
The REINCARNATED ( the unending dream)

“Is this what death feels like? Is this how am going to die? Her voice echoed in her head as her whole body felt limp and too heavy to move. She felt cold, too cold - she needed some warmth but she knows the horrible fate that was about to hit her. “Why did this have to happen to her?” Her sight turned blurry as she embraced that seeet calming darkness. Mira, a naive teenager who yearns to be free and become an adult. An eighteen years old girl who yearns for adventure, finds herself a whole new adventure. A different one at that. She finds herself in a world of fantasy where she is said to be the queen to - the wife of a brutal king. Finding herself in a world of werewolves, elves, vampires and other mystical creatures. Mira sought a way to set herself loose from her dream- an unrealistic world filled with good and evil. Will Mira escape this fantasy world?. Worse, an obsessed mate who is rumored to be an unmerciful ruler.

Mira_Allison · Fantasy
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94 Chs



  She burped with no care in the world, before she quickly covered her mouth with her hand even though the deed has been done.

  Outside the carriage Zamiel could hear a ferocious sound coming from a wild animal maybe, he quickly went for Mira, knocking on the door.

 She covered her mouth with her hand leaning forward a bit expecting something. She released a breath before resting her back on the seat. She shut her eyes, trying to make her food digest before she exits the carriage. But a knock interrupted such to take place. She opened the door poking her head out to see Zamiel.

  " Yes". She said staring at him, her eyes lingered in his blue eyes before she averted them away.

  " Nothing, I think I just heard an animal growl or something. Just wanted to check up on you". He responded making Mira blush because deep within her, she knew it was no animal but her burping that alerted him.

  " I'll go tell the others to hurry up with what they are doing". He glanced at her for the last time before he walked away. She watched him walk towards the other men before she shut the door to the carriage. She leaned back to the seat resting her head on the seat's head.

  She smiled at the thought of him panicking for no reason. She just couldn't admit that she was the one who growled ( burped), and not some random nonexistent animal. But if she did it'd be so embarrassing.

  She inhaled and exhaled, proceeding with what she was doing before she got interrupted.


 Ramon raised his brows at Zamiel when he walked towards the carriage and then headed towards the remaining men. He strode in his direction, trying to listen to whatever he was saying.

  " We have just 15 minutes left before we proceed with the journey." He heard Zamiel say when he got closer seeing all the men disperse with packing everything up. He walked closer to where Zamiel stood, standing beside him.

" What's up?". He asked Zamiel as soon as it was them alone.

  " It's nothing. It just... nothing". He replied walking away in large stride. Ramon followed him not content with the answer he received.   " Are you sure it's nothing?". He asked trying to keep up with his footsteps.

 "I thought I heard a vicious animal growl". Zamiel answered stopping his footsteps and turning to meet his gaze.

  " An animal growl?.. You mean the growling sound you heard?". Ramon asked, an obvious question Zamiel just answered seconds ago.

  Zamiel raised his eyebrows at him, the one that says. "Seriously?".

   " If it was that sound then you worry for no reason". Ramon continued not offended btheiel threw him.

   " And why is that?". Zamiel interrogated furrowing his brows. 

   " Let's just say I have my reasons. Besides, a wild animal is not that threatening, considering the strength we have". Ramon boasted trying to divert Zamiel's attention from the question.

  " No, we can't do that". Declared Zamiel, cutting in.

   " And why is that?". It was Ramon's turn to ask the question.

  " I'm not sure if she's aware of who we are or what we are, talkless of what her husband is". Zamiel explained clearing the confusion.

  " Okay then, if you say so". He ( Ramon) said staring into space to sink in the information.  " But what if... He turned to Zamiel only to be greeted by the breeze and space that was occupied by Zamiel a while ago.

  ( Sigh). He walked away leaving the spot which had now become deserted since it two spectators just left.


 It was already evening, and Mira could feel herself drifting off to sleep. She leaned on Zamiel's chest feeling it's the warmth that made her lull her to sleep. His chest was like a little home for her which she doesn't seem to dislike.

   It was starting to get a bit darker, as the sun starts to set bidding them goodbye. 

 It's been hours since they left the little camp they made for lunch and Mira could feel herself drifting off to sleep.  She has never traveled this long except the other time she traveled for her uncle's wedding. But she hasn't felt this tired in her entire life. 

The other time she traveled, it took her almost ten hours before they got to her uncle's place and she traveled by Car which didn't make her as tired as she was right now. Though she felt cramps when she got there at least she still had the privileged to sleep for almost twenty-four hours.

 Unlike right now, her sleep has to be limited and her rest also. And she also has to sit on a horse whose comfort is way behind when compared to a car. She can't imagine how bad it'll be in the next three days not to even talk of three weeks! Coping is a little word for what she feels, she can't even adapt to such terror.

 She's pretty sure she's gonna get sick by the time they get there. She'd have gone through a whole lot of mosquito rampage. And food. Her food will surely be limited, considering how much they are and the resources to fend for them for three weeks. For morning afternoon and night. Of course, the resources won't be enough, unless they stop by to hunt for them, at least that would be a bit exciting.


  They stopped for camp she sat down by the fire with a blanket curled around her. It was already dark by now, and she felt hungry. She kept stealing glances at the fire nearby where Phillip was. She finally stood up when she couldn't take it any longer. She felt so hungry she can eat a whole cow. 

 That's how every hungry person exaggerates their hunger whenever they are weighing the food they will consume.

  ( " What's taking so long?"). Mira questioned rhetorically in her head standing up from where she sat and walking towards the cooking pot where Phillip was.

  " Good evening Phillip". Her voice vibrated out her lungs, making Phillip divert his attention away from his pot.

  " Good evening your highness". He greeted her back with her title behind since it was required.  " Please have a seat". He offered Mira a little stool placing it close to the fire for warmth.

  " Thanks". Appreciated Mira accepting the seat and sitting on it.  " Just came to check up on the food. And what are we cooking this time". She said with a little humor, staring down at the pot.

  " Nothing much. It just barbecued meat and potatoes". Replied Phillip in a much lighter tone than in the afternoon.

  " Barbecued?". She asked with knotted brows.

  " Yes barbecued, I'm going to warm it up very soon". 

  ( " Oh thank goodness"). Thought Mira. She thought she has to wait an extra hour to have her dinner.

  She sat down staring at the pot once in a while, she came here to lift the hunger a bit by chatting with someone since the others seems to ignore her like a plague, cutting the conversation short. And Ramon is nowhere to be found neither is Zamiel.

  She snapped her head sideways to catch sight of both Zamiel and Ramon.

  ( " Well speak of the devil"). Thought Mira while staring at them with a nonchalant expression. But then her expression got worse when she noticed someone with them. She wasn't sure though since she couldn't see well in the dark.  She waited in anticipation, for the stranger's identity to be revealed. by the fire's reflection. 

She could feel her heart beating in suspense because it doesn't seem the person was among those who were traveling. It felt too slow with the way they took their steps with total care. The time she was expecting soon came and her eyes widened with the person's identity revealed.

  It was someone she knew. It was Beebah.

  " What was Beebah doing here? I mean did she travel from the village to find us? If that was it then this means she had already planned to come with"). Mira thought within her as she stared at Beebah taking her seat by the fire with the others who also weren't there a while ago.

  She can't believe those men sat down there when she left. And they were ignoring her like a plague.

" Your highness". A voice called, snapping her out of her thoughts which belonged to no one other than Phillip.

 " Huh?". She answered now turning her head towards him. " Yes". She stared at him with a calm expression and with a cool and collected tone.

 "It's nothing, I just wanted to explain some things about potatoes and it seems you weren't paying attention". He replied a bit hesitantly.

  " Oh, I'm sorry I was just too hungry that's why". She lied coupling it with a smile. Silence reigned for a while after the awkward laugh before she barged in.

  " Let's continue with cooking, now. Shall we?". She smiled staring at Phillip doing the job