
The restart of what we once knew

Nothing is as it seems when Jason stops Rose from killing a boy who claims to be her younger brother. What's even worse is that their shared father Slade has disappeared. What will it mean for the boy coded as Respawn? What will it mean for the whole BatFamily?

Marcy_G_Perez · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

The mall

The mall was crowded, like any other Saturday.

Riyad was on high alert as they entered Gotham's Mall, one of the biggest malls in Gotham City. It was also the one that was almost always getting robbed, so Jason scanned the perimeter just to make sure there wasn't any suspicious activity.

Only Rose looked like she didn't have a care in the world, though she too kept her eyes peeled for any robbers.

Riyad wasn't used to so many people in one area. His eyes flicked from person to person in unease, muscles tensed, as he bounced on his toes. Rose, noting his body language, slipped her hand in his, giving him a comforting squeeze.

Riyad relaxed a bit, shoulders slumping as he squeezed her hand back.

"Where to first?" Jason asked, eyeing the food court.

"Food first, then shop?" Rose suggested, Riyad nodding in agreement.

"Cool, I think we should go to the A Little Bit Of Everything buffet. So, Riyad can have a taste of everything." Jason said, as they walked over to that area.

The smell of food hit Riyad's nose, and his mouth watered, stomach rumbling. He could smell noodles, many types of meats being cooked, and so much more. He was overwhelmed at how much food there was but was ready to try each dish.

He wandered off then, letting his nose lead him the way.

Damian arrives to Gotham Mall, waiting to have a day out with his fellow brothers Dick Grayson, and Timothy Drake…

Damian pulled out his phone, as he checked the time, whistling to himself. Alfred had dropped him off at the Gotham Mall, Damian telling him that he'd get a ride back home from Grayson.

If he, or Tim ever decided to show up.

Glancing around, Damian's eyes locked on a flash of white. Catching his attention, he smiled as he saw who it was.

Rose, Jason's girlfriend, and basically his older sister. She had watched over him when they were both on Lazarus Island. There, Damian had even met his girlfriend, a spunky punk-girl that went by Flatline. As he walked over to say hello, and catch up, he saw his other big brother appear.

Jason, the tall, muscled brother. Damian hadn't seen him in a while, and was walking over to annoy him when-

Damian froze as he saw him.

Respawn, his biological half-brother.

Damian didn't even think, he ran towards Respawn, colliding into his chest, and sending him sprawling back.

Shouts were heard-probably Jason, and Rose-but Damian didn't listen, grabbing Respawn by the front of his shirt.

"What are you doing here?" he asked through gritted teeth.

"B…brother?" Respawn sputtered out, as he struggled to get up. Damian noticed that Respawn made no move to hurt him.

Footsteps ran up behind him, and suddenly Damian was being lifted from Respawn by the back of his shirt, his legs dangling.

He turned his head, and saw a very pissed off Jason Todd, Dick, and Tim running up behind him.

"What the hell, Damian?" Jason asked.

"Let me down, Todd! I fought him; you have no idea what he's capable of!" Damian protested, and he was so angry that Jason still treated him like a small child.

Rose stepped up then, as she motioned for Jason to put him back down. "He wasn't doing anything Damian. We were just going to buy some stuff."

Respawn stared at Dick, and Tim with wariness, as if bracing for a fight to break out. Dick, the eldest brother of the group, smiled, holding out his hand to Respawn.

"I'm Dick, Dick Grayson." He said, as he waited for Respawn to take his hand.

Respawn did-and then flipped Dick on the ground, the air being knocked out of him.

"I am Riyad, son of Slade Wilson, and Talia Al Ghul, blood brother of Damian Wayne." Riyad listed off.

Tim let out a low whistle. "Quite the family tree you got going there, Riyad. I'm Tim Drake, and I'm not going to shake your hand after what you did to Dick." He joked.

Damian crossed his arms, watching Riyad from the corner of his eyes. Riyad, sensing his stare, stared back calmly.

Like Rose, Riyad had some amends to do with Damian.

"No guys, I'm fine, I don't need help at all." Dick said, as he got up, sounding breathless. "Why'd you do that?"

"You are the eldest one. I thought to leave an impression on you." Riyad replied, shrugging.

"Did you really think of that, or was that one of Jason's ideas?" Dick asked, as he narrowed his eyes at Jason.

Jason laughed, before clapping his hands together. "As much as I love this little family reunion, Rose, and I are currently on a mission."

"You're trying to find the locations of where Deathstroke is at?" Tim asked, taking a step forward to Jason.

"No, we finished eating, and are trying to buy Riyad some clothes." Rose finished.

Riyad studied Tim for a moment; he seemed intelligent, incredibly so, and he was looking for his father. Rose didn't seem interested and even told Riyad he'd be better off without him.

Still though…

His thoughts were interrupted as Rose pulled him along, Jason waving to the rest of the Batboys as they walked off. Riyad hesitantly waved at Damian, who nodded in his direction.

Wasn't much, but it was something.

"Jay don't forget family game night is tonight. Cass is organizing it, and she will find you if you're a no-show." Dick called out, Jason giving him the finger as he didn't even turn around.

As they left, Damian stared after them, contemplating. It made sense why Riyad was with them both; he was the brother of Rose, who was the girlfriend of Jason.

Still, it left him feeling with a strange sense of…something.

Tim elbowed Damian in the ribs. "Come on, before the new game is sold out."

Damian scowled, but followed him, Grayson walking behind him.

Back at the apartment…

After all the shopping was said and done, Jason realized that he might just need to pay ol' Bats a visit.

He had paid for all Riyad's clothing, which had been quite an armful, especially considering he didn't know just what kind of style he was going for. It had been kind of fun to watch Riyad go through various clothes and picking out shirts with the help of his older sister.

Jason wondered if Rose ever imagined Jericho in these moments.

As he drove them back home to his apartment, Rose spoke to Riyad, talking about what he was going to do and say the next time he saw Damian.

"I know you can take him," Rose continued, "but sometimes words are better than fists."

"I didn't attack him though; he sought after me. Although I do understand why he would do it." Riyad responded.

They entered the building, Rose still chattering away with some helpful advice, when Jason froze, pushing them both back.

Rose immediately pulled out a handgun she had stowed in her boot, staring around. Jason pointed at his front door that was opened just a crack.

Rose went to move first, but Jason shook his head, pointing at Riyad who looked ready to tear someone from limb to limb.

As Jason walked forward, Rose holding Riyad back, he opened the door the rest of the way, and let out a sigh.

"You know, you could've called." He said, as he motioned for the rest of the others to come in.

"I wanted to surprise you." The voice replied.

Rose stepped in then, smiling at their guest.

"Hi, Cass." She said, tugging Riyad inside. Riyad who was reading Cass like the way Cass was trying to read him.

She was sitting in the middle of the couch, staring at them with calm eyes, her shoulders relaxed. The faint tilt of her head when she looked at him gave the impression that Cass was curious about Riyad.

"I see you reading my body language." She commented, sounding impressed. Rose elbowed Riyad who looked down at the ground.

"This is Damian's younger brother, correct?" Cass asked.

"And mine, as well." Rose added.

"Oh yes, he shares the DNA of your Dad, and Damian's mother." Cass replied, standing up, and taking a closer look at Riyad. Riyad fought the urge to go on defense, locking his muscles to appear as calm as possible. He had the feeling that Cass too could read body language. "You look exactly like Damian." She said softly.

"I wasn't going to skip out on family game night, Cass." Jason said, as he brushed past her, and into the kitchen.

"I know. But I also wanted to make sure, you know?" Cass stated, walking off from Riyad, and Rose.

"Is this an exclusive BatFam game night, or are outsiders welcome to join in as well?" Rose asked, as Riyad went up to put away his new clothes.

"I think Starfire, Wondergirl, and Flatline might be attending. Why, would you like to join?" Cass responded.

"Yeah, I'm very competitive." Rose laughed, which brighten the look in Cass's eyes.

They chattered away, Cass asking all about Rose's latest adventures, and the finding of her brother.

Riyad was very cautious of Cassandra Cain, the known daughter of David Cain and Lady Shiva. Of the entire family of Batman he had met, Cass was potentially the most dangerous.

She also seemed very…kind. Like she was genuinely curious to meet him, and to welcome him into her close-knit family.

It couldn't be that easy?

Could it?

Surely the daughter of the two most dangerous people known to man wouldn't be so quick to welcome Riyad with open arms.

But she had, and she was warm, like a person. Like someone who had gone through the most hell of a life, but still managed to be good. Was that in the cards for Riyad?

He'd like to hope so, what with his upbringing and all.

As he bounded back downstairs, he could hear his sister Rose talking about how it went down at Lazarus Island.

He stopped, waiting to see if she would bring up the time Riyad threw Rose out the window. He wouldn't put it pass Cass Cain to run up the stairs and engage into a fight.

But Rose never said a word about that, just told her how she was excited to have a younger brother to look after.

Riyad placed his hand over his heart, feeling something build up in his chest.

Again, he didn't know what the strange feeling was, but he didn't think about it too long as he went back downstairs to them.