
The Reborn Investment Tycoon

[this is Mtl edited so some parts may look a little bit awkward] Now that I am reborn, I will be as rich as Croesus! No wait, I have to find my beautiful wife first. At this point in time, my woman still hasn’t fallen in love with her ex yet, so I had better move quickly! Can’t let that cheap scumbag ruin her…

hacky999 · Urban
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66 Chs

Chapter 51 : A man's mouth, a deceitful ghost

Although he told his wife that he won't buy Lesi advertising company, he have to buy Le Si ads.

How can I let my wife work for others?

I must have Lesi advertising!

Moreover, I have to own100% of its equity!

The next day.

Early in the morning, Xia Yang drove Gallardo to the Wish Cake Shop.

This is a newly opened cake shop, and there is only one branch in Zhonghai. In his last life, Song Xi liked eating the mousse cake from this shop.

Xia Yang chose a chocolate flavor cake, with a peach heart shape. and a glass of milk.

This is the lovely breakfast that he prepared for Song Xi.

Mengya International, in front of the president's office.

Xia Yang held the mousse cake in one hand and the milk in the other, waiting for her patiently.

Song Xi was wearing a professional skirt, her high heels clattering.

"My dear, good morning!"

Xia Yang stopped calling her Ms. Song, and called her dear directly.

"What are you doing?" Song Xi asked.

"Breakfast for you!" Xia Yang smiled and handed Song Xi the mousse cake and milk.

"Thank you!" After thanking him, Song Xi looked at the guy in front of her slyly and asked, "Are you having a bad idea?"

"What kind of bad idea do I have, the smart, and beautiful fairy Song, can't you guess it? other women, none of them are as sweet as you."

Xia Yang looked at Song Xi obsessively, as if he was admiring a beautiful piece of art.

"Have you seen enough?"

Xia Yang stared so obsessively. Although he was very happy in his heart, Song Xi was embarrassed to see him staring like that. Mainly this guy, his eyes are looking where he shouldn't look.

"No!" Xia Yang solemnly shook his head, and said, "I want to see for a lifetime."

"Your mouth is really as sweet as honey!" Song Xi looked at Xia Yang with a smile, and asked, "did you come just to say these sweet things?"

Xia Yang inserted the straw into the milk carton and graciously handed it to Song Xi's mouth.

Song Xi took a sip, and then said, "your movements are quite skilled? Have you practiced?"

"Practiced? How could I possibly have practiced? You are the first woman that made me plug the straw and pass the milk to her mouth." Xia Yang lied, really without blushing at all.

"A man's mouth, a deceitful ghost." Song Xibai glanced at Xia Yang and said, "I don't believe you."

"Whether you believe it or not, If any word that I said to you was a lie I will be struck by thunder." Xia Yang said.

These words made Song Xi amused.

The diligent Xia Yang hurriedly used a small spoon to scoop a spoonful of mousse cake and handed it to Song Xi's mouth.

His movements were so natural. After all, his movement was practiced countless times with Xue Xiaochan in his previous life.

he doesn't know, if his wife knew that he was feeding another woman like that, will she choke him to death?

Song Xi was slightly surprised.

Except for her father feeding her when she was a child, no other man has ever fed her like that.

"Open your mouth." Xia Yang said.

Song Xi opened her mouth obediently.

This mousse cake was Song Xi's favorite in his previous life.

After eating it, she was surprised at first, and then she was filled with happiness in her heart.

She was in a daze.

Xia Yang is the man who knows everything that she loved.

"Lean your head and eat the cake by yourself." Xia Yang stuffed Song Xi's mousse cake.

One bite was enough.

If he Fed her too much, this woman develops a habit, If that happened, I will be in trouble in the future.

mustn't be too accommodating with women.

"why have you Stopped feeding me." Song Xi stared at Xia Yang angrily, and said: "Why are you so impatient when You chase girls?"

"Since we stopped eating, let's talk about business!" Xia Yang would not be used to her.

"talk business? You didn't come to feed me and show me your courtesy only, you really have a different purpose." Song Xi had an expression that said she saw through Xia Yang, she stared at him, and said: " speak! What's the matter?"

"I want to invest in an advertising company called Le Si." Xia Yang said.

"Investing in an advertising company? What does it have to do with me? It's not like you are coming to me for money?" Song Xi looked at the man in front of her with a little puzzled look.

"I want to purchase Lesi Advertising in the name of Mengya International shareholder. In this way, I can acquire 100% of its shares at an appropriate price." Xia Yang said.

Song Xi understood these words at once.

"Do you want to bully people using your sister company?" she asked.

"I was bullied by you. I fed you milk and cake. What if you let me bully others using your name?" Xia Yang said meanly.

"Just tell me, what do I get from this?" Song Xi asked.

"I will give you 20% of the shares." Xia Yang said.

"Does your sister's face worth only 20%? You have to give me at least half, otherwise you don't need to talk anymore!" Even if she likes Xia Yang, even if she has feelings for him.

business is business after all.

Even if she does marry Xia Yang and become a couple in the future, she will distinguish between business and personal life.

Of course, if Xia Yang wants money, no matter how much he wants, she will give him.

she has no feelings for Yu Gong. but Xia Yang, she can spoil him as her beloved man infinitely.

This is how Song Xi was.

"Half is half."

Does Xia Yang have a choice? He have to agree!

After all, Song Xi was his thickest thigh to hug!

"Do you want to negotiate with me?" Xia Yang asked.

"I don't have time, you can do the negotiation by yourself! Also, although I hold half of the shares, I don't care about the management of that advertising company at all. Also, I won't invest a penny in that company. "Song Xi said.

"Don't be too much. If you didn't pay a dime, and you still want to take half of my investment income?"

Xia Yang has a bitter face, as if he was bullied by this girl.

"I dare you to say no to me?" Song Xi asked Xia Yang with a smile.

"I don't dare." Xia Yang shook his head quickly, and then asked cautiously: "After my acquisition is completed, can Mengya International's advertising planning be entrusted to Le Si Advertising?"

"You can come and compete with the other companies, and whether you can get it, in the end, It depends on your ability." Song Xi said.

"What ability? The ability to make you happy, right?" Xia Yang leaned towards Song Xi in a humble manner.

Song Xi panicked and glared at Xia Yang.

Then, she pointed out at the door with her jade finger, and shouted: "Get out! I have been delayed for so long, and the matter is over now, you can get out."

She was afraid that this man would abruptly take advantage of her, and that would make her irritated and unable to work.

"Yes! my Queen!"

Xia Yang quickly rolled away as if he have received an amnesty.