
The restart of what we once knew

Nothing is as it seems when Jason stops Rose from killing a boy who claims to be her younger brother. What's even worse is that their shared father Slade has disappeared. What will it mean for the boy coded as Respawn? What will it mean for the whole BatFamily?

Marcy_G_Perez · Anime & Comics
Not enough ratings
10 Chs

Shit hits the fan

Rose was going to kill him.

Jason was probably going to get a sword through his side.

But as he stared her down, standing in between her, and the young boy she claimed to be another brother of hers, he could see her resolve softening.

"Jason, get out of the way." Rose threatened.

"Rose, your dad is gone." Jason said instead.

That didn't seem to help either; her teeth gritted together, and the hand holding the sword tightened. Jason felt his stomach drop a bit.

As Rose was beautiful, she was just as dangerous.

"Sister, I don't understand. Where has father gone?" the boy says instead. Jason turns to look at him, stunned how his face is exactly that of Damian's but his hair white like Rose. He's dressed like Deathstroke, sporting that black and orange suit, with the mask, though he has it off now, swords strapped to his back.

"I don't know, I was too busy trying to survive being pushed out of a window by my brother." Rose exclaimed, lunging around Jason.

Jason managed to catch her in time, and the boy…well, he didn't even flinch. Just stared confused at Jason, and then his sister.

"Father wouldn't just leave us, would he?" he asked instead.

"Listen kid, the sooner you know about your dad, the sooner you realize you're better off without him. Just ask your sister." Jason replied, setting Rose down on the other side of him.

And who was he kidding? Rose only let him hold onto her like that because she wanted to. She could easily break his hold and go after her brother if she really wanted to.

"No! It's not fair! I went through so much and I found him. He said he wasn't going to leave….no, I don't believe you!" he shouted, as he pulled out a small dagger, and charged at Jason.

Jason didn't think, simply acted as he slammed the boy on his back, twisting the weapon from his grasp, and holding him down.

The kid was in hysterics, and he clawed at Jason's arms, leaving scratches and blood.

If he was in his right state of mind, he would have killed Jason.

"Respawn, stop. Dad is gone. I didn't need him, and you won't either." Rose replied calmly.

The boy, named Respawn apparently, looked at her through his tears, face red, and again, Jason was struck at how much he looked like Damian.

Jason knew that the biological parents of Respawn were Slade Wilson, and Talia Al Ghul. He knew Bruce was no way and no part of the boy's parentage.

But that wouldn't stop him from trying to bring him in Wayne Manor.

Jason thought about it, as he stood up, and helped Respawn from the ground.

Jason was in no way a good role model. He had just gotten done using guns when he went out to take out the bad guys. If anything, Grayson was the perfect candidate for this job.

Or Clark.

As Jason was mulling it over, he felt a tap on his shoulder which brought him back to the present.

"What are you thinking about?" Rose asked, putting her sword away as she held Respawn by his hand.

"What we're going to do with your brother, Rose." Jason answered.

"I was thinking maybe we could take him in. Since he is my half-brother?" Rose suggested.

"Yeah, that seems like the safest bet." Jason agreed.

Respawn stared at them both for a long time, obvious distrust in his eyes. Jason leaned down to his height, staring at him back calmly.

"What's your actual name?" Jason asked.

"Name?" Respawn replied, confusion at the word.

"I don't think he had one…" Rose said, trailing off.

Jason waved off the concern. "That's fine, we can think of one when we go back to the apartment. It's getting late." Jason replied, as he donned the helmet, and the leather jacket.

Rose would never admit it to him-or at least right now, while her younger brother was present-but Jason was sexy in that costume.

Jason turned, motioning for them to follow, and they did, Rose still holding Respawn's hand.

Maybe this would be a good change.

After arriving to the apartment, Jason clicked on the lights, tossing his helmet on the couch. Respawn glanced around, scanning the area for any torture chambers, or anything dangerous.


If anything, the worst thing that could hurt him was the dust on the bookshelves.

"This is where you live?" Respawn asked.

"Yeah, sorry it's not as nice as what you'd think it is. I don't get an allowance from Batman anymore." He joked, Rose shooting him a look.

"Come on Respawn, let me get you settled into the guest room. I think Jason might have a small pair of pajamas for you to use until we hit the mall tomorrow." Rose said, as she led him away.

Respawn followed, though he seemed a bit tense at the way she grabbed his arm. Firm, like as if he tried to run away, he couldn't.

But Respawn could understand the distrust she had against him; he did throw her through a several story building, opting to kill her, and leave her for their father.

A mistake he couldn't take back.

As they went up the steps to the room, and she pulled him along, Respawn could feel his heart ready to beat out of his chest.

What kind of torture would she put him through? It wouldn't surprise him; his own grandfather used him as an organ donor for his preferred grandson Damian for years.

Whatever it was, he could take it. After all, he deserved it.

Rose opened the door to the room, clicking on the lights. It smelled faintly of laundry soap, and paint, and motioned for him to sit on the twin bed.

He sat down, staring down at the mask.

"Rose, I just want you to know that…if there's torture, I must endure to seek your forgiveness, then I will take it. You can burn my back with hot coals, shove glass shards through my eyes, or even-"

"Yeah, I'm going to stop you right there. You're my brother, and that's not how families are usually supposed to treat other family members." Rose interrupted, handing him a neat, folded stack of clothes and a towel. "Here, and your bathroom is around the corner, and you should be set to go."

As she turned to walk off, and leave, Respawn caught her by the arm, a light and gentle hold. "Riyad." He mumbled.

"What?" Rose asked, as she couldn't properly hear him.

"My name. It's Riyad. It's Arabic and means garden." Respawn, Riyad, replied.

Rose smiled softly, as she ruffled his hair. "Try to get some shut eye when you're done, Riyad."

"Yes, sister."

Jason hadn't been joking when he said he no longer received an allowance from Bruce. Money was no issue for him though; he had stolen and wired funds from the Al Ghul family when he had been part of their little group.

And there were the times that he had with the Outlaws, when they charged for their services. He'd made a good amount from that.

One of the perks of living in Gotham, the most dangerous city in the world.

Jason had showered, and was walking around in his boxers, in the kitchen grabbing a cup of milk, as Rose stepped down from the stairs.

"Is he asleep?" he asked, chugging his milk. Rose stared at him; a bit caught off guard that he was only wearing boxers.


She shook her head, as if to clear some thoughts, and shrugged. "He's showering right now."

Jason nodded, placing the glass cup in the sink. He hadn't been home in a while so the place was a bit sparse. He made a mental note to go down to the store and pick up some food.

And clothes for the new roomie.

Rose wrapped her arms around Jason, hugging him, and Jason turned, pulling her close to him. She was so strong, yet so soft, faintly smelling of sweat, blood, and somehow roses.

"You ready to sleep?" he asked her, as she buried her face on the side of his neck. She groaned and pulled back.

"I'm in need of a shower." Rose replied, letting him go, whereas Jason still held on to her.

He kissed her forehead, and she blushed, swatting his shoulder. "Watch it, Jay."

"Or what, Rose?" he teased, winking at her.

She simply shook her head as she went into their shared room, locking him out of it.

Hours later…

Riyad couldn't sleep.

Every horrible thing he had ever done had haunted him in his nightmares. He woke up a scream stuck in his throat as he threw the blankets off.

Momentarily, he forgot where he was at. It was quiet, and dark, and he made his way down the stairs.

Once down, he stared around.

Oh, right. I'm…free.

Riyad didn't really know what to make of that.

Instead, he opened the door where his sister slept, and her boyfriend slept next to her in the shared bed.

There was space in the middle, and carefully, Riyad laid in between them, comfort and a sense of safety washing over him. His eyelids soon grew heavy, and he too fell in a deep, dreamless sleep.

When Rose woke up the next morning, an arm was thrown over her face. Usually, she'd elbow Jason in the side, hard enough to wake him up, and remove his arm from her.

But this arm was skinny, not muscled like his. She moved it away from her, surprised to see Riyad sleeping soundly next to her. And Jason, who hadn't woken up, still snoozing away.

She smiled softly, as she got up, stretching.

It was only nine-thirty in the morning, on a Saturday, and Rose closed the door behind her, walking to the restroom around the corner. She splashed water on her face, brushing her teeth next.

Her white hair was in wet tangles, and she brushed them out, yanking the brush through her thin hair. Once done, she braided it quickly, checking herself in the mirror.

Bruises were slowly fading away, a new scar hidden just at the top of her head, and she sighed.

At that moment, she heard a crying out that was cut off by a solid thump. Rose rushed out of the restroom, seeing Riyad awake sitting on the middle of the bed, hair in disarray, and Jason on the floor, rubbing the back of his head.

"What the hell?" Jason swore, getting up.

"What happened?" Rose asked, checking on them both.

"He scared me, so on instinct, I threw him off the bed." Riyad responded.

"All I did was wake up." Jason complained.

"I didn't see Rose on the bed either." Riyad replied.

Jason scowled but said nothing more as he went off to the restroom.

"Did you sleep well?" Rose asked, sitting on the bed next to him.

"Kind of." He shrugged, not wanting to say anymore on the subject.

"How about you get dressed, and we all go out for food, and a new wardrobe?" Rose suggested.

Riyad nodded, as he got up and went upstairs to his room.

After he left, Rose broke down and laughed, holding her stomach. That truly was one of the funniest sights she had seen of Jason.

Showered and dressed, Riyad sat on the couch eating a banana. He decided to try every food and drink imaginable to decipher which ones he liked and which ones he loved.

Bananas weren't his favorite, but they were pretty darn sweet.

Jason stepped out of the restroom, changed into a black fitted shirt with a red streak on the chest, worn jeans, and boots. His hair was slightly damp as he pushed the locks back, the white streak sticking out from his inky black hair.

He glanced at Riyad who simply stared at him and gave him an awkward wave. Riyad returned the gesture, throwing the peel in the trash can next to the couch.

"Damian's your brother too, huh?" Jason asked, shoving his hands in his pockets.

"Yes, he is my eldest, even though we've existed for the same amount of time." Riyad answered. "I was his organ donor."

"I'm sorry, what?"

"Yes, if Damian needed blood, a new organ to replace the failing one, etc.…they would take it from me while I was awake and give it to him. I cannot remember a time they would numb me; I felt every cut, every stitch, every needle prick they gave me." Riyad responded, picking at the skin on his thumb.

Jason was at a loss for words, mouth gaping. "But…you were a kid…and that was your grandfather."

"I was just to be the successor, since Mother was a failure, and so was Damian." Riyad said, shrugging.

Jason was silent for so long, Riyad thought he had scared him away. But crossing the room in two strides (man, this muscle-head was tall), he towered over Riyad, and without another word, pulled Riyad into a hug.

Riyad was confused, but he didn't pull away, or hug back. And Jason was hugging Riyad like as if he was a teddy bear, ruffling Riyad's white hair.

Maybe that's what did it; Riyad hugged back, eyes tearing up as his small frame shook with silent sobs.

After about five minutes, when Riyad had calmed himself, Jason pulled back, setting Riyad on the ground, his hands placed on his shoulders.

"I don't have the words to try and make shit okay, Respawn, but I will say this; as long as I'm around, I will never let anyone try to hurt you like that again, okay?" Jason said, eyes so fierce, and strong, and full of another emotion he couldn't decipher.

Riyad stared at him, throat too choked up to say anything. He merely nodded, and Jason pulled him into another big hug.

Rose had finally finished getting ready, and she was surprised to see Jason and Riyad talking to one another as Riyad ate toast. A small smile appeared on Rose's face, and she threw some keys at Jason, which he caught without looking.

Stupid reflexes. Rose thought. "You guys ready?" she asked.

"Yes." They both said in unison.

"Alright, Jason's driving!" Rose exclaimed, as she gave him the finger, and bounded out the door. Riyad followed and Jason shook his head.

"I never said I wasn't!" he yelled back.