
The Reprobate Kpop Idol Trainee (Sexting Gone Wrong)

Lee Do Yun was made to believe that he could achieve anything and everything with hard work and by living right. But after his dad slaved all throughout his life for his bosses and their companies but still died poor at the age of forty-eight, Doyun started to doubt that hard work indeed pays. For this reason, instead of working diligently towards his goal of becoming a K-pop idol, Do Yun decided to use the short-cut method. Knowing how modern society seems to favor women more, Do Yun's plan is to leech onto well-connected cougars and rich ladies until he reaches the height of his career as a famous K-pop artist. Yet when his sugar mamas were unavailable during a dire situation, Doyun decided to grab a big thigh for an already-proposed deal.  But what happens when sexting goes wrong and the one who receives his nudes is none other than the future heir of Knet Entertainment, the very company that he is about to join as an idol trainee?  In a state of derilium, Doyun made a grave mistake with this unknown guy. How will he even get the chance to redeem himself when he doesn't even know where to start searching for him? And what is he supposed to do when he finds out that the one he's been looking for is the heir apparent of Kimland Group? Will he ever be able to achieve his dream of becoming a K-pop idol in this situation-ship? Follow Lee Doyun and see how he handles it all. Note: This author will not give warning for any R18 scene. Thank You.

Abbiex · LGBT+
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39 Chs

23. A Shameful Regret

Their current position made it such that all of Doyun's eggplant was inside him, so the stimulation from any of their movements, multiplies.

"Work." Doyun ordered, as he spank him but he didn't thrust his dick into him anymore. He pulled Byeongho closer and kissed him as he said, "Work. Make me cum."

"Huh?" Byeongho was quite taken aback, but his competitive spirit felt challenged.

He humped and grinded Doyun as he kissed him and worked on his nipples, making both of the a moaning mess, with their screams as they came together.

Doyun released inside Byeongho as Byeongho's cum spread on both their tummies and face.

Byeongho got up from his lap, with Doyun's cum dripping along his thighs.

Doyun thought it's over so he was about to get off the bed and find something to clean them up, but Byeongho pulled him back onto the bed and sat on his midsection.

Byeongho gave a seductive look while he humps his cock on Doyun's semi-hard one for a short while, before slowly inserting the now hardened rod inside.

Doyun smiled, for liked it. He held Byeongho at the waist and joined in the humping, as both of them were raptured in pleasure, until they came again.

Byeongho felt proud that he too has proven himself. He hates to lose!

"Hahhh. Aah. Ahh." Both Byeongho and Doyun chest heaved as they panted after their strenuous exercise.

They felt exhausted, so they did not go again. It's been such a long night for these two strangers.

Doyun changed the bed sheets, and went out and brought a small bowl and a towel to clean Byeongho up, and wiped himself afterwards.

He gave Byeongho another set of clothes and undies and put on only a boxer himself, before the two went under the duvet and slept off.

Byeongho was quite disoriented when he woke up in the middle of the night beside the boy.

He wondered how the two of them ended up together on the bed. His body ached badly, so he grabbed his car key and phone and left the room quietly, forgetting his gun.

He doesn't remember all that had happened between them the previous night. All he recalls is up to when he slept on the bed, as the boy laid a mat on the floor.

End of Flashback.


"Sh*t!" Byeongho bumped his fist on the bathroom wall as soon as he recalled what had happened between him and the strange boy.

How could he have allowed things to get to that extend? He felt so ashamed, just thinking about it.

The fact that he had had sex with a boy is not the only thing that bothered him. It's how he had behaved during that time.

He knows he cannot raise his head in public again, if people and those around him were to find out.

Byeongho slumped on the bathroom floor in anguish, his mind was in a turmoil.

To say that he regrets what had happened yesterday, in this very moment, will be an understatement.

As someone that is revered by his peers, and many people that expect a lot from him, how could he have done something that shameful?

This will affect not only him but his family also, if it should ever come out.

Oh, and what about Cho Ji-ah? His Ji-Ah? No, he cannot have her finding one out about this one.

She would definitely be devasted or worst still, leave him, if she were to ever know of this.

That, he wouldn't allow to happen.

But wait, why is he not feeling any pain? If everything he remembers now is what actually happened, then isn't that supposed to hurt? At least to some degree, considering the boy's size?

Or, wait again, could he have been dreaming then? Maybe everything was in his head? But it felt too real to have been just a dream, right?

Byeongho's heart rate quickens and a slight flicker of hope lights up his mood.

He finished up bathing quickly, he had been scrubbing his body several times over, earlier, because of those fake memories.

'What of these bite marks?!' Byeongho asked as he looks at red marks on his arms, chest and thighs.

It was while he was toweling that the thought occurred to him.

He quickly turned to look in the bathroom mirror, and that was when his fears amplified, and he became low- spirited.

They were not fake! Everything that he remembers did happen as he his memories revealed to him. They were all true.

His reflection in the mirror was one that was unrecognisable, even to him. Every part of him; from his neck, to his arms, down to his feet were all covered in those red marks.

They looked intentional, like the marker meant to claim his body by decorating him in his creation.

Byeongho rubs the towel hard on his body but that only made his skin look worse. He was more angry toward himself than towards the boy.

Why couldn't control himself, even if he had an episode of his condition? How could he even do that appalling thing with a total stranger? And a guy at that?!

Byeongho sighed as he combed his hand through his hair. Forget about this affecting his family or his friends' reactions.

The one he was most concerned of is his first love, Cho Jiah.

It had taken him a long journey to finally muster up the courage to confess his love for her, after their high-school graduation.

He was so elated when she accepted his proposal, and the two have been together ever since.

Those people he sleeps with are only his sex partners, which may be forgivable since Jiah is studying abroad.

But what woman would accept that her man has had something to do with another guy, even if he is not attracted to men? Especially, a Korean woman?

Who? And from which part of their country? What will her family and society even say about that?

Thank you @ Ella_Is_Annoying ---

An anti-BL reader, got me a little demotivated earlier, so I couldn't even continue this chapter.

Your funny comment made me laugh. I'll make sure to finish this book, no matter what, knowing that at least I have one reader who is still reading it.

Thank you once again. Just hope that I don't dissapoint you much, as the story unfolds.

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