
The restricted area of ​​life is dormant, I live broadcast and step on

Ye Yun traveled to the Blue Star World, obtained the restricted area sign-in system, and started the live broadcast. At the beginning, he exposed 749 rounds with a backhand, and there are still 99 years of confidentiality agreements for all mankind. "Ding, successfully signed in the restricted area of ​​Longyin Village, reward the innate treasure Fusang God wooden stick, successfully pass the live broadcast, and reward a giant thug in the restricted area of ​​the Ten Thousand Worlds." "Ding, the mercury mine has successfully signed in, rewarding the innate treasure, the original gun..." "Ding, successful sign-in in the restricted area of ​​Changbai Mountain, reward the Xiantian Lingbao for hitting the magic whip, successfully pass the live broadcast, and reward the summoning of the future body!" "Ding, the sign-in in the Leifeng Pagoda restricted area is successful, and reward Dawei Tianlong and the fragment of the Eastern Emperor Bell!" With Ye Yun's in-depth live broadcast, he carried the blue-fired Gatling to check in everywhere, and Blue Star's style of painting changed. The giant in the restricted area of ​​life was stunned: We have been exposed before the aura has recovered? Hey, hey, don't come here! This is not my personal novel It is just all copy paste. Because I like this novel that's why on WEB NOVEL. it's is from---- https://mtlnation.com/novel/horror-recovery-i-destroyed-the-restricted-area-ahead-of-time-during-the-live-broadcast

Dragon_Raja_4830 · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter:12 Wearing A Helmet During Live Streaming

While talking, Ye Yun silently took out the Lightning Strike Mahogany Sword that he exchanged for 20 experience points from behind.

There are ancient tombs underground? !


After a period of silence, there was an uproar in the live broadcast room, but the picture matched Ye Yun holding a black wooden sword in his hand, and the style of the painting changed suddenly, which made them even more happy.

"Hahaha, why do you think there is joy in the picture? First, the Luoyang shovel, then the test tube, and now a wooden sword. Brother Yun, there is definitely a big secret behind you."

"Fengshui formula, Luoyang shovel, that wooden sword is 10,000% mahogany sword, tsk tsk tsk, brother Yun, you have completely exposed your identity, and third uncle is not angry with you."

"Hey, Xiu'er upstairs, sit down first, you are blocking the prostate classmate from speaking."

"Ancient tomb? When I first heard it, I thought my hairs were on end. If nothing else, the ancient tomb is really gloomy. But now, Brother Yun's posture is not easy."

"That's right, that's right, wearing a helmet at the beginning of the live broadcast must have no good intentions."

Ye Yun kept his mouth shut: "There is an ancient tomb, so naturally prepare for the needs and enrich the sense of ceremony."

"I just said that the biggest secret of the mountain behind Longyin Village is here. In fact, the owner of this ancient tomb knew about the extraordinaryness of this place before he was alive, so he chose this ancient tomb."

Hearing these words, Gu Changcheng lost his face again.

There is actually an ancient tomb hidden in the valley of the mountain behind Longyin Village?

He searched through many ancient books and records in Xiushan Town, but failed to find any relevant historical passages.

"No, Brother Yun, according to our Feng Shui theory, this place is not suitable for burials."


"The terrain is the lowest and humid, with no wind and no light on all sides. It is not scientific or metaphysical."

At the end of science is metaphysics, the audience, full of curiosity and puzzlement.

As for the corpse?

No, people with discerning eyes will know that this place is wrong if they look at it, so they want to bury themselves?

What's more, in the trapped dragon situation, there is no place to raise corpses at all.

"This place is indeed not a place of good geomantic omen. Even doing those dark things is useless, but there are still people who do it."

"However, this is not so much an ancient tomb as it is three vertical tombs with horizontal burials above and below, and a large ancient tomb in the middle. The owner of the tomb is a legal burial. I don't need to explain the meaning of legal burial. "

While explaining, Ye Yun took out a compass and pretended.

In fact, he already knew the doorways inside from the system, and he also knew how to enter the ancient tomb.

"Is there an ancient tomb here in the mountain behind our village?" The little bird from your province was puzzled.

"Hey, our village chief said that it has a history of five or six hundred years. I have never heard of an ancient tomb in the valley. Could it be that this is a big tomb from a long time ago?"

"Two flat burials, one legal burial, arranged vertically, what is this?"

The curious baby at the end of science is metaphysics, also confused.


Ye Yun didn't explain it this time. According to the system, this is a special tomb formation in the world of cultivating immortals, and it would be crazy for Blue Star to know about it.

"Damn it, I'm new here. Is the anchor's live broadcast so exciting? Are you broadcasting the tomb raiding now?"

"Shhh, don't talk nonsense upstairs, although the anchor wants to be on the headlines, but we can't give him one. Talking about it, the live broadcast of the anchor hasn't been banned yet?"


"Hey, it's true, the anchor was not warned, what about Xia Guo's network supervision?"

"Stupid, are you only realizing it now? Let me tell you, as a senior hacker, I tried human hosts from the very beginning, but in the end I couldn't hack into the host's live broadcast platform. The live broadcast platform built by the host itself is too awesome. ."

"Have you tried Hei Zi who signed the name upstairs? I'll go, I thought I was the only one who couldn't get in."

After someone deciphered it, more than 6 million viewers realized that the anchor not only dominated the screens of various live broadcast platforms, but also set up a super technical barrier.

"Small technology, small meaning, small meaning."

Ye Yun admitted the bug in the live broadcast system, and then said: "The next live broadcast will not be suitable for children. If you really want to watch it, I suggest watching it with your parents and adults."

"After breaking the suppression of the evil formation and Nilin's suppression, the ancient tomb in the middle will change."

Has the ancient tomb changed?

The originally noisy live broadcast room was stuttered for a while, and then a new wave of bullet screens came.

With a pair of eyes fixed on the live broadcast, Ye Yun walked straight to the entrance of the ancient tomb with a compass in his hand, and stopped on an ordinary grass.

Without further ado, the young man took out a shovel from his back and shoveled away the dirt.

After digging for about seven or eight minutes, a pit five feet in diameter and four feet deep was exposed.

bang bang

A shovel fell, making the sound of metal clashing.

Ye Yun was not surprised. After some cleaning, a round of oxidized and corroded rusted iron gate was exposed in the live broadcast interface.

"666, there really is an ancient tomb, and I'm going to eat melons online."

"I'm going, anchor, is this the entrance to the tomb? It's too simple. Challenge the bottom line of the tomb robber's IQ?"

The barrage immediately filled the screen.

As for Ye Yun, when he opened the iron gate, he didn't enter right away, but walked to the side, and coolly tapped a Huazi.

If one is not enough, two or three more.

After some interaction during the period, he spit out a smoke ring, and the popular science said: "For the exploration tomb, because it has been closed for a long time, the air is not only turbid and hypoxic, but also mixed with a lot of toxic gases or bacteria and viruses, so Before going in, it's best to let it air out and get rid of the mold."

"The little bird friend from your province just said that their village has not found an ancient tomb in this location for five or six hundred years. It is really true, because it is a tomb from the Northern Song Dynasty, and it has existed for thousands of years."

"...Brother Yun, you haven't entered yet, how can you be sure that the owner of the tomb is from the Northern Song Dynasty?"

"Khan, the anchor is here again, everyone, come on, use money to kill the anchor."

"Hehe, it's obvious. On the back of that rusty iron gate is written the four-year system of Jingde. Isn't Jingde the third emperor of the Northern Song Dynasty?"

Ye Yun divided a corner of the live broadcast interface to broadcast the inside of the iron gate.


The barrage followed suit.

"Salt and iron have been strictly controlled by various courts since ancient times, but here, the owner of the tomb can independently build a special four-foot iron gate. If you think about it with your toes, you will know that the identity of the tomb owner is extraordinary."

"And this partner asked a good question, why is it made of iron gates instead of bronze gates or the much-pretended gold and silver?"

"It must be cost-effective. Gold and silver are too expensive, and bronze is too useless. Uh, everyone thinks it's wrong? Yes, maybe the owner of the tomb just likes it."

Ye Yun pursed his lips, lit a fourth cigarette, and walked towards the ancient tomb.