
the red sorceress

in a world where magic and technology combine to form society, league is the first option/course for newbies and researchers. league provides a place for a startup career for heroes and study in magetech. however,for kratika it is the only way to prove herself to the world. as she is born as a blood manipulator, the darkest, most hated and the most feared form of magic there is. will she be able to redeem herself? or will she fall into the bottomless malice of a villain

ojas_khare · Fantasy
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6 Chs


As the crowd gathers outside the imposing bureaucracy buildings, the air is electric with the flashing of cameras, the glare of lights focused on the stage, and the meticulous checks by security. News reporters sit poised, ready to capture every moment of the press conference for the chairwoman of the league. With an aura of grace, she enters, her guards flanking her as she approaches the stage. Adorned in elegant Greek attire, her long blonde hair cascades over one eye, adding to her mystique. Taking her place at the table, she adjusts the microphone with a gentle touch before addressing the hushed crowd. "Dear citizens of our nation, entrusted with your hopes and aspirations," she begins, commanding the attention of all present.

"As the league stands at this pivotal juncture, we must acknowledge the ever-growing needs of our people and the imperative for continuous evolution. Today marks a turning point. I stand before you to unveil a series of new policies crafted with the paramount concern for the safety and prosperity of our citizens and the mages who safeguard our realm."

"In this spirit of transparency and inclusivity, I am proud to announce a transformative change: the hiring exams for mages, once shrouded in secrecy and conducted with utmost confidentiality, will now be open to all. No longer will these crucial assessments be confined to the shadows; instead, they will be accessible to aspiring engineers and heroes alike, fostering a culture of openness and opportunity."

"Commencing next month, we will embark on this groundbreaking journey, extending the invitation to all who dare to dream of wielding the power to protect and innovate. Through this bold initiative, we not only empower individuals with the knowledge to shape our collective future but also pave the way for a more inclusive and resilient society."

"Together, let us embrace this new era of enlightenment and progress, where the pursuit of knowledge knows no bounds and the promise of a brighter tomorrow shines ever brighter. Thank you."

As she strides gracefully off the stage, the media clamors for more, their hunger for answers palpable. But their inquiries are met with a swift dismissal by the vigilant guards. Inside the hallowed halls of the building, she pauses, her gaze fixed upon the imposing statue depicting two figures: one wielding a book, the other a wand, standing side by side in silent solidarity.

"In the annals of history, the relationship between mages and ordinary humans has been fraught with tension," she reflects, her voice resonating with conviction. "The specter of injustice, the rigid hierarchy that divided us..." 

"but not now, the rays of hope gleam towards the future that even we are yet to see. it is sort of funny, that both mages and ordinaries now stand equally. What do you think?"

The lady glanced back at the corner of the hall, where the guard stood out in two remarkable ways. Firstly, he was a mage, enrolled in the league as a hero, and secondly, he provided special guard duty to the chairwomen. He wore a jacket over leather clothing, with a hood covering his face, and his features were obscured by a metallic mask, with v-shaped lines indicating where his eyes and mouth should be. In a slight, heavy tone, he mentioned, "The tea..." The lady, puzzled, inquired, "The tea?" She then noticed the cup he was holding out to her. As he tilted the cup towards her, the lower lid opened slightly, allowing him to drink, before closing again. Grimacing at the taste, he exclaimed, "This taste is so awful! Even someone who has never touched a teapot before could make a better one! And this is what they're offering to the reporters? No wonder they were less aggressive today; they must have been weakened by the taste! We should offer this to our enemies at the border; it'll certainly leave them poisoned." The chairwomen gave him an unamused and slightly disgusted look before remarking, "You really need to up your standards, Mister Vishwas. Do you have any idea what I was talking about?"

Hello! I'm excited to announce that this is my debut publication! If any errors in grammar or other aspects are found, I sincerely apologize and commit to enhancing my writing skills. Additionally, I'm thrilled to inform you that the upcoming chapters will be released simultaneously in a few days, so be prepared for an exciting continuation! Thank you for your support.

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