
The replacement brother

When everything goes wrong with him he let goes, but when it comes to his love, he won't leave anyone unpunished for hurting his mate

Stroyteller_1 · Fantasy
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48 Chs

I can't take this anymore !

Shit, the heat cycle is about to hit me anytime now.

I am scared as hell.

I don't know what is going to happen.

Aplha have already told me that this cycle is going to be the death of me !

Seriously, how in the hell few males are going to protect me against a hundreds of the hungry males ?

And alpha didn't even told me how could I save myself in any other way.

Daniel asked him many times but he couldn't think of anything himself.

I don't want to be mounted by hundreds of hungry and lusty males and get killed in the process.

I have kept myself away from all the males and I don't want to loose my heat like this.

Waiting for the males to fight and kill the others to get my body ?

No ways !

And they won't only hurt the males.

They won't care if I am getting hurt in the process as well.

I don't want to be treated as a thing used to satisfy only their hunger !

I want my mate to break my heat and make me his forever.

Bad thing ?

I don't have a mate yet.

Worst thing ?

The hungry and beasty males are going to come to take me and tear me.

Fuck !

I don't want that !


I will leave the pack till my heat is broken and once it's over, I'll return !

Yes, that's the best thing to do now rather than getting myself killed !

I'll open the door and...

" Hell no !

Get the fuck inside and don't you dare leave the pack just before your heat, got that ? "

Aplha yelled at me, making me shiver in pure horror.

When I didn't backed up, he growled in warning.

I have to step back or...

Growling again !

" Have you lost your mind ? What is wrong with you ? "

Alpha asked in fury.

" You told me yourself that, I won't be safe here in this heat cycle, so... "

I was trying to tell him what have I decided, but he didn't let me finish.

" So, you are going to commite suicide, to get away from a murder ? "

Alpha said.

" Sui... Suicide ?

What ?

No !

I didn't said anything like... "

What the hell is he talking about ?

" No, surely you didn't said it !

But the action means exactly the same ! "

Alpha said.

" What are you talking about ? "

I asked confused.

" You do remember I told you how much danger you are in, but don't you remember what danger I mentioned ? "

Alpha asked.

" Ofcourse I do.

You said every unmated male would smell my pheromones and come for me... "

I was telling him what he have told me...

" And you are choosing to let yourself be easily available for all of the wolves out there, other than our as well as Alex's pack ?

Do you have any idea how many wolves are wandering in the forest other than us ? "

Alpha asked.

" Um... N... "

This really didn't crossed my mind.

" Then ?

What exactly did you thought before making this decision ?

If you are here with us, we can definitely find a way to protect you !

But who would protect you out there ?

Did this crossed your mind ? "

Alpha asked.

" N... No... "

I admitted.

" Then get the hell inside and close the door of your chamber...


Wait... "

Alpha said leaning close to me.

Why is he sniffing me ?

His eyes are widening and expressions are changing.

He is looking like he is hungry and eyeing his prey before attacking it.


He is...

He is making me uncomfortable with his behavior.

" Al... Alpha.

What's wrong ? Why are you...

You are making me uncomfortable...

Can you please not look at me like... "

I was asking him not to look at me like that and

he is looking at me like I am talking alien language.

He is piercing me with his gaze.

His growls are getting intense and rumbling in his chest.

He is looking like he is gonna take me and mate me now...

I cringed away from him.

Yuck !

Wait. What ?

I've been dying for getting him think about me this way !

And now when I am feeling he is about to do what I wanted, why am I cringing away from him ?

" That's because you found your potential mate and that's not ME ! "

Alpha said eyeing me intensely.

" Alpha...

Please can you... can you not look and talk to me like that ? "

I asked him.

He closed his eyes and shook his head like he is clearing his head about something.

" I am sorry.

Let's get you inside. "

Alpha said pushing me inside.

Um, what ?

You and me ?

Like inside the room...

All alone...

I couldn't risk it like it now that, I have seen him looking like that at me !

" Don't worry, I swear I won't touch you.

You can trust me ! "

Alpha said.

Well, I want to but...

" I swear Katherine, I won't touch you.

But you need to get inside, like right now ! "

Alpha said like he usually talks to me.

Something in his voice made me trust him while... his eyes making me reconsidering about trusting him.

" No, I swear I won't do anything.

But, you need to be protected. "

Alpha said promising.

What is he talking about ?

" Ahhh...


Oh god...

Ahhhh... "

There is a sudden unbearable pain in my gut and I groaned in pain.

" That's exactly what I am talking about.

Get inside ! "

Alpha said.

Fuck !

My gut is aching as hell.

What is happening ?

" Ahhhh....


I can't...

I can't take it...


Ahhh... "

I almost fall but he grabbed me and picked up in his arms.

He took me inside and put me on the bed and went inside.

I don't know what the hell is happening ?

It feels like I hit my heat.

But it shouldn't start this soon...

" It did started !

And it's because you have your potential mate close to you. "

Alpha said.

" What ? Who ?

You ?

Ahh... "

I asked confused.

" Not a chance !

I am talking about Daniel.

Don't you love him ? "

Alpha asked.

" Yes...



I do... "

I told him.

" Hm. Here, have some cold water, it will soothe the ache a bit. "

Alpha offered me the water he brought.

" I don't...

Want anything...

I just...

Oh fuck...

My stomach...

Oh... Can you...

Can you please call... Cathsia ? "

I asked him.

" She won't be any help to you today, I am afraid. Thank god your room is cool.

Have some water it'll make you feel better... "

Alpha again offered the water.

I don't know what got into me, I threw the glass away he offered to me and snarled at him...

" Katherine...

Calm down.

I know it's not what you could do, but pushing me away won't gain you anything. "

Alpha said calmly even after I snarled at him !

" I don't want water, fucking keep it away from me ! "

I yelled at him for getting on my nerves.

" Ok. Ok, I am taking it away. "

Alpha said placing his hands infront of him as if accepting his defeat and kept the water away.

I feel better now.

But ugh...

The pain !

" When I said your pheromones would be high, I didn't expected them to be this high !

They almost made me too to loose my mind and give in.

And then...

Katharine ! "

Alpha called for me as I fell off the bed while pulling my legs into my gut and squirming in pain.

He came and picked me again and placed me on the bed.

He pushed the bed towards the wall so that I won't fall again.

God, he was right, the pain is like 100 times worse than the earlier one's.

" Al... Alpha...

I... I can't ahhhh...

I can't take it anymore...


Help me Alpha... "

I begged him to help me get away from this pain.

He sat beside me and grabbed my hand in his one hand and squeezed it affectionately and with the other he is caressing my head, like a caring father.

" I am sorry Katherine for the pain you are going through.

But I don't know if there's any way out of it except... "

Alpha hesitated on his words. I was about to ask him to tell whatever is gonna help me get away from this pain but...

" Alpha...

We need the protectors... "

" Alpha, we've been attacked... "

" Alpha, they are here for her.

We need more men to protect her..."

The male Omegas of the pack were calling for him.

What the hell is happening ?

" Katharine, the unmated males are here for you. We need to protect you... "

Alpha said.

" How are you...


Going to do that...


Ahh... "

I asked him.

" Only you can stop it ! "

Alpha said.

" I can stop what ? "

I asked confused.

" The bloodshed ! "

Alpha said.

" What ? How ?

Please alpha, it is hurting so much...


Make it go away !

Save me from this...

Please I beg you... "

I begged him crying in pain.

" It's in your hands. "

Alpha said.

" I'll do anything...


How... "

I asked him eagerly.

" By choosing your mate and mating with him... right now ! "

Alpha told me.

" What ?

How is that gonna stop this fucking bloodshed ? "

I asked confused.

" No male comes after the mated females !

They'll back off once you mate ! "

Alpha told me.

But... Whom...

" Daniel ! "

Alpha answered my unasked question.

" What ? "

I almost yelled.

" You are his impression !

He loves you more than his life; so do you !

What are you waiting for ? Choose him as your mate and do yourself a favour !

Make this pain vanish forever.

You are anyway going to need a mate, he has already imprinted on you and waiting for you. "

Alpha said.

" Would him be the...


Right choice ? "

I asked unsure of the plan.

" Do you feel unsafe with him ? "

Alpha asked.

" Not a bit. "

I told the truth.

" Do you feel he lusts for you ? "

Alpha asked.

" N... No. "

I said.

" Do you feel he is friends with you just to get in your bed ? "

Alpha asked.

" Not at all. "

I again told him the truth.

" Do you think he loves you ? "

Alpha asked.

" Ye...


Yes ! "

I said.

" Then why are you even thinking if it would be the right choice ?

You've got the answers to your question ! "

Alpha said concluding.

I guess he is right.

Not because I want this pain to go away, but Dani really is a sweetheart to me.


I was thinking...

" If you doubt your decision, just don't mark him and don't let him mark you ! "

Alpha said.

" What difference will that make ? "

I asked.

" No one becomes a mate unless they mark the others while mating.

One must mark you while mating to mark you his mate !

And without it, he'll be only helping you to get rid of the heat for this time and not forever ! "

Alpha told.

" Is that allowed ? "

I asked confused.

" Ofcourse it is ! "

Aplha told me.

Shall I think about...


Fuck yes !

" Shall I call him ? "

Alpha asked me guessing my answer.

" Huh ?

Yeah, I wanna talk to him. "

I told him.

Alpha went to call Daniel in.

Would it be ok to ask him to help me and then, ask him to get the fuck out of my room once my heat is over ?

It would be so selfish of me !

I can't do that to him.

I need to talk to him first.

I was thinking when...

Knock knock.

" Hey...


Fuck.... "

Daniel opened the door and the moment he smelled me, his eyes are showing nothing but lust in them.

He is eyeing me more intensely than Alpha, but honestly I am liking the way he is eyeing me.

I want him to drink me in.

To smell me.

To take me.

To make me his.

I want him to touch me !

" Dani...

Ugh... It...

It hurts... So much...

I... I can't take it... Anymore... "

I told him moaning and withering in pain.

" I... I... Know...

Alp... Alpha told me...

You are in...

Fuck Kath !

Your smell is intoxicating !

It's driving me crazy...

And... why are you smelling like Alpha ?

I can smell him here ! "

Daniel was talking with strain as if trying hard to concentrate on what he want to say.

" Because he helped in to my bed.


Can you...

Can you please help me take the pain away ?

I don't...


I don't want to take it anymore...

Fuck... "

I was crying unable to take the pain.

" I... Um... Help ?


I am sorry if I am making you uncomfortable with my stare but...

Fuck, I can't help it ! "

Daniel apologized for eyeing me intensely.

" It's ok. I can understand...

I heard the others...



Alpha told me...

Me mating is going to... Stop the bloodshed... Ugh... Ahh... I... "

I told him how can he help me.

" You want me to...

You want to be my...

I mean do you... "

Daniel is thinking I am ready to be his mate ! I should tell him clearly before he makes any decision.

" Alpha said, you can just help me...

Taking the pain away without making me...

Your... Ugh...


Ahh... "

I couldn't say properly what I wanted to tell him because the pain is overwhelming and I can't think straight.

" Ohh. You don't want to be...

Alright, if you want me to just help you...

I will ! "

Daniel said with disappointment and hurt clear in his voice. But I can't help it. I can't promise him I will be his mate just yet.

" Please make this pain go away Dani ! "

I begged him.