
The Reborn Investment Tycoon

[this is Mtl edited so some parts may look a little bit awkward] Now that I am reborn, I will be as rich as Croesus! No wait, I have to find my beautiful wife first. At this point in time, my woman still hasn’t fallen in love with her ex yet, so I had better move quickly! Can’t let that cheap scumbag ruin her…

hacky999 · Urban
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66 Chs

Chapter 50 : Pure memory


In Gallardo, Xia Yang was pinched by Xue Xiaochan's fascinating jade hand, he cried like a howling ghost.

Hearing the scream, Hu Yu curiously poked his head out of the door.

Through the windshield, he saw the scene in the car.

"My sister-in-law is so amazing! I don't know if the matter between Brother Yang and Shen Bingbing. has been found out by her. Hey! With such a beautiful sister-in-law, he went to hook up with Shen Bingbing and was beaten up. he deserves it!"

Hu Yu was there to gloat on his boss's misfortune.

"Do you dare to flirt with other women?" The tired Xue Xiaochan asked angrily with her hands pinching his waist.

"I Don't dare." Xia Yang said miserably while rubbing his aching arm.

"If Dare to speak nonsense with me next time, see how I pinch you!" Xue Xiaochan gave Xia Yang a bitter look, then grabbed his arm and asked, "Does it still hurt?"

As she asked, she pulled Xia Yang's sleeve up.

Before in Song Xi's office, he was bitten so he tried to hide the bite mark.

Therefore, Xue Xiaochan pulled his sleeves.

his sleeves were rolled up little by little, and the marks of teeth bit by Song Xi were revealed little by little.

Xue Xiaochan, who had pinched Xia Yang still had a little guilt in her heart, suddenly exploded when he saw the two rows of teeth on his arm.

"Which woman bite is this?"

Before Xia Yang could answer, she was so angry that she pinched him again.

"Gu Nana." Xia Yang said weakly.

"Why did she bite you?" Xue Xiaochan asked.

"Because I rejected her pursuit, she bit me out of anger." Xia Yang pretended to be very honest.

"Why did she bite you? What right does she have to bite you? Go and find her afterward!" Xue Xiaochan was very angry.

"Don't! Blame me for this! I did that Before you promised to be my girlfriend, in order to get more money from her, I showed my love to her at every moment. I wanted to find a chance to explain to her, but that day, she ran into us by chance." Xia Yang quickly stopped.

"You bastard! If she didn't run into us, would you two-time us?"

Xue Xiaochan was so angry that she pinched Xia Yang again.

Xia Yang's favorite thing about Xue Xiaochan's. if she gets angry, after pinching him for a while, she won't have any grudges at all.

Such a woman was the most suitable to be his wife.

As long as he doesn't cross the line, no matter how he flirted with other women, Xue Xiaochan will at most pinch him, and will not leave him for that.

Xia Yang was not greedy, he also thought about it, can he live a simple life?

But, the experience from his previous life told him.

In this world, if you don't have power, you may not even have the qualifications to live.

his wife is beautiful, if he wasn't powerful, how can he protect her from others?

You know, there will be countless evil wolves eyeing her in the future.

If he wants to be powerful, he has to deal with all kinds of people.

"Wife, with your beauty, which woman can be your opponent? Unless one day you don't want me, otherwise, I will be like a plaster, sticking to you, no one can pull me away."

Xia Yang said, burying his head directly into Xue Xiaochan's arms, rubbing her.

"I hate that!" Xue Xiaochan gave him a gentle hit, and asked, "are you still hurt from my pinch? Would you like to go to the pharmacy and buy you some medicine for rubbing?"

"No, I have a thick skin, it's okay."

In his previous life, as long as he had a drink with a beautiful female client, he would be pinched once he got home. After countless times, Xia Yang has long been used to it.

In fact, Xue Xiaochan knew that Xia Yang had a bottom line. she knew that He ran to meet up with these women to feed his family. But at the thought of him flirting with other women, she became so angry that she wanted to strangle him.

However, she was an intelligent woman.

She deeply knows that life was like that. No matter who it was, he can't change how society work, he can only adapt to it.

She also felt heartache for pinching Xia Yang.

However, she still has to pinch!

She was thinking, if one day, she was lazy to pinch and be angry at him, her love with Xia Yang cool down and disappear.

Xia Yang knew that too.

Therefore, every time Xue Xiaochan pinches him, although his flesh hurts, he was very happy in his heart.

when she Pinch him, at least he knows that his wife still loves him.

Life is so frustrating! Everyone has to bow their heads to fate.

"I want to eat Mala Tang by bike." Xue Xiaochan said.

"Okay." Xia Yang nodded.

"Also, I don't want you to buy Lesi advertising for me, I know that you can buy it. but I want to try and work there with my own capability." Xue Xiaochan said seriously.

"okay." Xia Yang still nodded.

"you are so nice!"

Xue Xiaochan hugged Xia Yang and kissed him on the forehead.

She got used to the way Xia Yang rides a bicycle.

She hoped that this simple memory between them would last a little more

Xue Xiaochan knew that Xia Yang would be a successful person, In the future, she will have endless luxury cars. Therefore, she will treasure this moment even more.

he drove back the Gallardo to the parking garage of the InterContinental Hotel.

Xue Xiaochan suddenly looked at Xia Yang seriously and asked, "Have you ever slept with a woman?"

"No." Xia Yang said.

"Promise me, not to sleep with other women!" This request, in his previous life, Xue Xiaochan asked him when on the day he received the marriage certificate.

In this life, she mentioned it a bit early.

However, for Xia Yang, there is no difference for him

In his previous life, he was very playful, but he never touched other women.

In this life, Xia Yang will not break this rule either.

In this life, Everyone has their own beliefs.

Xia Yang's belief in the love between him and Xue Xiaochan.

For the reborn him Money and power are at his fingertips.

The only thing he cherishes is this love that spans for two lives.

The most beautiful thing about love meeting opponents.

Xue Xiaochan was an opponent that he will never be able to beat. if Xia Yang can beat the whole world, he would, willingly, only lose to her.

Xia Yang's thoughts were flying, and he forgot to answer Xue Xiaochan's question.

"You can think about it, and then give me the answer." Xue Xiaochan reminded.

In his last life, she always this method to make Xia Yang answer her.

"What is there to consider? Except for you, I won't bed any women!" Xia Yang quickly replied.

Although he said this with a hippie smiling face, in Xia Yang's heart, these words are as sacred as the vows they made during marriage!

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