believe someone has a worse sense of direction than Luffy." Ace spoke at the same time, with Sabo backing him up.

"I have a sense of direction!" Both Luffy and Zoro retorted at the same time angrily, making everyone burst into peals of laughter at the duo.

"Luffy." Vivi called out for the teen, when everyone started walking again with smiles on their faces. Vivi got a hum in return from Luffy, making her continue. "Thanks. I alone could never make the decision to go to Rainbase." She spoke, looking at the teen with a grateful smile on her face.

"That's no big deal." Luffy uttered with a smile and a hop to his step. "Just feed me." Luffy smiled his signature grin, making Vivi confused at the same time, needing him to elaborate on it. "Once I kick Crocy's ass, feed me until I am full!"

"Sure! It's a promise!" Vivi promised with a large smile on her face, as she saw Luffy skipping off to the lizard, who made a weird squealing sound and their own camel- Eyelashes- making a jealous sound.

Luffy would have climbed on Eyelashes, if not for Purple- the name of the lizard, kept by Luffy- who requested for him first. Moreover, there was more space on Purple, allowing him to lay down and close his eyes. He wanted to listen what the winds were telling him, about the country, about its funny tales and how it was before Crocy destroyed it all. He was really enjoying it all, laughing quietly at some snippets and getting angry at what Crocy's done, but then a very strange thought occured in his mind.

'Why am I able to communicate with you guys when Halad has his will on you?' Luffy communicated with the winds, who strangely went silent at his thoughts. He couldn't help but wonder what they were hiding from him. Heck, his mother was also hiding something and always trying to secretly make him avoid asking her once again. He never showed it bothered him but in reality it does! What the hell was even going on? Was he always like this? No, he wasn't! In his nightmares filled with flashbacks, never once had he heard the winds communicating with him like they actively do since he was reborn!

"Hey, Luffy!" Usopp's voice hit Luffy's ear, making him stop his thoughts and look at the snipper of his crew with a smile. "Wanna play this amazing game with me?"

Luffy would have preferred to question the winds, but seeing them not answering, he chose to distract himself voluntarily through the game which Usopp was proposing.

On the other side, Bonney was getting once again pestered by Nami and even Vivi today, to continue her stories of childhood, of how Luffy saved or rather cured her from an incurable disease, since she hadn't given them any details about it yet.

"C'mon Bonney! Just a little hint of what happened, please!" Naimi pleaded, wanting to know how Luffy can cure diseases. She knew that he had promised herself to never question about Luffy but this was too much to keep inside! Even Vivi was eager to know about the details!

"Sorry, I can't!" Bonney spoke with a frown. She had promised and she wasn't going to break it so easily. "But I can tell Daddy was extremely happy that he couldn't stop crying and didn't let go of me for a whole month!" Bonney smiled giddly at the memory. "I dunno what happened properly but Lu-nichan told me that Daddy was scared to lose me. Lu-ni even had to apologize to my Daddy several times for taking me without his permission!" Bonney giggled.


5 years ago in Sorbet Kingdom, South Blue

When the fire was finally quenched and the king of the Sorbet kingdom was defeated along with his palace, Kuma, Ace and Sabo met in the church, only to be informed about the missing Bonney by the people gathered in the church. They had searched each and every corner of the church to find her, but there wasn't a single trace of the whereabouts of the beloved little girl.

"We are terribly sorry. We couldn't even do one single job properly, Kumachi." One of them cried out, with streams of tears leaking from their eyes.

Kuma, who heard it, couldn't believe his ears. He couldn't believe that Bonney had disappeared. He didn't want to believe the words which the elderly folks were uttering and hence he started searching each and every place where Bonney could be. Even Ace and Sabo joined him in his search, trying to find Bonney but even at the end of the hour, they couldn't find her anywhere.

"The last I saw Bonney, she was standing near the door six hours ago." One of them informed them, when they were inquired about the last sighting of Bonney. That further crushed Kuma's frail heart, breaking it into pieces as the numerous 'what if''s resounded in his brain, each one more terrible than the last.

What if the king's loyal guards had taken his daughter while he was busy fighting with the king? Or what if she had been forced to go out for something and now she can't return back anymore? No! That can't happen... but what if someone had found out about his blood once again, leading someone to think that Bonney was his biological daughter and hence the World Government abducted her to make her-

The sooner the thought came in his mind, the faster Kuma sank to his knees, crying out, wailing for his daughter. He had promised to Ginny that as long as he was alive, he wouldn't let anyone harm Bonney and yet here he was. He can't even imagine where she was right now or how afraid she would be... if she was even alive till now, exposed to all the natural light.

"No, no, she is alive. She is alive. She's not dead." Kuma started chanting repeatedly, not even willing to believe the taunting voice at the back of his mind.

Ace and Sabo, who were seeing Kuma break down, felt pathetic but they haven't given themself to the agony. They were determined to search for Bonney, even when Kuma seemed to be too out of it. That is when Ace stretched his Haki to his absolute limit, trying to find the little presence of Bonney. He really hoped that she was in the Southern Province, otherwise-

Ace gasped, his eyes widening in shock at what he found. "Bonney's with Luffy." Ace gulped, making Kuma and Sabo turn towards him immediately. The others who also heard it, were confused and worried about the new name which they heard for the first time.

"Where are they?! Where is my Bonney?!" Kuma questioned, wiping away his tears and getting up on his legs. A renewed hope filled him, as he realized that the sunshine boy of the Revolutionary Army was with her daughter, which means that she has to be safe.

"What do you mean with Luffy?!" Sabo questioned, before Ace could even gather up his words to answer Kuma's simple yet complicated question.

"It's what you are thinking." Ace gulped in fear, seeing the fear reflect back in Sabo's eyes. He couldn't believe that Luffy had taken Bonney to the sea. What was he thinking?!

"What are you talking about?!" Kuma finally snapped, demanding attention and answer. He wanted his daughter. He needed to make sure that she was safe and... alive.

"Yeah! Where is Bonney?!" "Who the hell is Luffy?!" "We want Bonney back!"

The people in the church started shouting out loud, making Ace and Sabo back to the corner. They couldn't tell a secret, which wasn't theirs to tell in the first place, to the public.

"Kuma-san! Please, we need to talk in private. Right now!" Sabo urged, seeing the angry crowd, who could take weapons any second and chase after them. It wasn't like he and Ace couldn't handle it, but they didn't want to hurt any of them. It was pointless and the main thing which they should be doing right now, is finding out why Luffy did what he did!

Seeing the emergency and feeling the seriousness of the situation, Kuma finally relented and calmed down himself and the people gathered in the church, before going after Ace and Sabo, who were running to the shore. He was truly confused seeing it but a part of his mind hoped that Bonney wasn't on the shore, where the duo was taking him to.

'Please Nika! Please! Keep Bonney safe.' Kuma prayed from the depths of his heart, holding onto the shattered pieces of his heart, which was crying for Bonney. "Can someone tell me what's happening, please?!" Kuma cried out as the brothers started shouting for Luffy towards the ocean.

"Please be calm, Kuma-san!" Sabo tried his best, knowing his words won't really work on Kuma. He understands what he must be feeling right now but they needed to be calm right now. They needed to know what's happening and why Luffy took Bonney in the middle of the ocean of all places! "...And try to find Bonney through your Haki."

The moment Sabo dropped the bomb, Kuma's mind came back to action, activating his Observation Haki and trying to find his daughter. He searched in the church first, then nearby and then finally where they were, which made his eyes snap wide open in horror.

"BONNEY!" Kuma shouted, as he dove into the ocean, without even thinking about the consequences. He didn't even care for the fact that he didn't know how to swim or he was a devil fruit user. All that mattered right now was his daughter whose faint Haki signature he could feel from the depths of the ocean.

"Kuma-san!" Ace and Sabo shouted at once, seeing the man splash on the waters, only to go limp and out of energy. The duo brothers dove in, to rescue Kuma and bring him back to the surface, but the moment Kuma was back, he was struggling but the sea had sapped his energy enough to not be able to fight back in his full strength.

"I'll go and bring them back. Sabo, hold onto him!" Ace shouted to Sabo, who nodded and stayed to hold Kuma down. The man was slowly gaining his strength back which caused Sabo to try to stop Kuma with words, he knew he couldn't hold Kuma down, not when he was fighting with his whole body and strength.

"Kuma-san! Luffy is with Bonney! You need to calm down! Please!" Sabo tried to reason with Kuma, shouting as loud as he could, above the cries of Kuma for Bonney. "PLEASE! PLEASE! CALM DOWN! LUFFY IS THERE WITH HER! SHE'S STILL ALIVE. YOU CAN CHECK FOR HER HAKI! She's okay."

Kuma, who was completely drained out of his energy, was feeling helpless. He knew he couldn't do anything right now other than listening to what Sabo told him to do.

Kuma, who was completely drained out of his energy, felt helpless. He knew the only thing he could do right now was to listen to what Sabo had said and check his daughter's Haki, which was still there, deep in the water with another Haki signature which was strong. There were a lot of surprising things which Kuma discovered upon finally calming down his mind but the most important was somehow the weaker Haki, which he knew for sure, was of Bonney's was getting stronger with each minute. It was as if... no, maybe? W-Was Bonney getting better? (He didn't even want to delve on the question of how Bonney and Luffy were still alive in the middle of the ocean, with no air. Nope! He wasn't going to question it as long as Bonney was fine.)

Meanwhile, Ace, who had rushed into the waters to retreat Luffy and Bonney, was immediately flung out of the waters, the moment he tried to dive in. He squeaked, which he would never admit, as he was thrown out of the waters, only to fly straight at Kuma, who with his calm mind was able to use his great reflexes and expertise in Observation Haki and catch him.

A second passed as Sabo and Kuma stared at each other and then at Ace and the sea with shock and confusion, trying to come to terms with what just happened in the waters of South Blue, not in the Paradise or New World...

"Did the Sea literally just throw Ace out?!" Sabo questioned with a gulp, seeing Ace gasping for air, since all of his breath seemed to have been knocked out of his lungs. It almost felt to Ace that he had been hit by Luffy's rubbery punch to his gut while being unprepared.

"T-The Sea flung me out." Ace spoke after taking greedy gulps of air and when realization hit him. "She wasn't allowing me to enter!" He was trying to stand up on his own when he saw Kuma, who looked fully in control of himself, dash towards the Sea. Ace was relieved to see Kuma not dive back into the ocean as it seemed that he had learnt his lesson but that didn't mean Kuma wasn't worried about what was going on.

Sabo, on the other hand, decided to try his luck too, after checking Ace who looked okay now, only for the sea to not even let him touch her and splash warning waves at his face, drenching his cloth and hair. Sabo was utterly confused. He didn't know what was happening anymore but he knew one thing. He couldn't stand to watch the lost look in Kuma's eyes. He could tell that Kuma, who was sitting on the sandy floor, was continuously using his haki to feel his daughter. Sabo would have interrupted him but seeing that it was calming him down, he refrained from it.

Ace was wondering what the hell was even happening. The sea had never reacted this way, not even when one of them was being mean with Luffy and teasing him around. So, what changed now? They hadn't done anything to Luffy, which could make the sea hate them.

"B-But how long are they going to be down there...? Why is the sea acting sentient?" Kuma started to mumble to himself, realizing that no one knows the answer to that, except for the sea herself. That's why he eventually started to do the one thing, which he could, and that is to pray for his daughter's safe return from whatever miracle is happening below. He refused to believe that anything other than a miracle was happening down there.

"Please, please, be okay. Let me have my daughter back. Please, Nika, help keep her safe!" Kuma begged, making Ace and Sabo's eyes widen at the mere name which slipped off Kuma's mouth.

"Nika?" Ace and Sabo uttered in unison and got reminded of that night where Garp had told them about Luffy being Nika but also claiming that he doesn't know anymore about the name, which dated back to the Void Century.

"Kuma, what are you doing?" Sabo and Ace rushed to Kuma, who was praying to Nika, confusing and further unsettling them. How did Kuma know of that name when even Dragon didn't know about it yet? It was further confusing them.

"I am praying to Sun God Nika, hoping that he hears my prayers for the safe returns of Bonney along with Luffy." Kuma explained with a sad yet hopeful smile.

"Nika, the Sun God?" Sabo repeated, feeling questions whelm up in his mind. Wasn't Nika Luffy's other real name, as he had himself said that night and wasn't he called Nika by his mother all the time? On top of that, seeing Kuma praying to someone with that name was too confusing and surprising. That reminded him that he still needed to tell everyone else in the church that Bonney has been found and is safe but currently can't be retrieved. Sabo motioned Ace to take care of Kuma and went ahead to the church to explain that everything is fine now.

Ace, on the other hand, was utterly flabbergasted to hear Kuma's words. Kuma praying to Nika? To Luffy...?! Did the name Kuma mentioned and the name the sea called Luffy were related or were... the same? And if the latter was the truth, did that mean Luffy is a God? Or is he just named after a God? 'Damn! This is getting confusing.' Ace thought, looking at the ocean, where Luffy was currently.

"Luffy is Nika though..." Ace thought the information out loud, before realizing that he actually vocalized it. But, at the same time, it was done and Ace was too confused hearing Kuma's words, so he continued, "So, please tell, why are you begging to him?!"

Kuma felt as if he was drenched with ice cold sea water the moment Ace uttered the information. His head snapped to look at the teen whose eyes were fixated at the place where Luffy and Bonney were, and were brimming with confusion. "What do you mean by that? What do you mean by 'Luffy is Nika'?!" Kuma questioned out loud, feeling himself getting lost in the words which his father had passed onto him.

"Daddy, what does Nika look like?" A child Kuma had asked his father, who was trying to console him after his mother passed away.

"Well, no one really knows but it's said his body had properties like rubber and he fought however he fancied." Klapp, his Dad, had told him that time, dancing to the rhythm which he showed Nika comes with.

A part of Kuma knew that Luffy's silly rubber abilities were somehow related to Nika and he had once thought that the kid might have eaten the devil fruit based on Nika, but Ace literally spilling out it... but still how can be sure?!

Ace, on the other hand, had frozen, realizing that he just spilled a secret which he shouldn't have but he guessed it was fine, after all, this was Kuma, a trusted individual and one of the three pillars in the revolutionary army. He hoped he could tell Kuma about this. But well, it was kinda too late to pretend it never happened anyway.

"I mean, Luffy is called Nika... by his Mum." Ace uttered, somewhat awkwardly, hoping that Kuma won't further question him for the details which gramps or even him don't know about.

"..." Kuma went silent for a while, thinking about the possibility of Luffy really being the incarnation of Nika, before another question invaded his mind. "Have you ever met Luffy's mum before?" He inquired to Ace, knowing that only Dragon-san, Iva-chan and Ace and Sabo knew the identity of Luffy's mother and by how Luffy sometimes talks about his mother, he knew that she was alive. But this all forced Kuma to wonder what kind of woman Luffy's mom was, to hide her identity and call her son after the Sun God, Nika. Was she also someone from a rare race...?

"I have and so have you!" Ace answered the question, nodding his head at that. "Actually, most people in the revolutionary army have met her... not that they know that though."

"I met her? Who is she?" Kuma was even more confused than ever now. He knows almost all the members of the revolutionary army, including the females, but none look like Luffy, who has obviously not gotten his father's face much.

Ace silently pointed at the waters that they were sitting in front of, making Kuma follow Ace's direction, hoping to find a woman in a ship or something like that. But another thought also entered his mind, which he didn't want to believe. Was... she already dead? By drowning...?

"Luffy's mother is the Sea." Ace finally answered after a small silence. He wasn't willing to look at Kuma right now, lest he starts thinking he is crazy for thinking that, but the expression on Kuma's face was one of shock and surprise, not disbelief.

"So, what you're saying is that... Luffy is the son of the sea...? And the sea calls Luffy 'Nika'?" Kuma finally uttered out the thoughts which rampaged in his mind. It was slowly starting to make sense as he looked at the clear, calm, blue sea under the night sky. The sea was really sentient and that was why she was able to throw Ace out, not wanting anyone to get inside while...

"Yep, the sea is Luffy's mum. That's why me and Sabo know that Luffy won't be dead in her waters... But Bonney? We haven't seen this happen 'till today but seeing her Haki signature getting stronger, I have a feeling that the Sea or maybe Luffy even is healing her." Ace voiced out his thoughts, as he gave a small smile to Kuma. "I'm sure they'll return soon."

Kuma could only hum in agreement, since he didn't really know what else he could do, being bombarded by the information, he wasn't even sure to believe. He could only sit and pray, worried and anxious as the time passed on. But that was all he and Ace could do right now in the current situation.

After a few minutes of their conversation, Sabo finally returned back with Dragon following after him. They were both rushing because they didn't know if Kuma went out of control once again and Ace was able to hold him or not. They were really glad and relieved to find both of them silently looking at the sea, not making a single sound, which was pretty out of character for Ace.

The scene was too confusing to Sabo and Dragon as they got closer to the other two and sensed Luffy and Bonney still underwater with the help of their Hakis. Sabo was surprised to find Bonney's Haki stronger than the last time he had sensed. While Dragon would have been confused with the presence of Bonney underwater with Luffy if not for Sabo explaining him the situation and calling him asap and for the feeling that he knew what Luffy was trying to do with the help of his mother.

"What are you guys doing?" Sabo asked, as he took a seat beside Ace. As happy as he was to find Kuma not trying to swim after Bonney, he was still concerned that something had happened, especially after seeing the slightly guilty face of Ace and the thoughtful look on Kuma's.

"Dragon-san, is Luffy truly the son of Sea?" Kuma decided to finally question the man who had recruited him on the words of Iva-chan. He was truly hoping that Dragon-san, the father of the mysterious boy, would explain everything truthfully.

"Yes." Dragon answered in affirmative as he looked at the sea and took a seat beside his massive friend. There wasn't anything much to say on that topic as he himself was not aware of the mysteries with which Luffy and the sea was shrouded.

Kuma, now, believed from the entirety of his heart and soul, that Luffy is Nika, making him realize why he cried and apologized so many times when he had eavesdropped, which wasn't why he was crying in the first place. He was apologizing for not being able to help Kuma when he had been desperately calling for him. But Kuma understood the young god's situation. He had seen it himself, after all, he was one of the trainers of the young god who had been teaching him Haki. 'How terrible, all that pressure on a child, who shouldn't have to be burdened with it.'

Kuma and Dragon stayed wide awake, even when Ace and Sabo fell asleep, using Dragon's cloak as a makeshift blanket. The fire and the rescue must have tired them out but sadly neither Kuma nor Dragon could even take a nap even though they were in need of one. The worries for their children was enough to make all the sleep flee from their minds. They knew that neither Bonney nor Luffy was going to come out anytime soon, seeing how slowly Bonney was recovering.

The night soon transversed into dawn, with Kuma and Dragon waiting patiently, determined to not move and keep waiting as long as they were required to. Even when Ace and Sabo woke up from their sleep, went to the town and came back with food for everyone, which wasn't anything fancy but simple cheese sandwich, which they were even lucky to get in the island after yesterday's fire; the parents were waiting.

"So..." Sabo decided to speak up, feeling awkward with the silent morning breakfast which they were having. "The fire has been completely out now. 12 people died while 67 were injured. We were lucky to have been present at that time otherwise the fire would have taken much more than just them. I, also, sent some agents to help them with the supplies."

"Thank you, Sabo, for sorting that out." Dragon replied, taking his eyes off the water after a very long time, to thank Sabo and even Ace for being able to do all this while he was missing. Dragon knew, for sure, Sabo will definitely become a good second in command in the upcoming years.

After that, the group once again waited and waited.

The sun had risen above them, declaring the onset of noon, when suddenly the waters started bubbling, catching the attention of Dragon and Kuma immediately. Both of them hoped it was a sign that their children would be returned now.

All of a sudden, they felt the presence of Bonney and Luffy moving upwards, towards the surface and towards them. That got the parents stand up on their legs, quick, and moved towards the place, only for their children's head bob up into their view, seemingly asleep, making the adults quickly grab on to their respective children and thanking the sea from the depths of their heart.

The moment Kuma was done thanking the seas and Luffy for returning and saving Bonney, he checked Bonney over and to his delight, not a single stone could be found where there was previously. Even while standing in broad daylight, Bonney's skin wasn't turning into stones, making him cry out of sheer happiness seeing his daughter healed and free from the disease which had plagued her life till now. He was so happy to know that Bonney can now live her life in the presence of the sun, no longer having to hide in the shadows, and he can fulfill his promise to her.

Kuma thanked the seas as well as the sleeping god repeatedly, while holding his own sleeping daughter in his hands.

So, how was it? With this Kuma's and Bonney's past is at least over now. Do tell your thought on that topice. Now, we can finally focus on the Alabasta arc.

We also have something important we want to discuss. So, as my vacations are over and I am in my important year of class, there are lots of work to do and subjects to focus on. So, I personally want to make the story biweekly by having 10k words in each chapter while Decoy suggested to go for weekly chapters with 5k words.

We would like the answer of what you readers would like. 5k words chapter weekly or 10k words chapter biweekly. Whichever option gets the majority we would go for that. Please keep in mind that we will counting the votes from Wattpad, ao3, , Webnovel and altogether to get an answer on this matter. So, cast your vote decisively.

Have a good day/night!

TheIntrovertRincreators' thoughts