

I was in a trance. When my fist connected with his jawline, Stephen staggered back but regained his footing. He let go of Lenna’s hair. He yelled and tried to land a punch in my direction with anger, but I was quick on my feet. My surrounding had blurred, and all I could see was red.

Left hook. Right. Step back and then punch again.

Like a rhythm, I kept a steady pace on my punches. I blocked everything out as I pinned him down. My fist kept hitting and hitting as he held up both of his arms from the assault I directed on his face. It wasn’t until I heard her calming voice repeatedly whispering to me that I finally stopped.

“It’s enough, Kyle. I’m okay. That’s enough.”

I glanced in her direction like a lost child as cool hands cupped my cheeks. Then, finally, her fingers told me that she was real and was there. As her hand trailed down my arm and twined through my fingers, I finally noticed the wailing siren and police officers pushing away bystanders.