
The REINCARNATED ( the unending dream)

“Is this what death feels like? Is this how am going to die? Her voice echoed in her head as her whole body felt limp and too heavy to move. She felt cold, too cold - she needed some warmth but she knows the horrible fate that was about to hit her. “Why did this have to happen to her?” Her sight turned blurry as she embraced that seeet calming darkness. Mira, a naive teenager who yearns to be free and become an adult. An eighteen years old girl who yearns for adventure, finds herself a whole new adventure. A different one at that. She finds herself in a world of fantasy where she is said to be the queen to - the wife of a brutal king. Finding herself in a world of werewolves, elves, vampires and other mystical creatures. Mira sought a way to set herself loose from her dream- an unrealistic world filled with good and evil. Will Mira escape this fantasy world?. Worse, an obsessed mate who is rumored to be an unmerciful ruler.

Mira_Allison · Fantasy
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95 Chs


  Zamiel's eyes narrowed at what he just heard Mira say.

   " Oh, you mean that, it's nothing I've received worse than that from Zamiel". He replied waving his hand as it was nothing. These had Mira smile not because he was funny but because he was an easy target. Since she was his friend's wife he'd suspect nothing. Besides all she would be doing is just some interrogation.

 " Let's go have our seat, before time runs out". Ramon pressured like a mother hen. He turned his attention back to Zamiel. " If you don't mind?". He said asking for Zamiel's permission to borrow Mira. 

 " See you in nine minutes". Instead Zamiel said walking out on Ramon. They quickly took their seats to commence on their gossip.

  "Ah, it has been a while i talked to someone like this during free time". He said releasing a sigh of relief. Which in turn had Mira raise her brow.

 " What do you mean?. I mean with all the talkative of yours it won't be too hard to find a partner". She blurted.  " I'm so sorry". She quickly apologize

  " Oh it's nothing". He said waving his hand. " The Truth is, i like it when people reply me like that. I like you already". This words had Mira raise her brows.  " Oh no!, Don't misunderstand. I didn't mean it that way".

 " I know, i was just pulling your legs". She said smiling at his behavior which was always funny..

   " You know.. i always wonder like.. such a good looking to be so talkative and funny. Most guys i see, ugly or not, status or no status are not always jolly like you. " She blabbered, cutting all chain of restriction off her tongue and off her mind. 

 These question had Ramon smirk in return as Mira waited in anticipation before continuing.

  " There's something I've always wanted to ask but i couldn't_". She paused.

  " Go ahead". He replied not minding anything.

 " You know I've always wonder, if you get chased by ladies. Cause where i come From if you were to even exist there. I'm not sure if you're going to last a day". She chuckled and stopped realizing she almost had a slip of tongue. Maybe she has to put a bit of restriction when talking.

  Ramon also chuckled at her words, before he replied.  " You are right,  I get chased by girls a lot for a talkative person like me. Girls like handsome guys with easy access don't you think?. He replied in a serious tone which had Mira's expression take a complete u turn. She had a look of shock written over her face.

f she never would have thought he was a Playboy and he also had this part of him which was serious.

  He raised his eyebrows.at her expression which had gone stiff.  " Is there something on my face?". He asked rubbing his hand on his face to clear whatever was on his face. He turned his head backwards to see if she was perhaps staring at something behind him but saw nothing.

  " Everything alright?". He turned back to her who by now already regained her composure.

 " It's nothing. It's just.. i never thought you were a play boy". She replied not caring to sugar-coat her words. And this had him narrow his eyes at her words. Because she isn't the type who twist her words and turns it to euphemism.

  He chuckled at her words and said.   " I kinda like your attitude, you don't have those princess attitude. You know to me i think feeling free to say whatever you want is better than following those dumb rules. Tch". He scoffed his expression turning to that of distaste.

 " These had Mira blush at her forgetfulness. (" Thank goodness he was a nice man, if it were someone else they'd have looked at her with those eyes. She has to remind herself to keep her emotions in check"). She thought within her smiling in order to hide what was going on in her mind.

  " I have one question though". She spoke finally

 " And what might that be?". Answered Ramon.

 ":I know it might sound weird but are they black people existing?". She questioned staring at for answer

 " Black people?. Why'd you ask". He said staring back at her, since they were sitting on either side of the table 

 " Nothing, i just asked". She said nonchalantly raising both her shoulders up

 He stared at her for a while before he answered. " They exist, but the way you asked sounds as if they were an extinct creature. I mean we are all humans aren't we?". He shot at her.

   " Oh, i didn't mean it that way". She smiled awkwardly trying to rub off the weird situation.

 Mira asked since she hasn't sighted any other black person. Even though it wasn't obvious that she was black, since her colour was tanned. Considering her in Nigeria she was fair, white maybe.

  " Well we better get going". Ramon stated standing up from where he sat.

 " OH, okay". She also stood up walking ahead of Ramon as they both walked out towards the direction where Zamiel left.


   On their way to the stable where the rest of the men might be just as Ramon said. They met ZAMIEL who was striding in their direction. He must be heading towards the hall to tell them that the ten minutes was up.

 He stopped right in front of them, he stared down at Mira totally ignoring Ramon.

 " We are leaving". He stated which had Ramon smile at his actions.

  " Okay. I'll see you around Mr Avi". She said bowing slightly before following Zamiel.

 This gesture from Mira made Zamiel narrow his eyes before they both left.

Ramon bowed also after she did, smiling as always.  " Of course your highness".

  "Hmm". Zamiel answered instead of Mira ,pulling her away as they both disappeared away from Ramon's sight who stood there not moving an inch.

   They both arrived outside not heading for the stable, Since Zamiel already asked someone to get their horses ready.

  (" Wait am i riding alone?"). She asked herself in her mind, starting to feel sweaty.

  " Are we riding separately?". She asked just to confirm.

  *" Yes any problem?". He replied.

 " It's nothing. It just..". She said pausing on purpose in order to sound pathetic.

 " It's just what?". He asked falling for the trap. Curiosity getting the better of him.

  " I don't know how to ride a horse".  She replied hesitation filling her voice.

  "it's alright. You can ride with me". And he fell right in the trap without pressure.

  Mira felt anxious and excited. Number one is that her plan to ride with Zamiel worked. Number two is, tricking Zamiel, she caught to bed with two stone : Riding with him she can make him fall in love with her.

  Though it might not be easy, but still she felt these excitement to make him fall for her, cause it feels like a mission. An exciting mission.

   " There you couples are". Came a voice from behind them which had Mira snap her head to it's direction and Zamiel unfazed.

  Ramon came, walking towards them with a a horse and his annoying and charming smile on his face as always.

   " What do we have". He smirked stopping right in front of them. He smiled, bending slightly when his eyes met Mira's.

  " It's nothing Mr Avi". She said smiling not giving too much detail. Just because they both are a bit close and alike doesn't mean she has to spill everything out. It just doesn't make sense.

  " Ok, see you both around then". He said to them the smile still on his face before walking away to attend to his own business.

  Right then did a man came with horse holding it by it's reins. He bowed, stopping right in front of them before handing the reins to Zamiel. He ( the servant)bowed once more before he left the two of them all alone.

   He stood there staring right at her to go first ( climb on the horse). And she not understanding the hint stared back at him before he said vocally.

   " Are you going to climb first". He spoke in a smooth voice.

   " About that... I can't climb a horse -". She said staring down at her feet making Zamiel stare at her head. And then suddenly she felt herself lifting off the ground and a strong hands around her waist. She didn't need anyone to tell her who it was for her to know it was no body other than Zamiel. 


 He stared down at her acting all bashful, kicking an invisible stone while staring down at her feet. If she needed some help she could have just asked than acting all shy. He sighed, shooking his head before walking up to her and lifted her up by her waist as if she weighed nothing.

 He raised her up, helping her mount the horse, before he also did sitting right behind her. He held the horse's rein, his hand passing by her waist, resting there slightly