
chapter 7: The beginning of revenge

It was the morning after the explanation of my plan. Me and Josh haven't spoken since we woke up. I've only been having conversions with Raymir with the little "expedition" we'd be having.

It was around 10:30 PM when me and Raymir got ready. We split some supplies between us and Josh and got on our way. But it was 10:35 when Raymir and I walked out of the subway for the first time and began walking. We went to the right of the exit, the way Dustin and Laurel left.

We had two of the outfits of the thugs and made our own kinds of masks to hide our face, just in case. We had them in our bag, obviously not on. We didn't want people to think we were the thugs and open fire.

We had found possible clues of the couple we were following. We found two mattresses on the ground with a burnt out campfire next to it. I grabbed a few different rocks and hit them together a bit, rekindling the fire.

Me and Raymir sat on one mattress together, starting a conversation. "So, how do you really think this will all play out?" I asked Raymir as he pulled a can of beans out of his bag.

"I honestly don't know really. I'm just hoping I get to kill some of these thugs." Raymir's response made sense. We had no clue what we were doing, yet we expect something out of it. We'll just have to see if we even know where we're going first.

We sat in silence as we ate, but that's how I liked it. It didn't put us in danger and I could hear all the sounds of the remaining nature, reminding me not everything's dead. And trust me, when a nuclear bomb falls from the sky and kills pretty much everyone from your town, it's nice to remember life still exists.

After a while, we finished and the sun began to set, me and Raymir goofed around. We noticed the shop across the street had mannequins in it. Since we had literally nothing to entertain ourselves with, we began messing with them.

We went into the shop and moved them into funny positions and put them in funny places like in the bathroom or on the counter. We laughed as we thought of what the people who would be here next would think.

What we didn't think was when the next person would show up. To our surprise, it was a lot sooner than expected. A man stood at the window looking at us, laughing.

"Are you guys having a good time?" the voice scared me and I pulled out my rifle and pointed at the man. He put his hand up and took a step back. He was about 6'5 with tan skin. He had curly hair about the same color of mine with brown eyes as well. He had wire glasses that were shaped like black rims.

"Hey, hey, calm down, I'm not looking to hurt anyone!" Shouted the man. I lowered my rifle and narrowed my eyes at him.

"What do you want?" I asked.

He took a step forward again and introduced himself. "The names Tyler. Tyler Hunter. I came from Jersey." I chuckled and put my gun away.

"My names Xander McNeal. Thanks for not shooting at us." I chuckled again letting go of his hand. Raymer then stepped up. "And I'm Raymir. Nice to meet you as well." Tyler nodded and looked back at me.

"So where are the Two of you headed?" He asked us. "I came because of a little community I heard was starting." Me and Raymir threw our arms up in the air as we heard him say that.

"Thank you so much for telling us this. Now we know we're not heading nowhere." He smiled and pulled his backpack up higher to his shoulders.

"You two are heading there too? We could travel there together maybe." I nodded and looked over at Raymir who was also nodding.

"Sure, but first, we sleep!" I said squaring up my jaw and pointing to the sky dramatically for a quick laugh. We all went to the mattresses and went to sleep.