
The Reimagining of the Bow Hero

Satoshi Sera, a prodigious law student, is summoned to the tumultuous world of Shield Hero. Brace yourself as he establishes democracy in a northern country and introduces modern industrialization and sweeping reforms! With catastrophic waves striking, gargantuan beasts awakening, and dangerous foes emerging, the only way for the small countries to survive is to unite. And who better to lead this new Confederation than the Bow Hero! (The Rising of the Shield Hero Fanfiction, Replacing the Bow Hero)

Alexanderctn · Anime & Comics
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56 Chs

Chapter 47 - Kyo and the Spirit Tortoise

Chapter 47 – Kyo and the Spirit Tortoise

Author's Note: None today!

Amidst our struggle to keep ourselves upright, pressed by the immense force of the gravity, Ost cast a spell and a force field. Almost instinctively, we all sprang up on our feet and leaped for the force field.

Kyo didn't seem too phased by this new development.

"I wonder how long you can hold out?"

Probably not for that long. Ost was pale, barely keeping the force field active due to the intense pressure of the gravity field Kyo had cast upon us.

Just as I was calculating what to do in this predicament, my limbs feeling like they were about to be crushed, Glass drank a bottle of soul healing water. Naofumi tossed her another bottle, upon realizing what she was up to.

"You have my thanks."

Glass slathered herself in the water and sprang forwards. Her attacks were as powerful as they were on Cal Mira, and she smashed through Kyo's barriers without much trouble, shaking off any guardians that tried to stop her.

"I'd like to see you try. You can't get to me. You spirits have no endurance."

Kyo was right. Right as Glass was approaching him, she slowed down and had to take a break.

"I'm not done yet. Reverse Snow Moon Flower!"

Dammit. I couldn't really do anything. I tried to fire a bullet, but it got dragged down by the gravity field before it could get anywhere.

Ost suddenly grabbed Naofumi's shoulder and my shoulder, resting her weight upon us.

"Lend me your power. As the Shield and Bow Heroes, lend us that magic power. Let us move in the gravity field. Let us shatter the barriers."

I imagined myself casting Zweite Aura, but since I didn't have an affinity in that type of magic, it didn't really work. Normally, I might have been able to cast a weaker version of that, but I couldn't do that right now.

"That's not it. That won't overcome this. Think of the spells you know. Imagine yourself spinning the highest magic."

I was confused. What was she talking about?

"The cardinal weapons you are currently using has magic assistance properties. It is not so difficult, so please concentrate. I will help you."

Both Naofumi and I had Whale Magic Core weapons. Maybe that was what she was talking about.

"I, the Spirit Tortoise, command the heavens, the earth, to defy all reason. Oh, great strength…"

The power in the room was gathering around us. This felt really weird.

Something appeared in my mind, like a puzzle of some sorts. Ost was trying to arrange it for me, and using my great intellect and problem-solving skills, I helped her in that endeavor.

As I neared completion, MP and SP was draining away from me. This spell certainly wasn't something normal. It must be a big deal.

"All Liberation Aura!" Naofumi shouted.

"All Liberation Down!" I joined in.

Down? I remember I had somewhat glossed over that from a totem in the Cal Mira Archipelago. I didn't know much else about it. I'd heard of many different tiers of magic before, but I had never heard of "Liberation". Considering how much effort it took to cast this spell, it must be damn powerful. I didn't even know I could cast effective support magic at all. Naofumi's spell was way stronger than my own, as far as I could tell.

Ost and Naofumi began to faint. I was struggling to stand up.

Glass was moving four times as fast, and the rest of the combatants on our side sprang up like nothing happened.

Kyo sent a barrage of fluttering pages at Glass. She blocked a few, but the ones that hit didn't appear to affect her that much.

"You dirty cheats!" Kyo complained. "You had a move like that up your sleeves? Why can't I do any damage?"

"I didn't know we had that move up our sleeves." I quipped. "All's fair in warfare."

"Everybody!" Ost exclaimed, using every last ounce of her energy. "Hurry up and attack! This effect won't last for long!"

"This magic power is unbelievable!" Rishia quivered.

"Rishia!" I commanded. "With your Hengen Muso, you're the strongest of us all! Destroy Kyo!"

My machine gun was tearing through the guardians like paper mache. Soon enough, all of us were in Kyo's face.

Suddenly, a force field appeared around Kyo.

"I didn't want to do this until everything was over, but I'll show you my true strength."

Swirls of energy began to gather at his fingertips. It was coming from the Spirit Tortoise core!

"Target the force field!"

We were consistently shattering it, but for every force field we destroyed, another one popped up. And every time one broke, Ost squealed in pain.

Kyo pulled Ost inside his barrier, using cords of light. The barrier grew even thicker once she entered it.

"You idiots! You really don't know who this is?"

"I know she's the Spirit Tortoise manifested in human form! What else is there!"

"Smart boy. You're not as dumb as the others. However, that is only partially true."

"My real form is the Spirit Tortoise itself." Ost interrupted. "I am its very soul, manifested in human form. If the Spirit Tortoise dies, then so will I."

Everybody eased their attacks upon hearing that. Even I slowed down a bit.

The cords of light around Ost began to drain away her energy. A translucent blue ball appeared in Kyo's hand, almost as if it was filled with water.

"Isn't it pretty? It's the energy that the Spirit Tortoise gathered. And now…"

The ball flashed and became transparent before melting into his hands. The air in the chamber began to vibrate. It was like Goku turning into Super Saiyan.

"Haha! I'm so much stronger now."

Kyo knocked Naofumi to the ground with a few pages of his book. He did get way stronger.

"You can't do that! You can't hurt my friends!"

"Learn your place."

A page was flying at Rishia.

"Watch out!" I cried.

Surprisingly enough, Rishia swiped the page aside like it was nothing. She annoyedly stomped towards Kyo.

"Dodge this!"

Kyo sent even more pages at Rishia. She punched through them, causing the pages to disintegrate at her fists.

"I'll help out!"

I shot a rocket at Kyo, which distracted the man for a moment. Rishia used this opportunity to charge headfirst towards the man, something that wasn't very suiting of her character.

"Eat this! Composition of Flame!"

A roaring flame resembling a demon charged at Rishia. Her sword flashed, cutting the demon in two.

"What? This is impossible!"

As Rishia distracted Kyo, Naofumi and I headed towards the core to destroy it.

"No. The bow and shield cannot break through the core. It is time for my remaining strength to find shape in the holy shield."

I was about to ask Ost why she wasn't going to give me her remaining strength, but I trusted that using what was essentially her dying breath she was making the right decision. I decided not to question her.

"Also, Bow Hero." Ost muttered weakly, "I will give you my blessing for Dragon Vein."

"Dragon what now?"

Ost didn't answer my question. She reached out her quivering hand and gently tapped me on the shoulder.

Before I had any further time to process what was going on, the shield in Naofumi's hand changed shape.

"Huh?" he asked, "Spirit Tortoise Heart Shield conditions met?"

"Please. You must defeat me."

"Naofumi! You have to use it! We can't wait any longer."

"But Ost…"

"It's fine! You must do what is needed to save the world!"

"Alright then." Naofumi said. "I must do what is necessary."

While we were conversing with Ost, Rishia chucked her sword at Kyo.

"This barrier is stronger than it's ever been! You'll never get through it." Kyo said as he sent a few more fluttering pages at Rishia.

Rishia ignored him. The sword pierced right through the pages, the barrier, and straight into Kyo's chest.

Naofumi's shield grew four legs to support its immense size. His shield summoned an enormous amount of energy from around us and formed a crackling ball of energy, the same type as the Spirit Tortoise used against us earlier.

The shield grew a barrel of some sorts. He pointed the crosshairs of his weapons at the core.

The beam fired.


Kyo ran to block the energy beam from hitting the core, but the power was too overwhelming. As I fired powerful shot upon powerful shot upon the man, he was barely able to get there in time, and the majority of the energy blast were about to reach the barrier that Kyo had cast upon the core.

"No you don't! Die!"

As Kyo was launching his attack against us, I constantly harassed him with my bow, gunning down many of his pages. However, one page got past him and was heading straight towards Naofumi!

"Watch out!" I cried.

Just as I thought Naofumi was going to be knocked down, the barrier that Kyo had been using appeared and protected Naofumi instead!

I understood now. Since Naofumi was using a tortoise shield, he couldn't be hurt within the tortoise. Ost had protected him.

The beam continued to stream out of his shield, while I spammed a near limitless number of arrows at the core. Naofumi's beam was growing wider and wider, while my shots were firing faster and faster. The combined assault cracked the barrier, breaking through it after a small bit, and kept breaking through even more barriers.

Finally, the beam hit the core itself. It shattered into a thousand pieces. The light was so bright I couldn't see anything for a while.

The railgun like thing attached to the front of Naofumi's barrel disappeared. Our allies were lying on the ground, where they ducked under the beam.

"Come on, everyone!" Rishia cheered. "Let's get rid of him once and for all!"

Indigo, Rishia, Raphtalia, Filo, Éclair, Granny, Ost, L'Arc, Glass, Naofumi and Therese all readied their weapons for a final showdown.

Soft light spiraled into Kyo's hands, looking like the Spirit Tortoise's energy. The energy from the soft light floated into the air above him, condensing to form a ball of gravity so powerful that it warped space and tore a hole in the air.

"Oh no you don't!" I bellowed as I emptied my machine gun belt towards his direction.

"Thanks for the fun! Later!" Kyo shouted, jumping into the hole and vanishing.

"Wait!" Naofumi shouted as he ran after Kyo.

As he reached the hole to chase after him, it sparked and repelled him.

"What? It says I can't invade other worlds!"

"What does that mean? What's this deal about invading other worlds?"



Our party members were calling for us. Ost was lying on the floor, half transparent, like she was about to disappear at any moment.

"Thank you." She said, voice wavering. "You finally defeated me."

Saying that, she reached out her trembling hands and softly touched my bow and Naofumi's shield.

Special request approved.

The holy heroes may now conditionally invade other worlds.

After doing that, Ost smiled as she faded away, hopefully peacefully reuniting with the world itself. She left no trace of herself behind.

"Noooo!" Rishia cried. "Ost!!!!!"

Raphtalia and Filo were also sobbing, struggling to hold back their tears.

I, however, wasn't crying. I wasn't a man that expressed many of his emotions. Besides, I never formed a tight bond with her. Despite this, I was still feeling sad inside, since I am a human after all.

"We must chase after Kyo and defeat him." I asserted. "For the world, and to avenge Ost."

"You're right, Satoshi. Let's get him."

"If we don't get the heroes to a hospital soon," Éclair shouted. "I cannot guarantee that they will survive!"

"Éclair! Granny! Get those two to a hospital!"

"Understood! I will inform the queen and your generals on what has happened here!"

"Rishia! Indigo! Let's go!"

"Filo! Raphtalia! Let's follow Satoshi!"

"L'Arc, Therese and Glass. Please lead us to your world."

"I don't want to go!" Rishia sobbed.

"We really need you!" I assuaged as I dragged the reluctant girl into the portal.


We entered the portal connecting to the world that Glass was from. What was going to happen?

Before I was able to think any further, I blacked out.

"Satoshi! Satoshi!" Rishia cried, shaking me awake. Where was I? How long was I out for?

"Did we arrive at Glass' World?"

"Check your status! Quick!"

I obliged, pulling open my status menu, only to be utterly shocked.

Satoshi Sera

Job class: other world Bow Hero Level 1

Equipment: beginner's Small Bow (legendary weapon) ○▼◆x type 2



I screamed along with Rishia.

"You're level 1 too?"

"I'm level 1? This must have something to do with entering a different world!"

Where was I anyways? I looked around and found myself in a prison cell of sorts.

"Rishia, let's go."

Strolling through the clearly empty prison, I found a mysterious doorway glowing with a colorful, rainbowlike light.

"Let's go through."

We found ourselves on a white sand beach. The sun shone overhead, with waves crashing in the distance. There was a grassy field bordering the ocean and a thick thicket.

"Naofumi! Is that you?"