
The restricted area of ​​life is dormant, I live broadcast and step on

Ye Yun traveled to the Blue Star World, obtained the restricted area sign-in system, and started the live broadcast. At the beginning, he exposed 749 rounds with a backhand, and there are still 99 years of confidentiality agreements for all mankind. "Ding, successfully signed in the restricted area of ​​Longyin Village, reward the innate treasure Fusang God wooden stick, successfully pass the live broadcast, and reward a giant thug in the restricted area of ​​the Ten Thousand Worlds." "Ding, the mercury mine has successfully signed in, rewarding the innate treasure, the original gun..." "Ding, successful sign-in in the restricted area of ​​Changbai Mountain, reward the Xiantian Lingbao for hitting the magic whip, successfully pass the live broadcast, and reward the summoning of the future body!" "Ding, the sign-in in the Leifeng Pagoda restricted area is successful, and reward Dawei Tianlong and the fragment of the Eastern Emperor Bell!" With Ye Yun's in-depth live broadcast, he carried the blue-fired Gatling to check in everywhere, and Blue Star's style of painting changed. The giant in the restricted area of ​​life was stunned: We have been exposed before the aura has recovered? Hey, hey, don't come here! This is not my personal novel It is just all copy paste. Because I like this novel that's why on WEB NOVEL. it's is from---- https://mtlnation.com/novel/horror-recovery-i-destroyed-the-restricted-area-ahead-of-time-during-the-live-broadcast

Dragon_Raja_4830 · Urban
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12 Chs

Chapter:11 The Second Brother Of Tianbang Is The Queen Of Business?

The explanation of the multidimensional universe is too simple, right?

Not to mention ordinary academics, academicians like Gu Changcheng are even more embarrassing.

However, they just couldn't refute the sentence of 'not considering the precondition of light factor refraction. '

"Brother Yun, the dragon you just mentioned is very likely to be a mysterious creature that exists in the four-dimensional universe?"

"At least our three-dimensional universe can't breed anti-science dragons everywhere, and the four-dimensional universe, if I explain it, multi-dimensional beyond three-dimensional, can be called a four-dimensional universe. After all, the ancestors said that three lives and all things are born."

"As for the evidence for the multidimensional universe, from a simple point of view, I believe that many friends have experienced the magic of dreams coming true. Similarly, some scientists have described parallel worlds for this."

Ye Yun copied the same pattern. In fact, the answer given by the system was also ambiguous.

"Anchor, does the four-dimensional universe really exist by our side, does the dragon really exist?" The id named 'Silent Witness' asked again.

"Approaching unscientific... 999 silver mountains for silent witnesses."

"Approaching unscientific... 99 luxury yachts tipped by silent witnesses."

Ye Yun raised his brows, feeling that the second brother of Tianbang had an unusual persistence.

"Whether it is true or not, it will be revealed soon."

At this time, there were nearly 5 million viewers in the live broadcast room, the newcomers were amazed, and more viewers were discussing lively.

When Ye Yun started interacting with the live broadcast, Zuo Lun was furious, but Xia Guo's intriguing attitude made him helpless.

Sichuan Province, Tianfu City

In this newly emerging super city, in the center of the CBD of the Universal Rubik's Cube area, a skyscraper of more than 170 meters rises from the ground, and it is the headquarters of the Yang Group.

The Yang Group is not only one of the two leading enterprises in Tianfu City, but also very famous in the business circles in the southwest and northwest of Xia Kingdom.

At the highest level of the Yang Group's headquarters, there are offices above the group's president level. In the southeast corner, it is the office of Yang Lan, the chairman of the Yang Group.


At this time, she put down the mobile phone in her hand, raised her head and looked at the beautiful female secretary standing respectfully in front of the desk.

"Sister Zhou, what's your bank card number?"

Zhou Ziyu, who was in his early thirties, let out an ah, and looked at Yang Lan dumbfounded, not knowing why.

Yang Lan's face was flushed, and she shyly said with embarrassment: "Sister Zhou, I have tipped all the money in your mobile number and bank card. I think, recharge it a little more."


Zhou Ziyu was surprised, opened his mouth wide, and his eyes were full of disbelief.

Yang Lan, this proud girl of heaven, at the age of twenty-eight, has not only become famous in the business world, but her beauty is even eclipsed by her own, a first-class beauty.

Now, you still want to continue charging money and tipping the network anchor?

Wait, ten minutes ago, wasn't this proud girl quite disgusted with the industry of webcasting?

Zhou Ziyu couldn't turn his head around.

Yang Lan looked at the silly Zhou Ziyu, her face became even more ashamed, and she continued to speak for some reason.

"Well, Director Yang, my card number is..."

Zhou Ziyu quickly reacted, and in the middle of speaking, she stepped forward and silently wrote down the bank card number bound to her with a pen and paper.

He did not forget to ask: "Director Yang, how much do you want to recharge?"

Yang Lan looked at Ye Yun whose profile was at a 45-degree angle in the live broadcast interface, and said flatly, "100 million."

One, one hundred million? !


Zhou Ziyu's head buzzed, his heart stopped suddenly, and his hands trembled a little.

"Sister Zhou, I will transfer all the money just now to you directly, please go to the bank and the tax bureau in the afternoon to explain."


"By the way, Miss Zhou, what is the password of your shake hands account? I log in on my mobile phone, so I don't need to occupy your mobile phone."

Yang Lan smiled, smiling all over the city.

"Yes, Director Yang, the password is..."

Come on, my Shaking account is probably about to say goodbye.

Zhou Ziyu didn't know whether to laugh or cry. It was the first time he saw his boss, and he had such a side.

Yang Lan picked up her satellite phone, quickly transferred 100.37 million to it, and then re-logged into her account on her phone, quickly recharging 100 million.

Zhou Ziyu's hand-shaking account is exactly the 'silent witness'.

Yang Lan's operation was as fierce as a tiger, but Ye Yun didn't know it.

Now, with one hundred and ten experience points in his pocket, he is wandering through the system mall.

"100 million Xia Guobi: 1 point"

"Clear Spirit Talisman: 3 points"

"Elementary Golden Pupils: 5 points"

"Low-profile version of the medical saint national player: 20 points"


"Jiuyan Jingshi Town Killing Talisman: 110 points"

"Yuankong Shenjin: 110 points"

There are a wide variety of system products, ranging from cultivation techniques and supernatural powers, to money, villas, luxury cars, wealth, everything.

"With these one hundred and ten points, there is a fortune of 11 billion..."

Ye Yun lamented that it was too wise to reject the 10 billion eagle dollars.

"System, how come there are products in the system recommendation column over there?"

Ye Yun was curious. At the top of the system mall, there were a bunch of various system recommendations.

Thunderbolt peach wood sword, organic glutinous rice selected from Dongtianfudi, wild mountain rooster, seven-star copper coin sword, fifth-order monster black dog blood...

Such a posture, no matter how you look at it, feels a bit wrong.

"Back to the host, the system mall can give priority to recommending some products according to the current potential needs. Well, according to Blue Star, you can understand that this is the era of big data."

"The era of big data? Prioritize recommendations based on potential needs?"

Ye Yun's face turned pale for a moment.

Up to now, he still couldn't react, and hurriedly exchanged several products in the recommended column to suppress his shock.

After a while, Ye Yun arrived at the destination and stopped in a depression about forty to fifty square meters.

The grass and trees here have not regained their vitality, but because of the withering at the beginning, they are now completely withered.

The more than six million viewers who watched the live broadcast were filled with barrages:

"Hey, what's going on here, this land hasn't recovered? The flowers and plants are really dead."

"It's a terrible place, why does it feel evil here? It feels like there's a chill emanating from my bones."

"Brother Yun. What's going on here? I think it's a dark place. Can you explain it?"

Looking at the weird scene in front of him, not only Ye Yun has a dangerous sixth sense judgment, ordinary people feel uncomfortable when they see it.

"Underground, there is an ancient tomb."

Ye Yun spoke truthfully while silently drawing out a black mahogany sword.