
The REINCARNATED ( the unending dream)

“Is this what death feels like? Is this how am going to die? Her voice echoed in her head as her whole body felt limp and too heavy to move. She felt cold, too cold - she needed some warmth but she knows the horrible fate that was about to hit her. “Why did this have to happen to her?” Her sight turned blurry as she embraced that seeet calming darkness. Mira, a naive teenager who yearns to be free and become an adult. An eighteen years old girl who yearns for adventure, finds herself a whole new adventure. A different one at that. She finds herself in a world of fantasy where she is said to be the queen to - the wife of a brutal king. Finding herself in a world of werewolves, elves, vampires and other mystical creatures. Mira sought a way to set herself loose from her dream- an unrealistic world filled with good and evil. Will Mira escape this fantasy world?. Worse, an obsessed mate who is rumored to be an unmerciful ruler.

Mira_Allison · Fantasy
Not enough ratings
94 Chs


  She watched as he explained every method of cooking. She just listened to wear off the negative mood rising within her and also because of the hunger she felt.  The truth is, she doesn't need all these because she already knows how to cook.

   She was feeling lighter by the minute, with the thought of having someone who could listen to her and maybe keep her company.


 " Since the potatoes are all done we put it down for peeling". She heard him say bringing a smile to her face. She was already imagining eating the roasted meat a while ago and now her dream later came true. It is true when they say the patient's dog eats the fattest bone. In her situation, it's more like eating the biggest meat. All her hard work of starving paid off.

  " Though most people prefer putting it on their plates and peeling it themselves". Reasoned Phillip before he went ahead and asked.  " Should I peel it for you, or..?"

  " You can just put it on the plate like that. I'll peel it myself". She answered calmly, feeling her tummy grumble., Which in turn had Phillip halt with what he was doing before turning to meet her eyes sympathetically.

  " Ha ha. She laughed awkwardly, feeling embarrassed. Wow, I must be really hungry. Please continue with what you were doing". She smiled at the end earning a smile from her audience ( Phillip).


 She felt hungry as hell. She now sat in the carriage with a candle lit.  She tore the barbecued meat mercilessly munching on it eat with no care and sympathy while shutting her eyes to savor the taste. She put the meat down and went for the potatoes. She shut her eyes once more savoring the taste and mushiness of the potato.

 It was too delicious, that she felt she was eating too slowly. She hurried with eating and now it felt as if she was too slow with chewing. She felt frustrated, and it was as if all the food she has been consuming went nowhere as though they were falling into a black hole.

 She chewed faster and when she couldn't take it anymore she found herself swallowing after a little bit of chewing. She felt hungry as hell. She kept on eating like a monster not caring if someone came in and met her like that.

 " Ugh, so good". She couldn't help saying that out loud.


   She sat in the carriage after devouring the food. She felt so full now and heavy all at once.  She sat there resting her back by the seat and throwing her head backward Her tummy moved up and down while breathing.

 ( " Wow I ate like a pig back there"). She thought while still breathing heavily.


  She quickly covered her mouth, hindering the remaining burp to freedom

   " That was close". She said out loud not realizing she said that. She threw her head backward releasing her buro little by little in order not to cause a commotion like she did this afternoon.

She can't afford to tell the truth., Or traveling again by this time.

 She inhaled and exhaled, sinking into the dark endless void as her chest rose in a slow rhythm.


    " We are almost there Zamiel". Said Ramon in a low voice like a lover boy.

  " Hmm". Answered Zamiel rather in an uninterested tone, leaning against the carriage a little. From afar they can't be easily sighted since where they both stood was deprived of light. Then suddenly their ears both perked up at a sound that couldn't be heard.

 They both turned alert standing away from the carriage. They both walked towards the sound, signaling each other with their eyes.

    They both stopped their footsteps, letting down their guards.

  " Beebah?". Ramon called trying to confirm if it was her.

   " Ramon?". She answered walking towards them with her riding on a horse. She stopped the horse right in front of them before unmounting it. She strode towards them at a fast pace before hugging Zamiel out of the blue.

 It was unexpected as Beebah walked toward them and hugged Zamiel.

 Ramon stared at them clenching his fist, but his expression still looked calm.

   Zamiel stood there like a statue not knowing what to do. They stood like that for some seconds, before Ramon detached them both with his voice.

  " How did you get here?". He asked going straight to the point.

 " By horse". Replied Beebah sarcastically.

  " You know I don't mean that right". Ramon returned with a bit of frustration in his voice.

   " Beebah?, Tell us what happened". This time it was Zamiel who asked the question.

   " The royal guard came to the inn...". She said not hesitating to tell him everything. She spoke with a bit of shakiness in her voice.

    " Beebah?.". She turned her head to him staring into his eyes with this one call. " Calm down". Zamiel completed.

    She stared into his eyes fighting for her breath before she continued.

   " They came to the inn arresting Everyone. I escaped before they saw me". She said shaking and shooking her head.

    " Where did you get the horse?". Zamiel asked staring behind her where the horse stood.

  " I stole it". She replied nonchalantly.

   " Okay let's just go to the camp". Zamiel said, once again being a gentleman by letting her take the first step.

They both walked ahead totally ignoring Ramon who watched their display. He stared at them and walked away as his fist clenched the more. But his expression still looked the same, calm and jolly as always.

  She sighed Mira sat at the fire with Phillip and Mira also stared back at her. Not exactly her but the two men. A smirk made its way to her face as she walked towards the campfire where the others sat. She smiled seeing the expressions written on everyone's faces when she showed up.  ' Exactly what she liked. She thought smiling at them as a greeting. 

   She sat down their expression. She looked so frail and pathetic sitting down there staring into the fire as if ignoring everyone's look.

   She watched as Mira made her way to the carriage with a tray of food and a candle in the tray. She stared at the carriage for a while before her attention was drawn back by Zamiel.

 " Here, have some food. You must be starving". He said handing her a tray that had potatoes on a plate and a steak.

"Thanks". She smiled at him receiving the tray from him.

  " You're welcome". He replied walking away to the cook named Phillip.

  She stared at his back walking away before she proceeded with eating. 


  He walked towards the other fire, receiving his food before he walked away to a dark place where he could be alone.  He sat where they had the horses placed, sitting down on a random rock before he proceeded with eating.

  " There you are". He heard a voice that had him halt with the annoying voice, which sure would stick to him forever.

   " What do you want?". Zamiel asked coldly resuming eating his food.

   " Ouch. Why must you always be harsh". Ramon said having his seat on a rock close by.

  " You know if you keep clinging onto me people might think something is up". Joked Zamiel with a straight face still not sparing him a glance.

  " That's their problem. It makes the number of girls fawning over me decrease. Don't you think".

  " Whatever". Zamiel said still not sparing Ramon a glance.

  " So what would you tell her?". Ramon asked his tone not playful anymore.

   " I'll tell her something. You don't expect me to say the truth". He said putting a pause with his food, finally sparing Ramon the glance he deserved.

   They both stared into their eyes seriously before Ramon broke the staring contest with a smile.  " Of course not". Replied Ramon, finally touching the left-out food.

   He stood there staring at the carriage, listening to her steady breathing. He stood there for a while before making his way to the tent where the others were.

 He went inside the tent silently, occupying the space meant for him before shutting his blue eyes to sleep and meet the sun rising tomorrow.


 The sun rose slowly from the west shining where the camp was.

  Knock! Knock! knock!.

 She heard from her beautiful world of darkness. She opened her eyes, yawning and stretching before attending to the person knocking.

  " Who is there?". She asked the unknown person while trying to open the door to the carriage.

  She was greeted by Zamiel himself.

  " Good morning". He greeted staring right at her. She stared back at him still a bit sleepy.

 " Good morning". She answered still staring at him before her eyes widen.  " Are we leaving already?". She asked a bit panicky.

" No, not yet. I just wanted to check up on you, because we'll soon be leaving". He said staring at her shabby appearance.

"When are we leaving?". She asked, not aware of the look he gave her.

  " Thirty minutes". He answered

 " I'll leave you alone then". He said turning around to leave but was stopped by Mira's voice.

  " Wait!. He stopped turning around. What do I use to bathe". She asked