
The Record of the Journey to the Peak

A Gaming legend dies and reincarnates as A NPC who doesn't have control over his own Body. His fate changes by the Mysterious System's appearance, which helps him to reach the Peak when he dies as an NPC.

Fiction_Stars · Games
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41 Chs


*Text* - Denotes time, place, change of Pov, and titles

'Text'- Denotes thoughts

[] - Kronos's words

{} - Rachel's words

"!@#$%^&~`\,./><'":;|}{][-_ "- These special characters except "* , { , } , [ , ]" indicates the words and phrases that cannot be read by MC due to him being too weak/ lacking in authority

NPC- referred to citizens of The GATE except for the players in The GATE by Gerald

* - indicates cursing and inappropriate words or a reference