
the red sorceress

in a world where magic and technology combine to form society, league is the first option/course for newbies and researchers. league provides a place for a startup career for heroes and study in magetech. however,for kratika it is the only way to prove herself to the world. as she is born as a blood manipulator, the darkest, most hated and the most feared form of magic there is. will she be able to redeem herself? or will she fall into the bottomless malice of a villain

ojas_khare · Fantasy
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6 Chs

chapter-0.2 the tea guy

It often happens with him, when the taste of a tea embraces him he gets lost in thoughts and critics. As he sat in the lounge, the taste of the tea enveloping him, he drifted into contemplation and critique. Across from him, Anil, his friend, watched curiously. "So, you did get fired, didn't you?" Anil asked, breaking the silence. With a sigh, burdened by the memory, he confessed, "Yeah, I got carried away by the awful tea and spilled more than necessary." Just then, a girl entered, her frustration palpable as she sarcastically berated him saying "good job cap! For blowing our only chance of making big shot in the league and our only entry to the s-rankers as well as turning off our potential sponsorships from huge companies!"

Anil who was on the chair replies back "hey! Come on, survi you can relax, it's not that deep chill. That besides we still have our chance at the indus seaport"

she looks at him with her hand crossed"oh great! Now even you agree with our tea enthusiast captain here , who spilled our chances of being popular " the captain looks at her way and says "oh, come on. Anyone but not the beverages. Leave them alone"

she gets further angry and says

"fine, whatever, if you two believe you can convince the rest of the crew that we still have our chances,good luck with that and also I am not coming to the seaport either"

she proceeds to walk away and the captain replies

"hey wait now! Why won't you come? Isn't that a bit childish?"

She looks back and says "be it, besides i am going to visit my mother...."

In a depressing voice she says " they're probably gonna kick her out, if I don't pay them the fees"

a little sadness fills the space as she slowly walks out both of them looked down and the captain says

"everyone has something they are fighting for, aren't they? And yet we are called 'heroes' the 'people who are supposed to risk their lives for strangers' "

and after a silence he says something so diabolical that breaks the atmosphere

"Did you ever noticed how nice chairwoman's boobs are?" and then he takes a sip.

Anil found himself unable to articulate his thoughts, but deep down, he couldn't help but agree. It was clear to him, as it was to every man, that the chairwoman possessed undeniable allure. In fact, her grace attracted the attention of senators and influential investors alike but he couldn't help with the uncaring attitude of the captain and lack of sympathy for survi. He says in a disrupt voice "I think I know, why you were fired" he left his chair with a face of disappointment.

The captain tried stopping him but he pulled his hand back realising his own stupidity.while all this happened two guys were sitting further away on the fourth row eating while eavesdropping their conversation. One asked the other

" so, who is this 'tea guy'?" To which the other replied "his code name is curse,a really popular hero in the league. Rumours have it that he is actually with the secret leagues surveying on us."

The other guy smirks slightly while scoffing "and what tempted you to believe that?" The first guy got a little annoyed and says "well that's just the rumour. He actually climbed to S-rank once but got demoted due to his unprofessional and casual behaviour that the higher ups did not adore. Either that or he is slipping".

The other guy piqued his interest on his last words and added "slipping, huh?".

The first guy picks up the mug and spills a little when he hears the other guy with knowing what might be his intentions and replied "don't even think about it, not only you would get us fired or even worse get us killed in the shadows"

the other guy relaxes showing he had not intention of committing a vile crime while also adding " chill,I know that"

In the league, anything went as long as it was unseen. Lower-ranked heroes often took out their higher-ranked counterparts to advance, and sabotage was rampant. However, with fewer candidates passing the exams, suspicion increased, leading to a temporary decrease in crime. But with new policies on the horizon, the criminal activity is expected to surge once again.

In the league's main office, Chairwoman Lara paces back and forth, her steps echoing the growing tension among the higher-ups. With each passing moment, her mood darkens, casting a pall over the room.

Suddenly, she halts, her gaze piercing through the silence to the senators gathered before her. "How?" she demands, her voice cutting through the thick air, leaving a trail of unease in its wake.

Sweat beads form on their brows as they exchange uneasy glances, hoping in vain for someone to step forward and shoulder the responsibility. Yet, they remain frozen, each one consumed by their own self-interest, their cowardice palpable.

Lara's fury reaches its peak as she bellows, "HOW?" Her words reverberate, shattering the suffocating silence and laying bare the stark truth of their corruption. She continues

"Today morning, I recieved the bill and first thing I see is 50,000 cores? That much amount? Care to explain?"

They were still silent until one speaks to save his own skin, "mam, that amount corresponds to our expenses perfectly. As it accounts for the expenses made by the league last two months in conjunction to the press conference held today"

Lara still sharp as ever resonates her voice

"Mr.kuru, with all due respect. Aren't you the in charge of basic faculty and services provided by league to our teams?"

He sweats harder than ever and replies

"Ye-yes, mam- but i... Don't-.. see what's that got to do wi-"

Her voice cuts through the air and she shouts


He knows his job is doomed as he sits back clearly a little calm as he did manage to save his own skin but little did he know, the beloved chairwoman ain't stopping now.

"NOW, who is it that manages our finance?"

For a moment all our silent. But one stood up he knows chairwoman doesn't like silence. He raises his hand. Within a second chairwoman delivered her statement

"You're fired"

The guy confused and panicked quickly tried to reaproach her but it was too late as he utters

"But ma-"

Lara had already decided

"Get out, and also all of you are demoted from your position as now you will serve as managers for the new authority that will take your job. If you still have any questions regarding my statement. I suggest you talk to waver, my new manager as I will be taking much serious regulations for the league."She leaves gracefully but this time there was a menacing look on her.

i think the pacing is a little slow and can use some improvements but don't worry! next chapter will be just that a nicely paced chapter and an important one!

ojas_kharecreators' thoughts