
The Reign of the Duke's Daughter

Lady Aileen Serle makes her way up society, unaware of the dangers that lie on her path to become the first Duchess of the House of Serle...

mqlodii · Fantasy
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1 Chs

Escape from Reality

"I'm tired.."

Every day went the same for me. Lady Aileen Serle, the first daughter of the House of Serle. The "face of perfection." It was tiring. I had to be present at every event, representing the House of Serle. Ever since my debut a month ago, I had been toiling non-stop, reviewing documents belonging to my mother when she had debuted into high society, studying relations between the two great empires, and being present at almost every event I had been invited to.

From a young age, I was acquainted with all the matters of the dukedom, with no promise of ever inheriting it upon my father's demise. Instead, the heir was to be my incapable, drunkard brother, with no sense of responsibility or morals, just like my father. The only people I had on my side were my lady-in-waiting, Marie, and my mother, who had passed away 2 years ago.

"My lady, you have an invitation to the Midsummer Ball from the 2nd son of Count Heymon-"

"Reject it."

"But my lady-"

"I'm tired. I need a break."

"You know that His Grace will be disappointed in you if you do not attend, my lady. I do not wish to see you get hit again. Please try to come for this one event."

"When is my father ever pleased with me otherwise? I need a break, Marie. Nor do I want to deal with that brat the whole time. Please send word to say I cannot come."

"Yes, my lady."

I know Marie only wants to keep me safe from my father's wrath. But I cannot keep hiding behind other people forever. Not after what happened.

"Marie, I'm going to step out for a while."

"Of course, my lady. Shall I ask Hann to ready a carriage?"

"No, I think I'll go alone."

"Alone, my lady? Are you sure that you can manage?"

"I will be fine. Just do not tell Father that I was out."

"Yes, my lady. Should I tell him that you are in the library?"

"No, simply tell him that I am picking strawberries with Lady Maia."

"Yes, my lady."

It's been a while since I last escaped. It's pleasant to leave the suffocating Serle Manor once in a while and get some fresh air. Perhaps I will return a little late this time.

The city hasn't changed much. The marketplace is still the same. The same vendors. I have a talent for remembering people's faces. I can remember the faces of everyone in the Manor who works for my father. It comes in handy when I get assigned new ladies-in-waiting. I can tell if I can trust them or not. Marie is the most reliable lady in waiting that I have with me as of now. The last one, Hana… I don't like to think of what happened to her.

I wear a disguise every time I leave the Manor. It's much easier to travel without being stared at by practically everyone on the streets - not that anyone knows how I look - I simply stand out far too much. I only chose to wear a cloak over my head this time.

The Closed Star is still open this late. It's one of the best places to go undercover. I don't think that many people would suspect the "Lady of Perfection" would spend her time in some shady bar. I suppose I'll see what is being passed by the nobles these days.

"Have you heard what Countess Heymon said to her son when the Midsummer Ball had just started?" A man started loudly, over a rather large tankard of beer

"Whatever it is, it's a load of nonsense. The ball started an hour ago. You can't possibly have heard what happened an hour ago now. The nobles would never let peasants like you hear what she said." cackled an old lady near him.

"If she even said anything in the first place." A man covered in a dark cloak snickered, hand over his mouth.

Perhaps he had gone too far. The drunk-dazed man was now banging his fists on the table in a fit of rage. Quite amusing to watch, but he didn't seem like he was going to be taking any shit from anyone.

"HEY! YOU'D BETTER WATCH YOUR MOUTH, KID." Oh. Looks like he's mad now.

"Or what?"

Silence settled across the entire hall.

"What did you say to me, you impudent brat?"

"I said - or what?"

My, it looks like it's going to get dirty here. I'd better leave-


Crap. Looks like I've been found.

I wrote this all down at like 2 in the morning... rip my sleep schedule ig

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