
The REINCARNATED ( the unending dream)

“Is this what death feels like? Is this how am going to die? Her voice echoed in her head as her whole body felt limp and too heavy to move. She felt cold, too cold - she needed some warmth but she knows the horrible fate that was about to hit her. “Why did this have to happen to her?” Her sight turned blurry as she embraced that seeet calming darkness. Mira, a naive teenager who yearns to be free and become an adult. An eighteen years old girl who yearns for adventure, finds herself a whole new adventure. A different one at that. She finds herself in a world of fantasy where she is said to be the queen to - the wife of a brutal king. Finding herself in a world of werewolves, elves, vampires and other mystical creatures. Mira sought a way to set herself loose from her dream- an unrealistic world filled with good and evil. Will Mira escape this fantasy world?. Worse, an obsessed mate who is rumored to be an unmerciful ruler.

Mira_Allison · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
94 Chs


She felt her heart almost leap out her mouth when he also mounted on the horse, sitting close to her back and placing his hands on either side of her waist.

  Even though he placed his hand on the coat, and was separated away from his hands by thick fabric. She still felt hot by his touch. And his chest gave off those heat waves. She tried not to lean on him for support and God knows how long she can keep that up.

  She shut her eyes, biting on her lips trying to resist the sweet temptation that sits not far away from her. She sighed taking a deep breath before opening her eyes for the next experience that awaits her.

  She couldn't stop imagining the worse that could happen if little things like this could make her quiver. She exhaled opening her eyes for any obstacles that comes her way.

***** It didn't take long before they were all set to commence on their journey. They had one carriage with them in case of an emergency. For instance, Mira trying to change or Mira wants to sleep. Let's just say the carriage was meant for a"Mira emergency.

***** They set off rather soon. All the men were riding at the front including the carriage and someone else she wasn't expecting. RAMON. Mira thought Ramon will still come again to intrude on her plan, but surprisingly he didn't. And the disturbing part is why was Zamiel riding slower than the others?  ("Hmph. Who knows, Maybe he also wants to find a way to get to know. This makes my stay here shorten"). Mira thought in her mind, raising her shoulders in reality.

   " Why are you riding behind?". She asked since there was nothing she could come up with and she couldn't just let this opportunity fly away.

  " You're not good with horses". He said not give full details. Left Mira hanging for more explanation but came none. He stayed silent behind her, not adding to his words.

   " So?". Mira asked since it doesn't look like he was going to talk any further.

   " So I'm riding these slow so you don't feel dizzy or nauseous". He replied straightforward without beating about the bush. This had Mira's heart skipping a beat when he said this.

 " Thanks for being thoughtful of me". She spoke since she had nothing to say and the silence was killing her. Plus she has to keep the conversation going to get closer to him.

  " Hmm". He mumbled an answer, closing the conversation abruptly with just that 'Hmm' he did. Mira bit her lower lip to vent the uneasiness she felt.

  " Zamiel". She called in a low and sensual tone,  knowing full well she hit the bull's eye by calling his name. It will work, it always works. She smiled thinking about how his face would look at that moment.

  " Yes". He answered this time with a word. Also in a low voice which she noticed. Since the time Mira has been with Zamiel only for a few days, she noticed he doesn't like answering people with words, all he does is just mumble "Hmm". And he answers the " Hmm" like a soldier.

     Her heart beat raced faster when he answered her with actual words. It took a while before her heartbeat lessened and calmed and a smile work its way to her smooth and chubby tanned face.

   " Uhmm. Nothing". She answered trying to create a little suspense.

  " Is something bothering you?. You can always tell me, okay?". He confronted her trying to pry into her fake plight.

Zamiel is someone who doesn't like hanging in the air. And also, he takes his time before reacting, an epitome of calmness.

  " It's nothing serious. I just wanted to ask you how long will this journeys take?. Are we going to your parent's castle?". She asked not probing further than that. Mira felt not so uncomfortable and unsure to pry in personal matters like this even though she has the right to know them as his wife. Well, maybe she doesn't. In this world where she's sure girls, especially princess has no right to interfere in battle strategy.

   But surprisingly he answered in a not offended manner. Mira wasn't very surprised because she knew he will answer her even if he was upset about her prying into his plans. It was more like fifty-fifty. He might be upset and he might not be, but he'll surely answer her. Unlike some men who will surely be upset and feel offended by the question, Seeing the lady as a burden, a liability.

  Mira felt lighter with this conversation, especially when it was between the both of them, with Zamiel being calm and thoughtful about everything she felt free to say most but not all of her mind out.


   " I'm not sure. It might take up to three weeks before we get there". He answered

  "You mean your parent's castle?". She asked not quite understanding his explanation. And she bit her tongue, shutting her eyes with her forwardness. Since Zamiel can't see her. But once again he seems quite okay with her questions.

   " Yes. There". He said tightening the hold around Mira's waist.

  Mira felt her breath hanging in her throat when he held her waist tighter, balancing her on the horse's back. It was after what he did, did she realized she was leaning her back against his chest. She quickly adjust her sitting posture as if being scalded by hot water.

  " So, how long are we staying at their castle?". She questioned him trying to hide her uneasiness but it was too late since Zamiel saw what she did and also felt it. Since she was leaning against his chest.

  Zamiel answered anyways trying not to add fuel to her emotions.

   " A week". He replied staring down at her hair which she already packed as a ponytail.

  " Okay. So after that we are returning to the castle". She said throwing another question at him with no restraint.

  " Yes, we are". He answered. The " We" has an underlying meaning which summoned goosebumps all over Mira's body.

 Her throat immediately went parched, as she tried to swallow a spit down her throat.

  Silence reigned between them once again, making her unable to hear her heart thumping loudly. She bit down on her lower lips staring down at her hands which were useless at the moment since she wasn't the one doing the riding.

  They rode for a few uncomfortable hours where she couldn't rest her back due to her being shy about it, before she felt something on her cleavage, pressing her down. She felt her body stiffen due to the sudden touch. Which was from no one other than Zamiel.

  She felt her eyes sting to the sudden intrusion of air. And her heartbeat made it worse with its continuous thumping in her chest which will soon tear her chest at any moment.


  " Lean on me. You must be feeling uncomfortable with your spine not having any support". He said in a low calm and sweet voice, making her cringe.

  She felt him press on her cleavage with his rough palm. And she also likes a puppet who succumbs to its call by leaning closer to his chest. She finally felt her back land on his sturdy chest after all the slow motion.

  She felt her body land on his sturdy chest which felt like a pillow to her aching back. She felt her tensed muscle loosen up. She rested her back on his chest, feeling the heat wave it gave. It felt safe. 

    After a while of sinking into the pleasure of his chest, she realized the taut muscles under his shirt. His chest felt well sculpted like a candy bar. It was hard and soft at the same time. She couldn't help but blush at the thought of seeing his bare chest.

  ( " Stop this Mira. He just helped and you are thinking about perverted thought"). She scolded herself almost hitting her palm on her forehead in reality.

   She inhaled and exhaled silently trying to calm her nerve. She shut her eyes trying to drown herself in a dark endless abyss.

  She opened her eyelids, trying to enjoy the scenery. Then her eyes brightened with what she saw.

 It was a beauty. More than a beauty to the beholder's eyes. The sky looks vast and endless with its light blue color and it looked as if it was closer to the earth. The sky looked like a painting brought to life. And she imagined a painting in her head with them in it. She imagined them traveling on their horses coupled with the largely blue sky which still kept her mesmerized. 

  She peeled her eyes away from the sky and looked around her and her heart couldn't soar any higher. She felt as if she was flying. She felt free with what she saw. It felt satisfying to her eyes and her heart, making her heart full